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Mafia: La Nostra Famiglia


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I'm sure I read something like that earlier in the thread. Am I the only one who remembers something similar to that being posted?

and by 'that' I mean Aladeen's sheriff claim. Someone else posted an 'If KH is mafia and Dral is TP...' kind of thing earlier.

Anyways, I'm terribly confused as to what went on post-nightfall, and it seems like regardless of my vote Aladeen will be lynched so I'll let that happen and see the results of that before deciding who to trust.

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This game is still very salvageable. Its a shame we don't get to know the alignment of the GK victims.

I really don't like g_bassi in this game, normally he's at the forefront of all things TP but lately he's been hiding in the background. Like last game. In which he was mafia.

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This game is still very salvageable. Its a shame we don't get to know the alignment of the GK victims.

I really don't like g_bassi in this game, normally he's at the forefront of all things TP but lately he's been hiding in the background. Like last game. In which he was mafia.

If/when need be, I can explain some things in the game from my end thus far. As could others in the thread. As for now, all I can do is confirm that 112 and Gumball are telling the truth about Aladeen, as if that needs to be said at this point, lol.

For now we should really track every vote/unvote that Aladeen made up to this point. Also, who helped push GFY to get lynched (outside GFY himself). And maybe potential people who benefited from avoiding the lynch last round.

I'm going to try creating a list.

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Unvote; Vote Aladeen.

Pains me to vote someone other than VIC.

If Aladeen is confirmed mafia tomorrow I think we have a decent shortlist to work around for potential mafia:




Silfverberg Doesn't Snipe Should've Stayed in Ottawa

Big Mike

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Unvote; Vote Aladeen.

Pains me to vote someone other than VIC.

If Aladeen is confirmed mafia tomorrow I think we have a decent shortlist to work around for potential mafia:




Silfverberg Doesn't Snipe Should've Stayed in Ottawa

Big Mike

Not you too OTTS :sadno: OTTS CLEARLY CONFIRMED MAFIA :shock:

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Guest Gumballthechewy

At least after this round everyone will know the big truth.... ALADEEN IS HUNG!!!!

That's why my butt hurts...

And next time could you please take me to dinner? Because I like to get wined and dined before I get screwed! :P

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Vote Aladeen

I think your "tactics" are actually lessening your case and making everyone less likely to take you seriously. It's a pretty smart way to blend in without having much in the thread that can be used against you, though. Worst case scenario for you is that I die and you can just say that you were wrong and likely escape further suspicion.

FTR, Nothing I've said is personal in the game, so it highly offends me that you wished a god kill on me VIC, not cool buddy. I like all you mofos other than JE (even kesler), it's all on the game level. I am just trying a few new things out that might even come in handy when I am mafia next and as a TP in future games (I can assure you all I am not mafia this game)

BTW, that worst case scenario would involve you being TP, which I highly doubt, so I'll hedge my bets on that one my friend :)

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OTTS the lapdance never stops... but why why did you have to be mafia?


OTTS clearly TP

People take things in this game seriously?

Seems like it. Cried IRL when VIC said he wish I got god killed. Thought there was love outside of mafia between us VIC.

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