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Rise & Fall of the Greatest Canucks Team Ever - an interview with Bruce Dowbiggin


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Fluke?? They were a top team '93 and '92 but had a bad regular season in '94

They were still a great team

compare the rosters of '94 & 2010 and it's hard to say which team was better

Kirk MacLean definitely outperformed Roberto

Captain Trevor and Pavel outperformed Henrik & Daniel in the Finals

the '94 team was robbed by the refs in the finals

watch game 7 and you will be yelling at the refs about non calls....watch game 6 and you will want to kick Messier's ass

The NHL definitely wanted a NYR Champion

Come to think of it we were screwed by the league and the refs in 2010 as well

Bettman sucks

We had Dana Murzyn as a top-pairing defenseman in '94.

'nuff said.

edit: Looking at those old rosters, one thing that should serve to solidify the 'rebuild' mentality here and now is that zero Canucks on the '94 and '11 finals teams were as old as the Sedins, Burrows, Bieksa, Miller and Vrbata are now. (Samuelsson and Salo were 33, but they were also essentially broken.)

We are so into a rebuild phase now I don't know how you can argue otherwise.

Change is coming.

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Were you waiting for the end of Gillis’s tenure to publish the book?
No. We thought the book would come out halfway through his tenure with the Canucks. This was the sad thing about it – had they won Game 7, the whole hockey world would have looked at what the Canucks were doing and said, ‘That’s the model.’ Because of one game, everybody said ‘Boston, that’s the model.’ They would have had a legacy and the book would’ve talked about it and how other people had picked up on it.

This shows he planned to release it right after Vancouver won the SC, to take advantage of the anointment of Gillis as the greatest GM ever if it had happened. Then they lost, and Gillis started making bad reactionary moves in his last years, and the book turned out to be an apologist PR piece to try and rescue a few shreds of respectability for Gillis.

Still looks like it would be worth it to read.

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They should rename this.

The rise of the greatest team of all time in any sport and how the nhl robbed them of a cup by changing the rules of penalties during the scf.

Much better title.

I skimmed it, very interesting read. I'll read it once I'm not on mobile.

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"The reason I say they were desperate is, Trevor Linden – he’s got no experience. If you’re really serious about winning, you don’t hire a guy who’s been selling glasses and elliptical machines for six years. You hire a guy who understands the president’s job today."

Cant believe I read this far.

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My recollection is that '94 was more a fluke run than anything. But it was a nicer story due to the underdog factor. A lot of Canuck fans act like we won in '94.

No, but they did play right to the bitter end in '94. The Canucks all but mailed-in Game 7 in 2011. A non-event if there ever was one in this city.

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Did the Canucks change course after 2011? You wrote things changed after the Boston game in 2012.
From then on, the league seemed to reflect Boston’s style more than Vancouver’s style. They (Vancouver) defied it for as long as they could and then they finally threw their hands up and said ‘look, we can’t win this way. We need to be on the power play six or seven times a game for this scheme to work the way it used to work. It’s not that way, so now we’ve got to adjust.

I've been saying this since 2012. After that game the Bruins owner complained to the league about the number of penalties. The change (for the worse) in reffing was almost immediate and declined as the season went on. The Canucks struggled through the balance of the season and has since.

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94 was the greatest 'team' in franchise history. 2011 had the most over achievers in one year.

Terrible read...

uh.. the '11 team was statistically the best team in the NHL in numerous categories some not just for that season but historically in the entire nhl.. it included 2 hart winners, a selke winner and a vezina finalist (should have won).

The '94 team was not expect to do what they did in the playoffs.. the '11 was far and away the best team in the league for the entire season.. and the next season.. its not even close. I have lots of love for the '94 team but '11 was better ( a lot better) in every category.

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It doesn't help that Bruce Dowbiggin is a hack of a journalist. I lived in Calgary a while (pre-Gillis era) and he never passed an opportunity to bash the Canucks, usually defying any obvious information and hockey knowledge to do so.

The man is a Calgary homer who is trying to help his buddy Gillis fix his reputation so he can find another job. Nothing more.

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uh.. the '11 team was statistically the best team in the NHL in numerous categories some not just for that season but historically in the entire nhl.. it included 2 hart winners, a selke winner and a vezina finalist (should have won).

Only Hank won the Hart. He and Danny both won the Art Ross, back-to-back no less.

