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Fallout 4


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Lovely amiibos gbassi

Thanks, though they're kind of there as form without function showpieces like the nuke there. Different reasons, but I don't have any real reason to pull them off the shelves.

It's only the 4 there that I own, but amiibo collecting is such a ridiculous hassle that I can't bother any more. I bought those ones immediately or soon after they released, but now you need to actually pre-order these things month in advance if you don't want to pay a 3-4x mark up in the re-sale market before the thing even comes out. So I stopped caring about getting new ones. That's without considering the functionality of them, which after a year Nintendo has not expanded on, or announced any plans to do so properly.

Would totally shell out for a Fallout amiibo though, if that crossover could exist, lol. A power suit vault dweller in Super Smash Bros? Yes please.

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I'll just leave this here as well. Just the full version of what was seen in the trailers. Sounds like a more somber and epic take on the Fallout 3/Vegas themes. It's a lot more effective. Makes it feel like you're about to step into a journey unlike one you've taken before.

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I wanted to caption the above post, but because of this new board format, the second I posted the videos url, it turned into this unmovable block that I was unable to type above or beneath of, or even delete despite leaving the page or refreshing, lol.

What I wanted to say was that the reveal video for the 4th of the 12 companions is hidden 23 seconds into this trailer for Fallout Shelter. She's only the second human companion so far though, after that Preston guy from that exploration trailer a couple of months ago. It was very short, but it makes me think I'm going to be a fan of how the character interactions are going to be in this game. People seem a lot more human, and hopefully there's a lot more personality to the companions, even if New Vegas did a decent job within its context. I think the romance/friendship/loyalty aspects to each of them will help.


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I wanted to caption the above post, but because of this new board format, the second I posted the videos url, it turned into this unmovable block that I was unable to type above or beneath of, or even delete despite leaving the page or refreshing, lol.

What I wanted to say was that the reveal video for the 4th of the 12 companions is hidden 23 seconds into this trailer for Fallout Shelter. She's only the second human companion so far though, after that Preston guy from that exploration trailer a couple of months ago. It was very short, but it makes me think I'm going to be a fan of how the character interactions are going to be in this game. People seem a lot more human, and hopefully there's a lot more personality to the companions, even if New Vegas did a decent job within its context. I think the romance/friendship/loyalty aspects to each of them will help.


She seems interesting enough. The Shelter additions aren't enough to get me to start playing that app again, though. Glad I watched the little video though to catch some Fallout 4 footage.

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Bethesda released this cartoon series on SPECIAL stats. It doesn't offer too much of an expansion on what the game will entail, but they are amusing as hell. Though I'm a little unsure of how this newer perk tree/chart based on SPECIAL stats is going to work exactly. The last system of perks wasn't broken, but it has been overhauled, to almost seem a little less RPG-y.


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I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't care about this game. :unsure:

It's a hard series to get into for those that aren't turned on by it's 50's aesthetics, or its wasteland setting. 

I'm sure some people are excited for the Next Fallout 3/New Vegas. Some are excited about the next Skyrim. Some are excited about finally seeing a proper blend between the Bethesda/Bioware styles of gameplay (DA:I was a mixed bag with that). I'm sure some were turned on to it for the seeming Sims/Minecraft type gameplay they've showcased. Some are just excited for the next game that just has anything to do with Fallout.

I'm a fallout fanboy myself. But I don't think I have been this excited for a game since I was waiting for Mass Effect 3, and that's worrying for me for a million reasons, lol. I have hyped myself to nearly that level, but I've done so by dissecting what the game will be about, and what it was actually contain. I'm sure it won't live up to every single expectation (like Skyrim.) But like Skyrim, I'm sort of assuming it will still be able to stand as this awe inspiring and time consuming behemoth that regardless of expectations is still one of the best games of all time.

