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Kesler on Team1040: "Hopefully I can retire as a Canuck"


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uhhhh, no.

daniel and henrik are lightyears ahead of Kesler in terms of skill, they just don't wear their ability on their sleeve like Kesler does. But as we've seen for the last three years, it is all talk. He is a "pretty good" player who sometimes plays beyond his typical performance, which makes fans gush about what "could have been." surely the mantra of vancouver canucks fans at this point: what could have been, what could have been, what could have been

Just what the Canucks need: another season with a bunch of third liners plugging up our second line.

Kesler is the heart of this team? interesting, because it seems to me this team has had no heart at all for a few seasons now, and almost every report across the country has said he wants out.

But now he's saying "I want to stay, but who knows what will happen?" -- where I come from, the key words here aren't "I want to stay" they are "but who knows what will happen." Those words are perfect for everyone involved. Why? Because it raises his value for the team, because potential buyers will (maybe) think he wants to stay, therefore they may be willing to pay more to get him, since he is still keeping the door open for a potential move. And two, it saves him from the rabid fans, and deflects any responsibility onto Gillis. Of course maybe the cup is half full and he will stay. In which case Canucks fans will be treated with yet another year of Kesler scoring 20-25 goals, killing plays, and fans calling for the heads of everyone around him.

If Kesler is the heart of this team, where was he this year? He did nothing. Absolutely nothing when the team needed him to do something--anything. Statistically he's hideous. 42 points, -15, most ice time in the league. Though in his defense, his awful shooting percentage has gone up to a decent 10.5 (it was 9.3 or something up until a month ago). The change is not because he's scoring more points, mind you, but because he's more or less stopped registering shots. 16 since the deadline. One game with more than two shots. Oh yeah, put that team on your back,

Kes. 2011-12 he was even worse, so lets not pin this on new coaching.

Some of you people are nostalgic for the past that never actually happened. The team is not talented enough. Kesler is worth something, and our team needs a LOT of help. Hopefully that private school will give him a refund.

Dare I say that he has scored the most goals for our team and Torts flocked him like a dead horse as nobody else stood up to be counted?? Start by moaning about player like Burrows and Sedins before flaming Kesler. In lots of game he was the only player who showed a little bit of life, and regarding 3line plugs, I actually do agree, but for the first 3 month last season that second line was red hot and I didn't see nobody call them plugs then... I could actually go a little further and suggest that maybe with such a line up and Kassian on 4th switching to the second/third at times we could be a lot stronger and don't need to rise the top line 25+ min every game. Also that line up would leave spare to get a star defender to run the PP, instead of the garbage that has been going on this last season.

It debatable what the presidents cup win was worth last season, but I suggest it showed the team was not heartless. Got hammered by both Kings and then Sharks the year after, but there was lots of debates here suggesting that it was as much due to refereeing as the play itself. We need players to be able to score some goals, but a proper 1st liner and a PP anchor could help with that.

For the record, I don't believe the youngsters are ready to carry the load a whole season...

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I don't believe him and I certainly hope this isn't true. I can count on one hand how many games I heard Kesler and beast mode together in one sentence. He is Salo 2.0 ...always injured. All talk.

he is slower than he use to be,

his lazer shot has gone away with the shoulder and wrist injuries, this team's heart is obviously not great seeing as we are at the bottom of the league. If he wants to stay then you cant force him out, so it is up to how he feels, he has a NTC anyway. It's not like he makes us worse. It is good to have vets around as you bring in young, hungry kids and judging by the spring in Henriks step when Jensen joined his line, the best thing to do is tho work the kids into the fold

-horvat, shinker, kass, jensen should all get looks in the top 6

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Clearly Kes wants to stay here and ultimately win the Cup with the Canucks retiring as one too but he also realizes the reality of it. If the team a goes a different route, Kes may be gone but there's a possibility that may not happen anymore since MG says he wants to go back to his olds ways as he went off track the last little bit.

you forgot to add he admitted to having had discussions to be traded.

