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WcF: Chicago Blackhawks vs Los Angeles Kings

Who will win?  

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Stick a fork in em, the Hawks are done. There's not a single team left in the playoffs that could beat the Kings three straight.

It's possible I might eat those words, but I highly doubt it. I don't like em as a team, but they're a playoff monster.

Wouldn't mind it, but I don't see New York beating em either.

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Its the quote Johnathan Toews used when the Hawks were down 3-0 to us. He was frustrated and said he just wanted to 'expose us for who we really were' :lol: Remember?

Yes I remember.. and he was an OT goal away from making that statement truth ;)

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I am loving these playoffs. Most entertaining since 2011 for me. It seems hockey has at last come to the fore. It's a pity our 2011 team wasn't in it they would excel in that atmosphere.

Well done to the Rangers and Montreal coaches especially for lighting up this tournament. And while I am on it, Lundqvist !! what a goalie.

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Confidence (often referred to as 'momentum') is everything. Right now we have none. A penalty against us is an automatic goal for the Kings. Crawford has reverted to playing like he did against the Coyotes in round 1 of the 2012 playoffs. And our PP is non-existent. During the regular season our PK was 29th-30th for most of the year and it got better in March, then it was almost perfect in the first 2 rounds of the playoffs. But then game 2 hit and we lost all confidence - so now we are where we were during the early part of the regular season with no PK. Do I think the Kings are a better team? No. But they are playing better than us - big difference. We handled them fine in game 1 and the first 2 periods of game 2. Once we lost all confidence we collapsed. Our only chance is to try and regain some of that in game 5 with our home crowd and make this team believe again. Then the goal for game #6 will be just to force a game #7 at home. But if we can't find any confidence then game #5 will be another laugher.

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Do not blame Crawford for what's happening. The Kings are very motivated to repay the Hawks for last year. The Hawks seem to take it for granted sometimes that if they just go out and play their game they can win. Making the adjustment to match the intensity of the Kings isn't coming easily. They have to start hitting, they have to switch to a more physical game, but play between the whistles. They did start to engage better in the second period last night.

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Do not blame Crawford for what's happening. The Kings are very motivated to repay the Hawks for last year. The Hawks seem to take it for granted sometimes that if they just go out and play their game they can win. Making the adjustment to match the intensity of the Kings isn't coming easily. They have to start hitting, they have to switch to a more physical game, but play between the whistles. They did start to engage better in the second period last night.

Crawford definitely is a big factor here - in game 3 he let in 2 goals in the second period on only 4 shots. In game 2 he was a sieve in net and allowed 5 unanswered. Your goalie can't be throwing up .800 SVP or less and expect to win anything. This has been the story of Crawford - he's hot and cold. The Hawks are not a physical team, haven't been in several years, and we don't hit. We are a puck possession team and when you always have the puck you don't have to hit. The Kings are playing confidently and we are not - that's really what it comes down to.

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Crawford definitely is a big factor here - in game 3 he let in 2 goals in the second period on only 4 shots. In game 2 he was a sieve in net and allowed 5 unanswered. Your goalie can't be throwing up .800 SVP or less and expect to win anything. This has been the story of Crawford - he's hot and cold. The Hawks are not a physical team, haven't been in several years, and we don't hit. We are a puck possession team and when you always have the puck you don't have to hit. The Kings are playing confidently and we are not - that's really what it comes down to.

No, what is comes down to is the Hawks ability to adjust, which they must do.

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No, what is comes down to is the Hawks ability to adjust, which they must do.

I agree, Crawford is not to blame. We're getting killed on special teams, just look at the PK - 58%, that's certainly not Crow's fault. The Blackhawks have stunk on face-offs and in general the Kings are just playing with more energy. Before we start blaming Crawford we should like at Kane, Sharp, Keith, Seabrook and a few others. There have been some major disappointments throughout the line-up in this series.

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I agree, Crawford is not to blame. We're getting killed on special teams, just look at the PK - 58%, that's certainly not Crow's fault. The Blackhawks have stunk on face-offs and in general the Kings are just playing with more energy. Before we start blaming Crawford we should like at Kane, Sharp, Keith, Seabrook and a few others. There have been some major disappointments throughout the line-up in this series.

Yep. The Hawks offensive depth just isn't there. Sharp, Hossa and Versteeg can't seem to get going, which can mean less ice for Kane. They have to force the Kings out of their game, by engaging physically, and the compete level did seem to intensify, at least in spurts, last night. One of the trademarks of a great team is the ability to adjust, but so far we haven't seen it, althought it might be coming.

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I agree, Crawford is not to blame. We're getting killed on special teams, just look at the PK - 58%, that's certainly not Crow's fault. The Blackhawks have stunk on face-offs and in general the Kings are just playing with more energy. Before we start blaming Crawford we should like at Kane, Sharp, Keith, Seabrook and a few others. There have been some major disappointments throughout the line-up in this series.

there's more than 1 factor going on with the 'Hawks. (add all of these up and it really explains things)

1) Crawford isn't "stealing" any games... at all! He's being "average" at best

2) Defense hasn't showed up to support Crawford. Average+all day in the slot=goals

3) 3rd line is simply awful! This actually goes back to the Wild series in how Haula looked like the best player for the Wild vs the 'Hawks, and now the 'Hawks have to face a better 3rd line on the Kings and they still have no real answer for them.

So to sum up....

average goalie+D allows all day in the slot+a whole line not showing up=elimination

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I didn't say it's all on Crawford - there is plenty of blame to go around. But, he definitely is part of the problem. It's not like we are losing 1-0 and can blame it all on the offense. Yes Crawford has been hung out to dry but not in all cases. He's got to be better and even he knows that.

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I agree, Crawford is not to blame. We're getting killed on special teams, just look at the PK - 58%, that's certainly not Crow's fault. The Blackhawks have stunk on face-offs and in general the Kings are just playing with more energy. Before we start blaming Crawford we should like at Kane, Sharp, Keith, Seabrook and a few others. There have been some major disappointments throughout the line-up in this series.

Sorry, but as has been said a million and one times .. 'your goalie must be your best penalty killer' .. so Crawford best suck it up and maybe win one period for his team.

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Sorry, but as has been said a million and one times .. 'your goalie must be your best penalty killer' .. so Crawford best suck it up and maybe win one period for his team.

Crawford can be better, but it's not his fault we're down 3-1. The entire team (except for Hossa and Saad) seem to have disappeared.

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