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Less than four days to go, and like most I'm super excited. But does anyone know if the timeline is going to fit in with Fallout 3? Like, are we likely to run into Dr. Li for example? 

It's like 10-15 years after the fact. And in one of the Fallout 3 DLCs, Dr. Li wasn't around the Purity Project any more, and when you asked one of the brotherhood guys, he said that she dropped out of it to head north to the Commenwealth (Boston, where Fallout 4 takes place).

So I've assumed she would be in the game in some capacity since forever, since I think they were strongly hinting at their next game being there in Fallout 3 itself and years before the games was officially announced. Although there's been no confirmation on he being in the game, you could bank on her having a storyline or quest of some kind, if she's not altogether involved in the main storyline.

Back in 2013, The guy who plays 3 Dog leaked that he was helping work on the next Fallout project, so I'd bet he'll be doing something as well, if he's not the DJ in this one.


I do wonder if the Commonwealth synthetics slave owner in Rivet City (Dr. Zimmer) and his slave that was hiding as a security guard (Harkness) will find a way into this game. Though if they did, it would probably involve an assumption about what the player chose to do in Fallout 3 (Turn him in, or not), so it would be simpler to just not have them in this new game, lol.

I did turn the guy in because his being a synthetic made it so I didn't care about him personally, and while I rarely made choice in the game for the reward, the slavers reward is pretty sick.

Which does make me wonder how I'm going to handle a game that's based heavily around the slavery of synthetic people. It'll be up to the game to tell a good enough story to make me care enough to help them. Like I said in a post earlier, it's a weak and forced metaphor, so I'm already starting on the side of not caring.

I also have to ask why they bothered to build slaves with free will (as it is The Institute that's building them), when they just want them to do do jobs. Seems counter-productive. Though I'm sure there's some sort of reasoning for that, so as to not leave such a massive logical gap.


Though I do think they've snuck some actual human slavery into the game as well, as a Fallout game really isn't one without a lot of human slavery. I think even "The Railroad" that exists to help synthetic slaves helps real people too.


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I was looking at some loot crate unboxings and I am so glad I did not buy one.

The messenger bag was kind of cool, but everything else was kind of useless, and the sweater looked tacky. Don't these things usually come with books/comics?

Did anybody end up buying one?

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I was looking at some loot crate unboxings and I am so glad I did not buy one.

The messenger bag was kind of cool, but everything else was kind of useless, and the sweater looked tacky. Don't these things usually come with books/comics?

Did anybody end up buying one?

When I first saw the advertisement for them, I was really tempted. But I'm glad I forgot to order one... Besides for the posters and pins, everything else looked terrible.

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I haven't really been impressed with Loot crate stuff, so I haven't bothered, even if it's kind of cool in principle.

Plus, I don't have enough space in my room to dedicate to multiple Fallout posters, and they're already packaging all copies of the game with posters of the full skill/perk table. I don't know if it's just pre-orders or whether it's a pack in with all copies of the game, but that's a thing. So that will be going up on my wall, subject to removal if it turns out I don't like the new system, lol.

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I'm still annoyed this wasn't The Elder Scrolls VI

Never could get into fallout myself, much prefer 1 & 2 to 3 & New Vegas. 

I'll probably buy it, play it, and put it down after an hour or two like the previous installments.

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I'm still annoyed this wasn't The Elder Scrolls VI

Never could get into fallout myself, much prefer 1 & 2 to 3 & New Vegas. 

I'll probably buy it, play it, and put it down after an hour or two like the previous installments.

They've always sort of rotated those 2 franchises.

It's been longer since a Fallout has come out than a Elder Scrolls, so they go with Fallout. Next will be Elder Scrolls.

Here's a recent article about it: http://www.crossmap.com/news/elder-scroll-6-release-date-news-and-updates-elder-scrolls-wont-be-available-until-2019-fallout-22310

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