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Seriously WHY keep Kesler?

He scored 20+ this year great. He scored 40 once...great

IS diminishing production worth holding on to a guy who could very well walk in 2 years?

Or is value worth collecting on?

If the return is a top flight prospect a 1st and 2nd round pick or 1st and roster player or more...why not take it?

It affords us cap space, it gives us youth, it gives us an additional pick or two.

Can anyone honestly say this team will compete next year? San Jose, LA and Anaheim all have guys stepping up now plus a solid core great defense and solid goaltending.

We have questionable goaltending, spotty top 6 players and a team full of tweeners grinders and pluggers.

Trading Kesler is indeed for the best of the team. Holding on to him is just foolish really when weighed against any of the proposed returns reported from almost every analyst going.

Look, we love the guy great. But he is one more wrist or hip injury from a spiral in to mediocrity. He was amazing 3 years ago, but he hasn't shown anything like that since.

Get value while the value is good really. Bring in youth, cap space and complete the retool after 2015 or 2016.

Honestly, the proposed returns for him are far more lucrative than keeping him could ever be

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Seriously WHY keep Kesler?

He scored 20+ this year great. He scored 40 once...great

IS diminishing production worth holding on to a guy who could very well walk in 2 years?

Or is value worth collecting on?

If the return is a top flight prospect a 1st and 2nd round pick or 1st and roster player or more...why not take it?

It affords us cap space, it gives us youth, it gives us an additional pick or two.

Can anyone honestly say this team will compete next year? San Jose, LA and Anaheim all have guys stepping up now plus a solid core great defense and solid goaltending.

We have questionable goaltending, spotty top 6 players and a team full of tweeners grinders and pluggers.

Trading Kesler is indeed for the best of the team. Holding on to him is just foolish really when weighed against any of the proposed returns reported from almost every analyst going.

Look, we love the guy great. But he is one more wrist or hip injury from a spiral in to mediocrity. He was amazing 3 years ago, but he hasn't shown anything like that since.

Get value while the value is good really. Bring in youth, cap space and complete the retool after 2015 or 2016.

Honestly, the proposed returns for him are far more lucrative than keeping him could ever be

because according to a large portion of the fan base, all of whom seem to lack even rudimentary character judgment abilities, kesler is the "heart and soul" of the team.

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uhhhh, no.

daniel and henrik are lightyears ahead of Kesler in terms of skill, they just don't wear their ability on their sleeve like Kesler does. But as we've seen for the last three years, it is all talk. He is a "pretty good" player who sometimes plays beyond his typical performance, which makes fans gush about what "could have been." surely the mantra of vancouver canucks fans at this point: what could have been, what could have been, what could have been

Just what the Canucks need: another season with a bunch of third liners plugging up our second line.

Kesler is the heart of this team? interesting, because it seems to me this team has had no heart at all for a few seasons now, and almost every report across the country has said he wants out.

But now he's saying "I want to stay, but who knows what will happen?" -- where I come from, the key words here aren't "I want to stay" they are "but who knows what will happen." Those words are perfect for everyone involved. Why? Because it raises his value for the team, because potential buyers will (maybe) think he wants to stay, therefore they may be willing to pay more to get him, since he is still keeping the door open for a potential move. And two, it saves him from the rabid fans, and deflects any responsibility onto Gillis. Of course maybe the cup is half full and he will stay. In which case Canucks fans will be treated with yet another year of Kesler scoring 20-25 goals, killing plays, and fans calling for the heads of everyone around him.

If Kesler is the heart of this team, where was he this year? He did nothing. Absolutely nothing when the team needed him to do something--anything. Statistically he's hideous. 42 points, -15, most ice time in the league. Though in his defense, his awful shooting percentage has gone up to a decent 10.5 (it was 9.3 or something up until a month ago). The change is not because he's scoring more points, mind you, but because he's more or less stopped registering shots. 16 since the deadline. One game with more than two shots. Oh yeah, put that team on your back,

Kes. 2011-12 he was even worse, so lets not pin this on new coaching.

