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Quit being gullible, you are the problem with this team.


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If people have a problem with a little tough love, especially on a hockey board, they need to realize there is a whole world out there about to eat them alive.

It sounds to me like you already get it. You just need to grow thicker skin.

The idea of legislating a public forum in a way you would prefer is delusional.

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Who the @#$%! are you to preach to anyone on these boards?

Unless you're talking to someone named Tiger Singh, you come across as a pompous twit who has symptoms of delusions of grandeur.

Get off your high horse man. He has a feeling he went with it. Are you too blind by homer rage to see all he wants is what we all want. A friggin cup! Like many here he is sick of the spoiled rich kid attitude so many here display. This sense of entitlement by so many makes me puke.

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I'm 33 years old so I know a thing or two about the BS that happens with this team, quit being played like a fiddle because it's shamefully pathetic.

Support the team and it's players, and if they do end up leaving don't trash them on the way out. I'm deeply disappointed with the lack of courtesy towards this team on our boards. Yeah they had a bad year, try being a fan in the 80's or late 90s, you're spoiled little children who don't know any better, but there is hope. Support the Canucks, the players who we have, because who is going to want to play for us, if all we ever do is turn on them?

You're 33 years old. Well...That pretty much means you have no recollection of the '82 run where the Canucks ran up against a hot Islanders team that blew them out in four straight. That was the very definition of a Cinderella team that came out of the blue and headed to the finals. I guess I won't tell you about the disappointment felt when they didn't win a single game in those finals as you probably wouldn't understand. It also means that you haven't seen the growing pains of this hockey club back in the 70s. I saw the 80s, I saw the 90s and frankly, I'll take the team in '94 that put out 100% of their blood, toil, sweat and tears over the team in 2011 and left it ALL on the ice in Game 7 in New York.

So don't give me the "holier than thou - I've seen so much" speech. The Canuck fans who have watched this club from day 1 are still laughing their heads off.

I don't know what to say if you think my attack is on the entire fanbase.

Well I tried, the point went above everyone's head... might as well close it. No hope at all.

I better bloody well clarify myself again since people seem to want everything spelled out for them, I have lost faith in the fanbase, not the team.

Just thought I'd remind you.

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So many have tried to rally the troops here. In what ever way they felt they could. Good intentions are good intentions. Are we not a fan base ? How about some more support for our loyal Blue n Green Brothers and sisters ? I think all that Canuckster 19 is asking for is a little POSITIVITY.

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Yeah were spoiled because we've wanted a cup for the last 44 years, and this team has been too pathetic to figure it out even once in that time? I don't think one cup in that amount of time is unreasonable to ask for especially with the outrageous prices that consume every aspect of this team. If we want to complain about this team i believe we have the right ! :picard:

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So many have tried to rally the troops here. In what ever way they felt they could. Good intentions are good intentions. Are we not a fan base ? How about some more support for our loyal Blue n Green Brothers and sisters ? I think all that Canuckster 19 is asking for is a little POSITIVITY.

Positivity is great but this is a message board and people come here to talk about the nucks. If they are doing well they talk about what they are doing well when they are not they talk about what changes they would like.

Rumors and also a key function of the board, a lot of people come to sights like this to hear what people have heard and what people think the inside scoop is or may be. Asking people to only be positive and only talk about what is reported in the media is just crazy and anyone who feels that way should stick to tsn or one of the local newspapers. Some people just don't get the function of a message board and feel that anyone that talks about something they don't like shouldn't be posting.... Like the OP.

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Positivity is great but this is a message board and people come here to talk about the nucks. If they are doing well they talk about what they are doing well when they are not they talk about what changes they would like.

Rumors and also a key function of the board, a lot of people come to sights like this to hear what people have heard and what people think the inside scoop is or may be. Asking people to only be positive and only talk about what is reported in the media is just crazy and anyone who feels that way should stick to tsn or one of the local newspapers. Some people just don't get the function of a message board and feel that anyone that talks about something they don't like shouldn't be posting.... Like the OP.

I gotta go with this. As a former mod, the guy should be upset with posting naked pictures of the wives or other nonsense. Its not his place to order fellow canuck fans how to behave so that it wont hurt his feelings.

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- Take a look through the years. See how many stuck with the club, see how many got traded. See how many "bright spots" we've had. I'm 100% behind the club. But after 44 years, I'd like to see a few RESULTS!

