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Oilers booed outside locker room


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You're out of your mind. No one with any hockey sense is going to trade the first overall when there is 2 generational players are coming in. The consensus is that McDavid is the best player since Crosby, so unless it's Crosby coming back, you don't trade the pick. That includes Stamkos, Malkin, Ovechkin, Sedins, Giroux etc. Not saying he'll live up to his potential in the NHL, but there is a reason the term 'generational' player is used.

What they need to do is be successful outside the first round. Their drafting and development outside the first round is atrocious.

yeah and every other player they've got with their multiple #1 picks had very high praise and expectations coming in, and it just plain and simply is not working on that team no matter how talented the guy they draft #1 is.

Connor McDavid won't make any difference on that team, he's more of what they already have too much of.

They would get a King's Ransom for the #1 pick this year if they were to trade it.

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yeah and every other player they've got with their multiple #1 picks had very high praise and expectations coming in, and it just plain and simply is not working on that team no matter how talented the guy they draft #1 is.

Connor McDavid won't make any difference on that team, he's more of what they already have too much of.

They would get a King's Ransom for the #1 pick this year if they were to trade it.

You're assuming all first overall picks are the same and that is demonstrably false. McDavid would have been first overall last year, or the year before that at the age of 16, if he had been draft eligible.

Their issues are drafting past the first round.

McDavid will not alone turn around the team, but if you have a chance at a player like that, it will potentially pay great dividends for decades and you don't give that up. Pittsburg would have gotten a "king's ransom" for Crosby, but I bet they are glad they didn't make that trade.

The players you are talking about are found in the second round (that's where the other teams get them from), they haven't been able to develop those.

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I lived through the 80's. I LOVE seeing this happen. LOVE IT!! :towel:

How the times have changed, back then the Canucks, and the rest of the Smythe Division were the doormats/free 2 points for the OIlers, now the Oilers are the gimme points for the Canucks and the Pacific Div.

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Draft position over last 8 years.

6th, 12th, 10th, 1st, 1st, 1st, 7th, 3rd.

Wins in last 11 = 0.

Defenseman capable of top pairing minutes (even as #2) on team = 0.

Forwards capable of defense = No one in top 6.

Consecutive missed playoffs = Going on 9.

Any hope for Oil fans..........

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If they can't get Torts to coach maybe they can convince Keenan to coach again :bigblush:

Marc Crawaford, anyone?

Why not? He mentored Mike Johnson & has a similar bench-coaching philospophy/strategy to Desjardins. Altho' he was once firey himself - I hear that he has supposedy mellowed some with age while coaching in Europe (Swiss). He's definitely a coach who can teach & with this Steve Moore incident settled & finally at a rest,..dya think the (Oilers) might consider offering the post to him? This Steve Moore thing wasn't settled all that long ago & prior to that teams may have been wary of him being involved in court proceedings - if he were even in Nth America,... so no NHL team was interested back then - but now, he may be an interested candidate.

Maybe - this is ridiculous,.. because despite winning a Stanley Cup elsewhere,.. Crawford is still considered to be.. forever a Canuck, but un-like the Keenan/Messier debaucle - I would have gladly embraced players like Gretzky, Iginla, Sakic, Doan or Shae Weber had we been able to acquire them...just like we did Tim Hunter, Mats Sundin, Esa Tikkanen & other some of those other 'at-one-time' rival players.

Leave it to the Oil to spin their wheels a while longer in futility, tho' ...until they acquire more veteran leadership, some team-diversity, dogged-character & take in a few players with their own brand of home-town flavor.... to bring a little of their lost pride back. Many of these Oilers young-stars await free agency or a trade - so that they can get the hell of there... & I dont think there's too many hockey-fans left doubting that any more.

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You're assuming all first overall picks are the same and that is demonstrably false. McDavid would have been first overall last year, or the year before that at the age of 16, if he had been draft eligible.

Their issues are drafting past the first round.

McDavid will not alone turn around the team, but if you have a chance at a player like that, it will potentially pay great dividends for decades and you don't give that up. Pittsburg would have gotten a "king's ransom" for Crosby, but I bet they are glad they didn't make that trade.

The players you are talking about are found in the second round (that's where the other teams get them from), they haven't been able to develop those.

I think the difference here is that Pittsburgh was rumoured to be haven gifted Crosby to save that franchise by the NHL. Also, Crosby had the benefit of playing underneath Super Mario, mentoring him into the league into the player and leader he is now. If McDavid goes there, no doubt he'll be extremely talented, but he would just falter like the rest of the Oilers on how to be a professional athlete and will be extremely hindered without any veteran leadership and guidance.

Are they seriously thinking Nugent-Hopkins can help ease in McDavid? The Nuge is only 21.