Some of you people are nostalgic for the past that never actually happened. The team is not talented enough. Kesler is worth something, and our team needs a LOT of help. Hopefully that private school will give him a refund.

Where were your beloved Sedins when the team needed them? Nice try, chap.
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Clearly Kes wants to stay here and ultimately win the Cup with the Canucks retiring as one too but he also realizes the reality of it. If the team a goes a different route, Kes may be gone but there's a possibility that may not happen anymore since MG says he wants to go back to his olds ways as he went off track the last little bit.

I'd keep Kes over every player on this team and especislly over Mike Gillis.

He's the kind of guy that you have as a huge piece of the foundation of a winning team.

He needs the kind of supporting cast he had 3/4 years ago.

It would be a step in the wrong direction to let him go.

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because according to a large portion of the fan base, all of whom seem to lack even rudimentary character judgment abilities, kesler is the "heart and soul" of the team.

I don't know...when a persons heart quits they usually tend to die, and as we have seen over large parts of this year, if our "heart" hasn't died, well then our heart seems to know very well how to slap a puck into another teams goalies chest pretty well.

The guy will never score 30 again.

Frigging trade him while his value is high.

The worst is the fan boys will be screaming bloody murder when he either walks as a UFA or he gets traded during the deadline pre UFA about how little return we get if any at all

His value is high, frigging trade him.....

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To all who want Kesler gone, why would anyone give you a good return if he is useless???

Nobody is saying he is useless, those are your words. Those of us with a modicum of hockey IQ are saying trade him while his value is high

Not when we get bare return for him

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Seriously WHY keep Kesler?

He scored 20+ this year great. He scored 40 once...great

IS diminishing production worth holding on to a guy who could very well walk in 2 years?

Or is value worth collecting on?

If the return is a top flight prospect a 1st and 2nd round pick or 1st and roster player or more...why not take it?

It affords us cap space, it gives us youth, it gives us an additional pick or two.

Can anyone honestly say this team will compete next year? San Jose, LA and Anaheim all have guys stepping up now plus a solid core great defense and solid goaltending.

We have questionable goaltending, spotty top 6 players and a team full of tweeners grinders and pluggers.

Trading Kesler is indeed for the best of the team. Holding on to him is just foolish really when weighed against any of the proposed returns reported from almost every analyst going.

Look, we love the guy great. But he is one more wrist or hip injury from a spiral in to mediocrity. He was amazing 3 years ago, but he hasn't shown anything like that since.

Get value while the value is good really. Bring in youth, cap space and complete the retool after 2015 or 2016.

Honestly, the proposed returns for him are far more lucrative than keeping him could ever be

I just can see Gillis dangling our 1st this year for someone to play with Kesler. Don't want him too, I think it's far too late, just have a feeling he's going to try.

yup very worried about this

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I'd keep Kes over every player on this team and especislly over Mike Gillis.

He's the kind of guy that you have as a huge piece of the foundation of a winning team.

He needs the kind of supporting cast he had 3/4 years ago.

It would be a step in the wrong direction to let him go.

IN 3-4 years (provided Kesler is still around and hasn't left as a UFA) how much value will he have after what will probably be another major surgery or two if you factor in his average injury time?

He won a Selke once. Great...how will he do in his mid 30's when his wrist shot is gone, he is noticeably slower and he still cannot do more than shoot the puck in to an opposing goalies chest?

He is NOT Shane Doan, as he ages he will not get better, he will lose value and will produce less and less.

His value is high, we might not get another chance to recoup the loss of him in regards to fair value and holding on to him m eans we risk losing him via UFA shortly provided he doesn't david booth himself into LTIR

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yup very worried about this

Nothing could be or would be worse for this team really. Calgary 2.0 except instead of having a player the caliber of Iginla, we have an oft injured C who cannot make the players around him better. A stud player no question, but a single line player, PP specialist decent PK specialist.

Not a game breaking C on a line, but a player on a line capable of changing a game (subtle difference but vast when you think about it)

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