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Mafia: The Game [Death Note] GAME OVER TP WIN

Alchemy Time

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I'll let the peasants decide...WW is bassi's assistant dude. She sent me this.

"g_bassi is the SK, and I'm his powerless accomplice. If g_bassi dies, I die with him.

I have two proposals for you to consider.

1) The SK joins the TP alliance and helps to root out the mafia. The SK is lynched later. You get everyone to change their vote, or at least unvote.

2) You allow g_bassi to be lynched but you use your save on me. Why would you do this? I have no power. Confirm with AT if you want. Allowing me to die with bassi only makes it easier for the mafia because it's one more player they don't have to waste a turn killing. Consider me an extra TP and you can lynch me later in the game.

PLUS, I know who the Vig is. I infer from what you said in the thread that he hasn't contacted you. Save me and I'll tell you who he is."

Kill WW if he doesn't die along with gbassi. We can't risk it. That's assuming that the mafia aren't in any danger of taking the win.

cause he told me to stick with my JE vote. Kinda sounded like he was challenging my intoxicated reasonings and thus deserved to be voted out.

Now I'm thinking I should be voting for you :P

I'm all for voting for gbassi. It's just easy to say that he was who you were going to vote for anyways after the fact when he's already sheriff confirmed.

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cause he told me to stick with my JE vote. Kinda sounded like he was challenging my intoxicated reasonings and thus deserved to be voted out.

You should totally vote for JE still. I can all but confirm he is Mafia.

Everyone else vote for GFY though.

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Kill WW if he doesn't die along with gbassi. We can't risk it. That's assuming that the mafia aren't in any danger of taking the win.

I'm all for voting for gbassi. It's just easy to say that he was who you were going to vote for anyways after the fact when he's already sheriff confirmed.

Risk what? I have no powers. I can't harm the TP in any way. I'd rather TP win than mafia. That's why I can basically be considered an extra TP now because I essentially am one.

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IIRC didn't BHB die, lol?

Lol. Yes he did :picard:

Risk what? I have no powers. I can't harm the TP in any way. I'd rather TP win than mafia. That's why I can basically be considered an extra TP now because I essentially am one.

You claim you don't have powers. It shouldn't matter anyways because you die with him like you said, right?

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I'm really sorry guys. I didn't get back till very late last night and was so tired i just completely forgot about this.

Anyway I won't waste time on death stories and get right to the point.

g_bassi is lynched [Affiliated with Kira]

Where's Wellwood was killed by Kira [Affiliated with Kira]

BurrDaMan is killed by the Mafia [TP]

VICanucksfanatic is killed by Naomi [TP]

Again, sorry I'm so late.

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