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The Oilers are a perfect example of how you just can't figure it out on paper. Sometimes it works and other times it just does not...should, but doesn't Momentum and confidence play a huge role and we've seen how fast things can unravel. I actually feel bad for them and don't ever think booing is the answer....sure, it can tick them off and fire them up but more times than not it will further plummet self esteem.

Fans need to stick with them/it through this rough time. This too shall pass but not before it's been well documented and replayed to death.

It can turn back around but they have to be mentally strong or they'll just shrivel up and die here. They have to play as a team and learn to rely on one another rather than taking it on individually.

When this season finishes it will officially be 10 years since they made the playoffs(when they went to finals in 05/06).

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I think the difference here is that Pittsburgh was rumoured to be haven gifted Crosby to save that franchise by the NHL. Also, Crosby had the benefit of playing underneath Super Mario, mentoring him into the league into the player and leader he is now. If McDavid goes there, no doubt he'll be extremely talented, but he would just falter like the rest of the Oilers on how to be a professional athlete and will be extremely hindered without any veteran leadership and guidance.

Are they seriously thinking Nugent-Hopkins can help ease in McDavid? The Nuge is only 21.

1. I don't buy that conspiracy BS. If NHL really Crosby to save a franchise, it was Phoenix. Imagine the difference he would've made there. Pittsburg is a team with a history of success; every team has owners threatening to move if they don't get their way. Hell, Katz did it last year; he threatened to move to Seattle if the city didn't go in with him for the arena.

2. Maybe Super Mario had great influence on Crosby and completely changed him; maybe Crosby would've been the same guy elsewhere. You'll never know because there is no way to compare. But there are guys that don't need mentoring and are self-motivated eg) Super Mario himself, Joe Sakic, Yzerman, Toews... the list goes on. McDavid could be irreversibly ruined by that franchise, but maybe he doesn't need that type of mentoring. And Crosby is far from a great leader. I'm sorry, but Crosby is a bit of a whiner. Maybe Crosby would've been better of if he was drafted by Detroit and was mentored by Lidstrom, or drafted by Toronto and mentored by Sundin.

There is so many holes in your argument. McDavid could hep the oilers, or he may not. Of course, we as Canucks fans don't want him there. But to say they shouldn't draft him because they have terrible depth is just insane. I'm just telling you what will happen if they manage to draw 1st overall, and their management is in full tank mode right now, since they have no shot at the playoffs.

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When this season finishes it will officially be 10 years since they made the playoffs(when they went to finals in 05/06).

True enough....I guess my comment really only addresses this current team. The thing is, the top draft picks were supposed to be a ticket to turn things around and a fresh exciting ray of hope...people put so much stock into that line of thinking but these are new to the (NHL level) game players. Which is why I don't believe in "tanking to win".

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not sure why every one over rates eberle hes a small soft top six winger that makes more than kesler and dissapewrs when the games get tough id trade him while he has any value. they need reinhart on their d corp id trade yaks as well he gets no ice time by a horrible coach watch yaks go to pens and score 40-50 on malkin or crosbys coattails

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McDavid will not alone turn around the team, but if you have a chance at a player like that, it will potentially pay great dividends for decades and you don't give that up. Pittsburg would have gotten a "king's ransom" for Crosby, but I bet they are glad they didn't make that trade.

Crosby was far better than McDavid is right now. I don't know why people are saying he's going to be as good or better than Crosby, as good as McDavid is he's not even close to where Crosby was at this point.

Crosby had 303 points in 121 games in the QMJHL

McDavid has 216 points and has played 137

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Crosby was far better than McDavid is right now. I don't know why people are saying he's going to be as good or better than Crosby, as good as McDavid is he's not even close to where Crosby was at this point.

Crosby had 303 points in 121 games in the QMJHL

McDavid has 216 points and has played 137

The Q is also a crap shoot of high scoring and almost no defense. The OHL is a lot more balanced. Not saying your wrong but the numbers aren't actually as far apart as they look.
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Crosby was far better than McDavid is right now. I don't know why people are saying he's going to be as good or better than Crosby, as good as McDavid is he's not even close to where Crosby was at this point.

Crosby had 303 points in 121 games in the QMJHL

McDavid has 216 points and has played 137

That's why I said people believe he is the best player since Crosby, which be definition assumes he is worse than Crosby. If i thought he was a better player than Crosby, then I would've said the best player since Lemieux, or the best player since Gretzky.

That being said, Crosby is the closest comparison to McDavid. That's not my opinion, but the opinion of people that are paid to know these things. I know f*ck all about McDavid since I've never seen him play, but I am echoing what I hear from sports radios. He could be all hype. But assuming they are correct, you don't trade that pick .

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