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Clippers owner Donald Sterling "don't bring black people to my games"

Tom Sestito

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I also want to say that his so called girlfriend is also a manipulative piece of work and a snitch of worst kind. That is the type of girlfriend that guys stay away from. Hopefully she loses all those assets she gained from Sterling but knowing how the American entertainment industry and media operates, she will probably become some sort of celebrity because of this and instead gain millions of dollars. Probably make a reality show called snitches and gold diggers.

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I agree with the fine

1) Remember 2.5 million is a lot less money to him than it is to the average person

2) Donald Sterling has a pattern of poor conduct and racism, it's not just these comments. Even though they may not publicly admit it, I bet they have wanted to get rid of him for a long time and this was just the last straw. It's a little political but nobody wants to work with an asshole.

3) I agree that he has the right to say whatever he wants (First Amendment), but that's in the eyes of the government only. It's not just about the comments specifically, it's about the general attitudes that his comments reflect. Remember the NBA is a private entity so they have a right to regulate what their "employees" do and punish those that step out of line. Donald Sterling's comments damage the NBA's brand and can unfairly cause them to lose money, especially with such a large fanbase. The NBA must come down hard on Sterling to uphold their image as a progressive league.

I fully applaud the NBA for making this move and consider it a smart business decision. There is no excuse for Sterling to still have these attitudes (there are plenty of old people that aren't racist) and both his recent comments and previous behaviour would reflect poorly on the NBA if they didn't send a strong message that this is intolerable.

People also keep forgetting the fact that he has been accused of bigotry and racism before and was sued by the government before this whole incident occurred. Am more disturbed by the fact that he was an NBA owner during all those times and was never forced to sell even with the long history of evidence that confirmed he was racist. I guess the NBA was just waiting for an opportune time to kick him out of the league and this was what broke the camel's back.

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I hope that they do indeed make him sell his team. NFL/NHL/MLS/MLB none of these or any league should allow this idiot to own a team. Heard the full recording and just smh.

His name is already tainted to the point that I think it would also damage his own personal business. Everybody in North America now knows his name even the non-NBA fans.

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You are misunderstanding the whole conversation I guess and its probably only you. I mean the NBA commissioner understood it, President of USA Barack Obama understood it, Mark Cuban understood it, Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan understood it, the Clippers sponsorships and partners understood it, the Clippers players and the whole NBA understood it...heck most of the NBA followers and non-followers understood it.

Donald Sterling clearly identified blacks/minorities as the enemy...that right there is a powerful statement reminiscent of what white slave owners would say back in the day. Please do your research on this guy and listen really carefully to the recording before showing us your ignorance as it is clear as day that the guy has racial issues.

Again, there are some people on this thread that don't find anything wrong with what was said or don't find it offensive or hurtful which is what is disturbing to me. I don't want to name the posters who I suspect think that Donald Sterling wasn't at fault or that there is nothing wrong with this type of behaviour (you know who you are).

The fact that Sterling was fined $2.5 million, banned from the NBA and will probably get more law suits against him just shows what type of man he is and what he did so wrong.

I dont even know what the guy said. What exactly did he say? It must have been pretty bad but all I have read is he told his girlfriend not to chum around with Magic Johnson because it would embarrass him because everyone would assume they were having an affair.

Forgive my ignorance. There must be more to it than that.

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Well I just went and listened to the entire tape.

He sounds like an old man who is jealous of Magic Johnson parading around with his girlfriend.

The racism is when he says there have been things going on between blacks and hispanics blah blah .............Its definitely racist.

Is it worth booting the guy out of the NBA permanently ? I dont know. Not likely. But as others have pointed out, its just the latest in a series of incidents that indicates a pattern.

I am sure the NBA will get the votes necessary to expel him.

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The whole conversation the girlfriend is just trying to get him to say contrversial things, entrap him, get a rise out of a senile old man. He's from a different time, he's allowed to think how ever he wants privately, this was not a public interview/announcement. He thought he was having a private conversation with someone he trusts.The girlfriend clearly knows his feelings, why is she with thisRa bigot in the first place? Cause he takes her to Europe and pays for her lavish lifestyle. This is such an ugly story, just pisses me off about the state off humanity. Exploitation all around. The geriatric owner is exploiting the much younger girlfriend's desire for material things. The girl is exploiting the old man by recording private conversations, TMZ is exploiting both of them. This is some times a very crappy world. I think the bigger slimeballs are TMZ and the girlfriend, I'm sure she got a hefty sum.