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Fluke?? They were a top team '93 and '92 but had a bad regular season in '94

They were still a great team

compare the rosters of '94 & 2010 and it's hard to say which team was better

Kirk MacLean definitely outperformed Roberto

Captain Trevor and Pavel outperformed Henrik & Daniel in the Finals

the '94 team was robbed by the refs in the finals

watch game 7 and you will be yelling at the refs about non calls....watch game 6 and you will want to kick Messier's ass

The NHL definitely wanted a NYR Champion

Come to think of it we were screwed by the league and the refs in 2010 as well

Bettman sucks

We should all just be thankful we were allowed to win the presidents trophy... should be good enough for Canada...I still believe that to be the case we were not allowed to win the cup.

So I have us booked with 2 cups now and working on our third!

Dispute that Bet on man.

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My recollection is that '94 was more a fluke run than anything. But it was a nicer story due to the underdog factor. A lot of Canuck fans act like we won in '94.

How do you fluke your way through four best of sevens including two that went to seven games and coming back 3 games to 1 in a final?

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Only Hank won the Hart. He and Danny both won the Art Ross, back-to-back no less.

Danny won the Lindsay / Pearson. MVP as voted by players and he rightfully deserved the Hart over Corey Perry.

Perry wasn't even nominated for the Lindsay.... Which is mind boggling how on earth he was even in the running for the heart, let alone the winner.

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Danny won the Lindsay / Pearson. MVP as voted by players and he rightfully deserved the Hart over Corey Perry.

Perry wasn't even nominated for the Lindsay.... Which is mind boggling how on earth he was even in the running for the heart, let alone the winner.

I agree totally. It's reason #3,762 why I hate anything remotely associated with Corey Perry.

That being said, Danny didn't win the Hart trophy.

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uh.. the '11 team was statistically the best team in the NHL in numerous categories some not just for that season but historically in the entire nhl.. it included 2 hart winners, a selke winner and a vezina finalist (should have won).

The '94 team was not expect to do what they did in the playoffs.. the '11 was far and away the best team in the league for the entire season.. and the next season.. its not even close. I have lots of love for the '94 team but '11 was better ( a lot better) in every category.

Yes you are correct, the 2011 team was miles better statistically than the '94 team, in the regular season that is. The difference was that unlike '11, '94 had a collection of playoff performers, not just a group of guys who padded their stats against the Calgary's and Edmonton's of the world and rode those career seasons to a presidents trophy.

'94 had guys like Linden, Bure, Courtnall, Ronning, McLean, Brown, just to name a few. All guys who were big contributers. '11 had Burrows who of course helped the Canucks survive the dragon, Kesler who went "beast mode" for one series in his whole career against the mighty Predators, Luongo who when he wasn't spectacular was imploding, and our leading scorers the Sedins with their combined 42 points and -20.

Despite the great regular seasons, the division titles and presidents trophies, during the Gillis era the Canucks were a .500 hockey team in the playoffs. What does that mean? Great regular seasons are meaningless if your'e only average in the postseason. '94 was better.

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My recollection is that '94 was more a fluke run than anything. But it was a nicer story due to the underdog factor. A lot of Canuck fans act like we won in '94.

Yeah the 94 playoff run was a damn good ride but they were hardly a dominant team before or after that. It was a fluke/underdog story (and a damn good one).

The "2011" team was one of the best teams in the league for about three years. They were no fluke.

I think a lot of people are confusing '94 with '82.

The '82 Canucks were definitely a Cinderella team that got hot at the right time and were helped by the surrounding upsets in the Campbell Conference.

The '94 team was basically the same team that finished in first place in their division in the two seasons prior. They also defeated higher seeded teams in all previous rounds before the final. Had the Canucks not blown Game 4 when they were up 2-0 and Pavel had his penalty shot, Vancouver wins the Cup in six...at the Coliseum.

Unfortunately, the '94 Canucks were disabled by player greed, Quinn stepping down and replaced by the inept Rick Ley, Jeff Brown creating team drama off the ice, and Quinn's horrible drafting.

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How do you fluke your way through four best of sevens including two that went to seven games and coming back 3 games to 1 in a final?

Refs, and Tim Thomas's flukey style of goaltending that nobody could figure out.

He had what, 2-3 legitimate seasons? Also on the most defensive team in the league with the top 2 defensive defensemen in the league.

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