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The videos I looked at were decent. People have been avoiding them because they think it will ruin their experience or spoil it somehow....but all the videos really are are the guy going through a couple of buildings and looking at the perk skills.

I feel like I just want to go off somewhere random and not care about the missions. I know the first one it basically wants you to go back to your house and see your old butler robot, but I feel like I might skip that as well. Although, maybe I'll go there because he might give you a crucial item or something.

Yeah, I generally just play through the first two or three missions, just to help get a solid grasp on what is going on and to make some branching missions become available, then I wander endlessly.

The joy of open world gaming.  Made even more tantalizing by the fact that Fallout's map is going to be 2x bigger than Skyrims.  So aroused.

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Yeah, I generally just play through the first two or three missions, just to help get a solid grasp on what is going on and to make some branching missions become available, then I wander endlessly.

The joy of open world gaming.  Made even more tantalizing by the fact that Fallout's map is going to be 2x bigger than Skyrims.  So aroused.

Is that what they've said regarding the map? because if so, that's awesome. What I heard was that it was of a comparable size to Skyrim, but there'd be a lot of density in content, and a lot of verticality from all the sky scrapers and buildings actually being explorable. As in wouldn't be like Fallout 3 where the Downtown core is a series of smaller closed off maps connected by underground passages, and that you wouldn't be generically locked out of every building outside of the select few they wanted you to enter.

If they just straight up made it 2x bigger than Skyrim, on top of those other promises, that's pretty damn sweet.

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Also, I really only just briefly took a peak at the videos, but the leak that most interested me was the one that had the full breakdown of the game's perks/skills.

I'm very disappointed at how useless the Charisma path feels, outside of perhaps if you max it out and get "intimidation". There's a series of them, from "Lone Wanderer", "Attack Dog", "Animal Friend", and "Party Boy" that I can't see myself wasting a point/level on, and that makes up the meat of the Charisma chart right there.

Typically in any competent RPG, Charisma and Speech skills are my go to thing to max out. So I was hoping to do the same here. And while I  probably will, as I can imagine having a high Charisma stat on its own is likely going to be very relevant, I'm not too excited about it. Hopefully there's still a lot of conversations out there to manipulate, even if there's no perk that seems to imitate the effect of the speech skill from the past.

Elements of the Luck one seem cool, but Agility and Perception seem to be the most OP, and linked to importance.

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Anyone know about any Fallout 4 midnight releases?

It doesn't answer your question, but I don't think so. Midnight releases are a little more rare nowadays. I think the advent of online pre-loading has squashed some of that for the particularly desperate, but it sucks for those that don't want to buy and own the game like that, but still want to play it right away.

I personally subscribed for a free trial to Amazon Prime a couple of days ago when faced with the possibility that their basic shipping may not get the game to me on the day of release.

I mean Amazon pre-order games do often arrive on the release day, and almost always by the day after, but it seems the more desperate I am to play that specific game, the longer it takes Canada Post to deliver it to my door. So I made sure I was taking no chances, with just how much I've been waiting for it.

It's "guaranteed" to be there by the time I get home from classes at college, so that's perfect. If the Canada Post tracker tells me it's home before my second class starts, I will likely skip the lecture to run home and play it, lol.


edit: In a further non-answering of your question, EB Games is giving the new Call of Duty one tomorrow/November 6th. Maybe they update with news regarding Fallout 4 after they're done with the Call of Duty release, but that seems unlikely.

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I don't even remember the last time I completed a game. Maybe Diablo 3? everything I play is just multiplayer now - yet so tempted to buy this. can't tell if I'm legitimately interested or just buying hype. expensive thing to just sit in my steam inventory

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It doesn't answer your question, but I don't think so. Midnight releases are a little more rare nowadays. I think the advent of online pre-loading has squashed some of that for the particularly desperate, but it sucks for those that don't want to buy and own the game like that, but still want to play it right away.

I personally subscribed for a free trial to Amazon Prime a couple of days ago when faced with the possibility that their basic shipping may not get the game to me on the day of release.

I mean Amazon pre-order games do often arrive on the release day, and almost always by the day after, but it seems the more desperate I am to play that specific game, the longer it takes Canada Post to deliver it to my door. So I made sure I was taking no chances, with just how much I've been waiting for it.

It's "guaranteed" to be there by the time I get home from classes at college, so that's perfect. If the Canada Post tracker tells me it's home before my second class starts, I will likely skip the lecture to run home and play it, lol.


edit: In a further non-answering of your question, EB Games is giving the new Call of Duty one tomorrow/November 6th. Maybe they update with news regarding Fallout 4 after they're done with the Call of Duty release, but that seems unlikely.

Likely? Just Likely.... I am starting to question your commitment to this game bassi... I think you need to get your priorities in order here.

I made a costco run, bought a mini fridge and microwave, purchased a composting toliet and set it all up in my game room, then told my family I love them. There were tears but whattayagonnado? I'm ready to play. 

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It doesn't answer your question, but I don't think so. Midnight releases are a little more rare nowadays. I think the advent of online pre-loading has squashed some of that for the particularly desperate, but it sucks for those that don't want to buy and own the game like that, but still want to play it right away.

I personally subscribed for a free trial to Amazon Prime a couple of days ago when faced with the possibility that their basic shipping may not get the game to me on the day of release.

I mean Amazon pre-order games do often arrive on the release day, and almost always by the day after, but it seems the more desperate I am to play that specific game, the longer it takes Canada Post to deliver it to my door. So I made sure I was taking no chances, with just how much I've been waiting for it.

