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Mafia the Spanish Main Game over Mutineers win


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Alright, I still have my last words. I know it shows up as mafia, you guys will see my role when the game is over why I'm saying the things I'm about to say. Keep in mind, PPCLI said there were roles to make the game entertaining and avoid inactivity, and I knew this would get me into trouble (does anyone remember Zodiac?). You can choose to believe what I have to say, or simply ignore me, either way it doesn't matter to me as I won't be able to elucidate myself any further after this post.

Intoewsables and his I don't investigate my spokesperson sheriff should still be approached with precaution. Because they were able to nab me, it solidifies them as the consensus TP to follow, and I think this will subsequently lead to the ruse of a lifetime. Just approach them warily, that's all I ask. The real sheriff can't come out in the thread without a doctor present.

Hodor - I'm sure I made myself blatantly obvious, but it seems that you're trying to find any bare reason to vote anyone. She's more active when mafia (although she says its free time), this along with VIC's suspicions in the beginning of the game.

All the bandwagon votes are something that should be somewhat examined. People like Kesler, CA, Heffy, are good places to start.

And before you guys think "why should we listen to this guy who came up as mafia? Remember that you all followed a vote from someone that blindly trusted Intoewsables, and then called me out without at least an investigation.

Good luck TP! See you guys at the end.

Water you talking about.

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Yo we have a GMC game, I have to whoop your ass (Not rly), but yeah, what time can you be on tomorrow? I got all day.

I don't got work la manana so I can play any time.. Just before the Pens game good for u? 3?

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Still have a couple people who have yet to PM me their roles. You guys will be on a shortlist of players to be investigated or Vig killed today.

I've already outed myself in the thread. Don't see why I need to PM you to. Investigate me if you want. But if you Vig kill me, you're killing an innocent pirate.

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Okay I'm going to come out with this since this role is weird as all heck.

I'm the Drunkard.

On the first night I got to totally role block someone this included anything the Medkit , Mafia kill and any power ups.

I made the mistake of targeting Aladeen early on in the game before he came out and posted that he had found the treasure chest.

Now this seems very OP right? Wrong I cannot PM and I only get to use this power every second night plus on those nights that I use it I get silenced.

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Okay I'm going to come out with this since this role is weird as all heck.

I'm the Drunkard.

On the first night I got to totally role block someone this included anything the Medkit , Mafia kill and any power ups.

I made the mistake of targeting Aladeen early on in the game before he came out and posted that he had found the treasure chest.

Now this seems very OP right? Wrong I cannot PM and I only get to use this power every second night plus on those nights that I use it I get silenced.

Interesting. Another player claimed to be a Drunk but their role was much different than yours.

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I've already outed myself in the thread. Don't see why I need to PM you to. Investigate me if you want. But if you Vig kill me, you're killing an innocent pirate.

Yeah, players who have already outed themselves don't need to PM me. There are only 3 or 4 players who haven't revealed their roles yet.

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That's strange, I'm just a straight-up role blocker, no name with my role, and nothing extra.

Apparently PPCLI wanted to have a role that could counter the Treasure chest power ups but didn't want to make it OP so he powered it down below your role.

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One of you almost certainly is, yes.

Well I know I'm the drunkard so it has to be the other person.

That being said my role is really impossible to be overly useful since I can't PM apart from submitting my actions and get silenced when I use it. I would suggest Vig killing me and Lynching the other person that way we guarantee the death of a mutineer.

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