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what beer would you be? (post and i'll say something nice about you)

Twilight Sparkle

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i'd like to think that i'm quite the connoisseur in craft brews (beer thread). i've drank quite a lot of brews (DON'T YOU GUYS START LOL) over the years, and like wine enthusiasts, and the like, my taste for liquors have always been beer.

the question is, would i drink you? where do you rank in the class of beers!

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I will not play this game.

being a beer, is an acquired taste. not everyone who drinks their first beer has a great experience, but you're certainly more than a cariboo draft. your hate for kesler, has raised a lot of eyebrows over the years, (even got you suspended a few times) but i never gave up on you. now that he's no longer a canuck, you have gained a small respect for your dedication to remain true to what you believe in, and turned people who were bitter at him leaving, siding with you

i'd say that you're a moosehead; you're very crisp and i could drink you all night long, as i would reading your posts. you're a refreshing presence to any thread that makes it a little less boring because you're not afraid to get down and dirty. you've known me for such a long time. we were homies during my run in 2007, and were on bjb for a short period, and we're still homies now. moosehead is a beer that never let me down, same as you. swig o' beer for the workin man!

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Oatmeal Stout/Porter

knut, you're piper's pale ale. like moosehead, we have a pretty long history, even going back to my first week as number16forlife, bantering with each other in WN, i mean off topic. our loyalty to each other through thick and thin in DOOP to bjb when we was just members, to you making admin, to the day kmad made me a full fledged admin and i did everything i could to keep a house for us, when the old invisionfree site was going to die, and i had the zetaboards site which was the death of UCBJB, like ECW was in 2000, but here you are today, still in my life, and i still by myself piper's pale ale because of the caramelly goodness

you may not be as a mainstay as a moosehead is, but that heritage we have, is still strong in my life and will never fade away

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For Strength.

ghosts, we kinda have similar music tastes. you appreciate the old school stuff as much as i do, and, for the most part, you have a quiet personality, but that doesn't mean that you don't have a mean streak to you. you're as loayal to the canucks as anyone else i know, which is a pretty short list. you're not as aggressive as some others are, but your aggressiveness is done in a very subtle manner.

you're an innis and gunn original. your old school style of thinking isn't for everyone, like the butterscotch notes, but you'd be surprised at the amount of support such a brew has without you even noticing! keep being who you are, because there are a lot of people here who like your old school style of thinking, and respect you for it

innis and gunn isn't a beer i drink often, but when i do, i respect its craftsmanship and i'll always enjoy a brew, or post or two

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i've seen you post a few times, but don't really know a lot about you. i see that your name is a play on kesler, henrik and daniel. from what i've seen, you seem to have a bit of a less-than-favourable reputation, but i don't see anything that justifies your hit and miss tendencies. i see you as a pabst blue ribbon. you may not be someone who commands respect, but thats something some could respect and will pick you up over bud, coors, kokanee, corona or cariboo-- hell, i'll enjoy a bud every now and then. i don't really discriminate. unless you're a corona

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I don't drink.

you're modest. i don't know a whole lot about you, other than we have fun with each other now and then. however i do enjoy your posts. you make me smile, even giggle. i love your bubbly, cute, even awkward personality. honestly, you're philips' octofox ipa

you have a sweetness, but have that hoppy, sour kick that my mouth appreciates your presence. you're quite respected, and it shows with how you conduct yourself. it's real hard to not like you

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being a beer, is an acquired taste. not everyone who drinks their first beer has a great experience, but you're certainly more than a cariboo draft. your hate for kesler, has raised a lot of eyebrows over the years, (even got you suspended a few times) but i never gave up on you. now that he's no longer a canuck, you have gained a small respect for your dedication to remain true to what you believe in, and turned people who were bitter at him leaving, siding with you

i'd say that you're a moosehead; you're very crisp and i could drink you all night long, as i would reading your posts. you're a refreshing presence to any thread that makes it a little less boring because you're not afraid to get down and dirty. you've known me for such a long time. we were homies during my run in 2007, and were on bjb for a short period, and we're still homies now. moosehead is a beer that never let me down, same as you. swig o' beer for the workin man!

I was never on bjb (don't even know what that is), though.

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i've seen you post a few times, but don't really know a lot about you. i see that your name is a play on kesler, henrik and daniel. from what i've seen, you seem to have a bit of a less-than-favourable reputation, but i don't see anything that justifies your hit and miss tendencies. i see you as a pabst blue ribbon. you may not be someone who commands respect, but thats something some could respect and will pick you up over bud, coors, kokanee, corona or cariboo-- hell, i'll enjoy a bud every now and then. i don't really discriminate. unless you're a corona

Less than favorable reputation? Crap and here I thought I was really hitting it off here on CDC :P

I'm not sure what beer that is or what it tastes like, but I appreciate the effort on your part nonetheless.

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you checked it out when we were still the coyotes board, before we changed our name to the "unofficial columbus blue jackets board =)

Hmmm, don't remember.

The only hockey related forums I've signed up were, cdc, hfboards, and towelpower (aka white noise v2).

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