It's an absolute embarrassment to see a team younger than the Canucks win the Stanley Cup. Sure it can be attributed to luck but a lot of it can be attributed to bad decisions by the Canucks management.

Hopefully with Jim Benning coming in and Trevor at the helm, we may turn the corner finally. Here's to hoping.

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Well I tried, the point went above everyone's head... might as well close it. No hope at all.

I better bloody well clarify myself again since people seem to want everything spelled out for them, I have lost faith in the fanbase, not the team.

Hey, between you and me, I heard Kesler was pissed off at the Benning hire and he stormed into Linden's office and said he'll NEVER play another game for the Canucks again.

Then Kesler went on to say all kinds of nasty stuff about certain posters on CDC that hurt his feelings.

All true bro. You might be on to something here. Keep up the good work.

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Exactly. I have no opinion on the Kesler rumours because I recognize them for what they are: just rumours.

Where is the OPs outrage about the rumours regarding the Aquilinis and whether they did or did not meddle when it came to the Tortorella hiring?

Not only that, but as far as rumours go, the "Kesler wants out" rumour is pretty mild. It's not like the Russian mafia rumours that were circulating around Bure and Mogilny when they were here.

How about Bure and Messier having an affair?

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- Take a look through the years. See how many stuck with the club, see how many got traded. See how many "bright spots" we've had. I'm 100% behind the club. But after 44 years, I'd like to see a few RESULTS!

It's an absolute embarrassment to see a team younger than the Canucks win the Stanley Cup. Sure it can be attributed to luck but a lot of it can be attributed to bad decisions by the Canucks management.

Hopefully with Jim Benning coming in and Trevor at the helm, we may turn the corner finally. Here's to hoping.

I hear you bud, but as a fellow longtimer, you know we have to strip down and get high end picks. Its the only way it works if we want a cup. Band aid and 'retool' is pap to appease the ticket holders. We both know that never works.

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Then why were the Canucks talking to other teams about the possibility. Burying you head in the sand accomplishes not much except leaves you a little exposed! Why would Pittsburgh say they were interested in Kesler if the Canucks hadn't said he was available. You never see teams talking about other teams stars with a NTC unless they have been approached!

If you go back and read between the lines I believe how it went down was like this... Last september Shero and the Pens called Gillis and asked if Kesler was available and if so what would he want in return. Gillis I believe may have said at the time that he is not available. The Pens may have said "contact us if anything changes"

As the trade deadline approached with the Canucks looking like they wouldn't make it and the talk of a re-build started Gillis went to Kesler and asked if there was a team interested in him would he wave. Fill in the blanks from there

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I hear you bud, but as a fellow longtimer, you know we have to strip down and get high end picks. Its the only way it works if we want a cup. Band aid and 'retool' is pap to appease the ticket holders. We both know that never works.

You know what. I think I'll play patient and see what Benning does with this team. That's what will be best long-term for the blood-pressure. This team is going to take a lot of fixin' and it's going to take a while until we see results. In the meantime whaddaya say you n' I pull up a coupla chairs and watch the bandwagoners froth themselves into a frenzy and dive off the bandwagon. Eh? :lol:

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If there are any links to other team mentioning Kesler, then you can bet that the canucks were shopping him, and that Kesler had probably said he either wanted out, or would think about it if something good came along. Either way, it is an indication that he isn't in 100%.......

If that is not the case than, when another team commented on Kesler in any regard to obtaining him, it would be thought of as tampering.........

I believe Mike Gillis would have complained about that....besides I think the other teams are too smart to be charged with tampering, I think you can make the jump that where there is smoke there is Kesler

Just saying...

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You know what. I think I'll play patient and see what Benning does with this team. That's what will be best long-term for the blood-pressure. This team is going to take a lot of fixin' and it's going to take a while until we see results. In the meantime whaddaya say you n' I pull up a coupla chairs and watch the bandwagoners froth themselves into a frenzy and dive off the bandwagon. Eh? :lol:

LOL I like the sound of that!

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I hate when people hate different opinions then I do. It's killing this team. It's our fault we traded Schneider, our fault Luongo's contract got pooped on in the last CBA, our fault Hamhuis and Raymond got injured in the finals, our fault management f***ed things up with Bure, our fault management brought in Messier, our fault Bertuzzi punched Moore. I can go on.

People want Kes gone, it's not wrong. It's how they feel. Opinions are everywhere. Get use to it.

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