Yes. The comments are racist and uncalled for. But this has been blown waaay out for proportion. Everyone is racist to an extent, no matter what color skin you have. Crazy how much coverage this has gotten.

An old rich white man is racist? NO WAY???!!!

TMZ and his GF are just as classless and disrespectful as he is.

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Bottom line is, if he wasn't banned and having to sell his team.

-Would overshadow NBA playoffs, Clippers lose because of it? Or if Clippers keep moving on, its going to stick around during their run.

-Players were ready to boycott games

-I'm sure many Clippers players would not return next season

-Would continue to tarnish the NBA's image, this was a move to stop the bleeding and restore faith with players and fans

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Exactly. When the US president is talking about it while giving a speech in another continent, you know its a big deal. NBA had to give the maximum penalty to save face and bring back the fans that might've boycotted the NBA or Clippers. This will send a clear message that NBA isn't tolerant of racism and it will take a bit of time before some of those sponsorships come back to NBA.

Or are they actually tolerant of it until something goes viral? Or until sponsors start bailing out? The fact that Sterling is a racist is on public record and apparently has been for years. It's only now, due to this incident, that the NBA was forced to do anything.

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I dont even know what the guy said. What exactly did he say? It must have been pretty bad but all I have read is he told his girlfriend not to chum around with Magic Johnson because it would embarrass him because everyone would assume they were having an affair.

Forgive my ignorance. There must be more to it than that.

There definitely is more on going conversation than that. Did you listen to the whole tape or just a snippet?

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Well I just went and listened to the entire tape.

He sounds like an old man who is jealous of Magic Johnson parading around with his girlfriend.

The racism is when he says there have been things going on between blacks and hispanics blah blah .............Its definitely racist.

Is it worth booting the guy out of the NBA permanently ? I dont know. Not likely. But as others have pointed out, its just the latest in a series of incidents that indicates a pattern.

I am sure the NBA will get the votes necessary to expel him.

All the clippers sponsors have either pulled out or suspended their partnership. So am not sure how much it is worth it to keep a guy like that when none of the players or coaches will play for him (in a league where 80% of the players are black). I think he would sell the team even if NBA didn't get the vote due to the damage to Clippers brand. If you were Sterling, would you keep your team or sell it after this fiasco?

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Yes. The comments are racist and uncalled for. But this has been blown waaay out for proportion. Everyone is racist to an extent, no matter what color skin you have. Crazy how much coverage this has gotten.

An old rich white man is racist? NO WAY???!!!

TMZ and his GF are just as classless and disrespectful as he is.

But this is Donald Sterling, an owner of an NBA team and someone of high position that has black players, coaches, staff etc. working for him. This isn't some average joe blow saying something racist. It not only affects the team, it affects the whole NBA brand and it goes against what they are promoting which is being against racism and all for equality. You can't tell me that its okay for the NBA to have an openly racist owner. Racism is not okay, I can't believe that some of you guys think its okay because "everyone" is racist to an extent. No, its not okay and it is dealt with harshly.

Also the NBA isn't the only league that comes hard on people that publicly show their racism or have their racism leaked for the public to see. There have been fans that were banned from attending FIFA games just because of throwing bananas towards players of darker skin color. Racism is a serious matter and anyone who shows their racism in public or their racist point of views get aired in public need to be punished.

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Conspiracy theory #1. Who ever leaked the recording received a payment from the folks that want to buy the Clippers. The team is probably cheaper to buy this week than last. Millions at stake, what's a small pay off for a leg up in negotiations?

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Amazing how a side chick can take down an entire NBA organization

Well, at least now the public knows what kind of snake she is. I doubt any white old man with tons of money will ever hook up with her after this situation, knowing they would be manipulated and extorted of their money if they ever got into a relationship with this woman.

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Conspiracy theory #1. Who ever leaked the recording received a payment from the folks that want to buy the Clippers. The team is probably cheaper to buy this week than last. Millions at stake, what's a small pay off for a leg up in negotiations?

One of the weak spots in your conspiracy theory is you forgot the fact that all the sponsorships that were lost due to this ordeal. The team might be cheaper because the value is lower now. There has been negative press surrounding the Clippers and you might not get some of the sponsors back. Lots of time is also needed for healing and for the public to trust the Clippers brand again.

So you pay a cheaper price for a product that has been tainted.

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