It's "guaranteed" to be there by the time I get home from classes at college, so that's perfect. If the Canada Post tracker tells me it's home before my second class starts, I will likely skip the lecture to run home and play it, lol.


edit: In a further non-answering of your question, EB Games is giving the new Call of Duty one tomorrow/November 6th. Maybe they update with news regarding Fallout 4 after they're done with the Call of Duty release, but that seems unlikely.

Damn. It just seems like it'd be so much more fun to go to the midnight release of the most anticipated game ever (for me). Oh well, nothing wrong with buying it on Steam and actually playing it at 12!

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Damn. It just seems like it'd be so much more fun to go to the midnight release of the most anticipated game ever (for me). Oh well, nothing wrong with buying it on Steam and actually playing it at 12!

PS4 and XBONE have pre-loading as well. If that's what you're into.

But yeah, I would seriously love a midnight release of this. Being around a bunch of like-mindedly excited people at the store is so much better of an experience, then sitting around a console or PC, alone, waiting for the clock to hit 12.

Likely? Just Likely.... I am starting to question your commitment to this game bassi... I think you need to get your priorities in order here.

I made a costco run, bought a mini fridge and microwave, purchased a composting toliet and set it all up in my game room, then told my family I love them. There were tears but whattayagonnado? I'm ready to play. 

I mean it would literally mean ditching class after I already dragged myself to campus, but who am I kidding, you're right that if I knew I had it, I would be on the first bus back. Hell, if it came in the mail before I left for first class, I'd throw away the whole day for it.

But all release day stuff aside, I have Wednesday completely free. And Thursday. And Friday, And Saturday. So my family will be concerned for me as well.

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I don't even remember the last time I completed a game. Maybe Diablo 3? everything I play is just multiplayer now - yet so tempted to buy this. can't tell if I'm legitimately interested or just buying hype. expensive thing to just sit in my steam inventory

I think when it comes to the hype, the mission statement was that they wanted to take Fallout 3, and make it more dynamic and personable. So they hype they've tried to generate centres around functionality rather than quantity itself.

It's possible that their claims are exaggerated, but I would doubt they straight up lied about anything, or at least anything substantial. At the very least it promises to be like Skyrim, if it fails at trying to be anything more.

It's hard to personally recommend something while relating it to your point of view, because I really only ever play single player games (if multiplayer, then co-op), and aside from being a Fallout fanboy, the most important things to me are open world gaming, and personable player choice controlled storytelling. So this game already hits everything on the head for me, without having to introduce any changes.

What I will say is that it's a daunting game. If you hate a lack of direction in single player games, where it's easy to get distracted from the core of the experience, then I would hazard a guess to say you might just drift away from playing it, intentionally or not. If you like that type of exploration, and trying to feel a variety of things under your own control, then I don't need to sell the game to you, lol.

Again, I already love the Fallout world, but if you haven't experienced it, I do think it's the single most interesting one in gaming to be dropped into.

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I'm really hoping that I get Fallout 4 a day early like what happened with MGS: TPP. :lol:

I highly doubt it, and I'm not banking on it. Would be nice though.

That would be legendary. The PC version goes through Steam though, and they'd lock me out until midnight regardless of whether I got it the day early. Dicks.

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That would be legendary. The PC version goes through Steam though, and they'd lock me out until midnight regardless of whether I got it the day early. Dicks.

Not sure why I didn't realize it, but until yesterday I thought it came out NEXT Tuesday. Like the one after the 10th. I thought it wasn't coming out for another 2 weeks. <_<

I hope they ship it tomorrow for me with the hopes of a Monday arrival. :P


Can't wait to get going and just screw around on some things. Also didn't realize Need for Speed came out until now. Now I kind of want to grab that, but what's the point? I'll be playing Fallout too much.

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I'm really hoping that I get Fallout 4 a day early like what happened with MGS: TPP. :lol:

I highly doubt it, and I'm not banking on it. Would be nice though.

Exact same thing here. Hoping I get lucky again.

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That video was a pretty good primer on the story. I've been avoiding spoilers like I said, but it does confirm a worry I had. I really didn't want the game to be so, so heavily based on this synthetics, and synthetic rights metaphor.

It also seems like fighting the institute is a given, as in you can't choose to support them. Maybe that's just the default good guy storyline they're advertising, and you can go either way, In Fallout 3 you had to fight the Enclave regardless of what you felt of their goals. In Skyrim you could choose between the imperials or the Nord rebels, but that both wasn't the main storyline, and barely qualified as a storyline to begin with at all.

I tend to be an ass towards robots in video games that I've played in the past. I'd like to reserve the right to continue doing so in a relative sense.

It just seems like a lazy metaphor to shoe horn into a game. But I guess Bethesda wanted to really give their second Fallout game something unique story-wise to distinguish itself. If Fallout 3 was a beginner's introduction to the Fallout world, then I can see where their ambition is in making more of their own stamp on this one.

Blade Runner is pretty much my favourite movie of all time, so it probably sounds a bit odd that I'd rail on something that tries to tackle the idea of what humanity is, and frames it within the struggle of a synthetic human being. But it's a hard thing to do properly, and I feel like I've seen it done poorly more than enough times to not care for it.


But again, that's a very good trailer. I like how they sold it completely on in game footage there. If you're able to create a complex enough narrative, but manage to sell it with open world RPG game footage, then you're probably doing something very right with the presentation quality of your game.

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I'm going to miss Ron Pearlman's narration for this game, but I think it makes sense that they've given the main character's the role, now that they're voiced. And I love how they still managed to get him in as the newscaster reading the report about the bombs dropping. That's a good nod.


One thing about the trailer that I also failed to mention in my post, that I liked, was that they managed to incorporate the POV of the female main character and voice for the first time, even making the point to punctuate the ending with it. That's a good touch, considering they hadn't used it once before in any of the footage.

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