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To each their own, but personally, Fallout is my all time favourite series (followed by Gears of War and Ratchet/Clank)

The 50's atmosphere, the post apocalyptic setting, the abominations in the wasteland, being able to enter most buildings and loot the place, finding all the unique and powerful weapons, beating the game again as the opposite faction (Legion, NCR) and/or the opposite Karma level. So much to do, so much re-playability.

I played Fallout 3 and NV on 360 like no other, and I'm looking into getting the first 2 for the computer. I recommend this game to anyone. To me, the series is THAT good. I didn't even look into Fallout 4 much. Hardly watched any trailers or videos you guys posted. I know the game will be amazing and I want everything to be a surprise. I watched the initial E3 reveal because I just couldnt help myself. I already have Fallout 4 paid off and downloaded in full on my XBO.

I can understand why people don't care for it. Not every popular series will get 100% of gamers attention. For example, I don't care at all about Mass Effect, Uncharted, Bio Shock, or Halo (and a few others). Fallout 4 is the only game I am buying this year (besides Destiny: TTK and Gears of War)

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To each their own, but personally, Fallout is my all time favourite series (followed by Gears of War and Ratchet/Clank)

The 50's atmosphere, the post apocalyptic setting, the abominations in the wasteland, being able to enter most buildings and loot the place, finding all the unique and powerful weapons, beating the game again as the opposite faction (Legion, NCR) and/or the opposite Karma level. So much to do, so much re-playability.

I played Fallout 3 and NV on 360 like no other, and I'm looking into getting the first 2 for the computer. I recommend this game to anyone. To me, the series is THAT good. I didn't even look into Fallout 4 much. Hardly watched any trailers or videos you guys posted. I know the game will be amazing and I want everything to be a surprise. I watched the initial E3 reveal because I just couldnt help myself. I already have Fallout 4 paid off and downloaded in full on my XBO.

I can understand why people don't care for it. Not every popular series will get 100% of gamers attention. For example, I don't care at all about Mass Effect, Uncharted, Bio Shock, or Halo (and a few others). Fallout 4 is the only game I am buying this year (besides Destiny: TTK and Gears of War)

More than these other worlds, Fallout's is just that much more interesting. It's quirkier, morally ambiguous, and works better as a social commentary both historically, and in a modern context. 

The games are more fleshed out and you're able to explore, interact, and manipulate so much more of it than others.

Fallout 1 is a great game and all, but it's insane how intricate Fallout 2 is. So much so that if you've played it, you'd be convinced how much gaming in general had taken a step back following it for many years. So far ahead of its time.

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Got a couple of things here:

1) Just a blogpost from their art director promoting their upcoming artbook for the game


I'm sharing it, because it rips 30 pages of concept art and in game model work. It just looks really cool.

2) A video for the Big Leagues Perk in the game

A snapshot of Fenway there. But that swing, god damn. That home run follow through on the animation. I think I stopped using melee weapons in 3/New Vegas the second I found a gun, and almost never went back to them.

But that swing, god damn. Might be tempted to use a bat for it.


Here's a cool little unofficial tool for character creation.


It's really rough around the edges, and the only thing I know for sure it has right is the SPECIAL numbers they give you to work with are correct.

The perks on the chart range from accurate. to somewhat speculative, to seemingly fabricated.

For example, it says you can when you pick "Lady Killer", it will give you an option for if you want that or "man hunter" regardless of your characters gender. It implies that you can't have both, as the female/female and male/male perks in New Vegas were their own perks. And it implies every single woman or man that has a unique conversation involving that perk will respond the exact same to a woman or man, which again, didn't happen in the other game because they were all their own perks.

Also, under the "Inspiration" perk, it seems like it straight up, made up the idea that it will allow for 2 companions to follow you around rather than the base one. All I've heard from the developers is that you only get to pick one, and that you can't even double up with a robot or your dog as a second option (like New Vegas). The info for that perk doesn't seem to be based on anything.

Like I said, it's a fun tool, and one you can use to plan things in a basic manner. But they're stretching things on the perks.

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