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[Mafia] Game of Thrones (Game On)

Beluga Whale

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1 hour ago, thejazz97 said:

Yep. And that's fair.


The difference between mafia and the other threads is that this takes time and brainpower, two things I can't really overspend at a data entry job. With the wish threads or AMAs, it's simple, quick, and doesn't take too much thought. 


Analyzing posts people make takes a lot more work, which is why I like to save it for when I'm home. Unfortunately, I've been home to pretty much drop off my stuff before I go out again, and sleep. I want to help the town win the game. But when I'm busy, all I can really afford to do is look at the past couple pages and post regarding whatever sticks out - like the strangelove vote, which I did end up giving justification for.


And honestly, my reads haven't been all that great either, and I know this. I'll probably give one gigantic read through the thread once I get home and give my reads as best I can.


Anyway, I'll be back on my break. Sorry to everyone I've confused. I'm TP, and I want the TP to win this game (obvies). I'll try to do that better this weekend.

Ok man, sorry If I seemed angry or worked up, I get it, I do... and I think you're an awesome guy, and FWIW I actually do think you're probably TP this game. :wub:

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On 5/17/2016 at 10:05 AM, Aladeen said:

Anyone else think there's a damn good chance this post is legit and this is really what happened in Mafia chat? 


If if it was anybody other than 112 I would have written it off as them doing it for the shiggles but 112 is the one player I can see posting it and being scum.


vote 112


On 5/17/2016 at 0:54 PM, Aladeen said:

I suppose it all depends on what 112 actually is, I personally can't ignore her little post about her mafia team mates convincing her to stay in the game. 


On 5/17/2016 at 1:00 PM, falcon45ca said:

112 already let it slip...Mafia are scum hunting now, they want to know why their kill didn't go through.

To 112 being pissed off at him:

On 5/17/2016 at 1:15 PM, Aladeen said:

Aladeen does as Aladeen does, and Aladeen is magnanimous for saying it but, you're welcome. 


On 5/17/2016 at 1:29 PM, Alain Vigneault said:

Now, 112 has pointed out a flaw in Falcon's posts.  New developments that could potentially alter the events of this game.


I don't see a scenario where this vote doesn't make you look bad.

Just took a look back - Falcon and Aladeen may be people to keep eyes on...

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Just now, thejazz97 said:



To 112 being pissed off at him:


Just took a look back - Falcon and Aladeen may be people to keep eyes on...

Just to get you up to speed...


Falcon has Claimed he is Jailkeeper, and no one has counter-claimed and no one has flipped Jailkeeper, so there is a 99.9999999999999999999999999% chance he is telling the truth


JJ and Falcon are confirmed TP. But I do appreciate the effort and I am always happy to have eyes on me and more!

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Just now, Aladeen said:

Just to get you up to speed...


Falcon has Claimed he is Jailkeeper, and no one has counter-claimed and no one has flipped Jailkeeper, so there is a 99.9999999999999999999999999% chance he is telling the truth


JJ and Falcon are confirmed TP. But I do appreciate the effort and I am always happy to have eyes on me and more!

Ahhh good to see, then. I'll still keep it in mind :P 

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On 5/18/2016 at 5:13 PM, Dr.Strangelove said:



112 is scum this is the impression I got  from reading her posts over the last 20 pages

Aladeen is tp he's playing a perfect TP game he's active , scumhunting  and acting like TP Aladeen.

KH is scummy for sure

JJ is TP no way he admits that he didn't actually see FWY in a PM if he's scum

Otherwise's vote for Aladeen was scummy AF 

I think both Kaka and Mau5 are TP

Am currently looking for a response to this.

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I should mention, if you all vote BJ too early you will help defeat the plan before it will come to fruition..

I would ask that all except Falcon unvote BJ. I can't explain it yet, otherwise the mafia will know.


1 hour ago, falcon45ca said:

I can't see Mafia AV poking JJ about his TBT vote...if he's Mafia, then AV would know that JJ was telling the truth, and his Mafia teammates would've told him to shut up & quit poking the Lyncher so as not to get TBT.

I can, and I'll explain later when I return. I'm just here for a bit noting a couple of things.


33 minutes ago, thejazz97 said:

Ok, so I don't like TL, JJ, or Dr. Strangelove. I've gotten from page 50 to page 69.


Unvote; Vote Strangelove for now.

This is 28 minutes after Alad told I was confirmed tp. Or did you mean personally?

And you are still be bopping all over WN.


Just as an observation, without declaring as yet my read on them both.

They were the only 2 that believed I was tp, before my claim.


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Looking at the spew from Kaka's reads post, I get these groupings of players, keeping out those who are in TBT and those who are confirmed.


KH/Zfetch - Remaining 2 she said she felt were Town

Kaz/JL/DrS - Gave neutral reads on these  players

Jazz/Dral - Also gave neutral read to these players but said she believed 1 in 3 subbed players were mafia. 

TL/Mau5 - Gave Scum reads

Me - 55/45 Scum lean, said that one of 112 or I are scum, but put 112 as Town. 



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On Monday, May 16, 2016 at 4:13 PM, Dr.Strangelove said:

Alain Vigneault - His vote on Qwags was bad but other than that he's playing pretty TP

JL- Slanker

Dr.Strangelove - For what it's worth I'm TP

TL - Mafia IMO

Aladeenis - He started off playing like he does as mafia now he's become alot more like his normal TP self so slight town lean

Bassi - Slanking hard

112 - TP IMO but some of her posts seem slightly scummy so as far as my TP reads she's probably the lowest

Kaz - TP IMO

Mau5 - Slanking and I'm getting a scummy vibe from his posts

Falcon - Mafia IMO

Jazz -  subbed in. no read thus far

Zfetch - TP he's played like TP Fetchy thus far

JJ - His last few posts are giving me some seriously scummy vibes especially his posts after being asked about leaving AV off his list

 Dral   subbed in no read thus far

Kakanucks - Scummy enterance but a pretty solid post listing her reads so neutral for now

fwybwed - The PMing isn't an issue it's how he reacted to being called out for it that's scummy

King Heffy - KH is playing like scummy KH trying to hide in the shadows a bit and not really contributing much TP KH is usually pretty active

Blue Jay - TP IMO people need to lay off him btw he's playing good and frankly it doesn't matter if he's a dupe or someone who's played before elsewhere


Any one who's just listed as TP IMO or Mafia IMO are gut feels



Before I step into this, Jazz defense looks TP-like. I'd rule him out for now.


I'm not going to analyze Dr.S' post in depth, but rather look at the similarities exhibited all through the game.


The three people who made lists early were:





Dr.S correlates with Kakanucks on this list better than 112. They were both inactive players who posted lists early and had very few contributions aside from that.






Are three players both their lists share in common. TL and Mau5 are still alive and one of them(or both) have to be mafia.


However, the relation between Kakanucks and Dr.S is uncanny. He's warranted suspicion all game long, but he's yet to be lynched. Posted one list, a few decently long posts but nothing aside from that much like Kaka.


At this point, based off all I've noted the two people that should be in lynch consideration for me are Dr.S and Kaz.


I'll wait till both parties raise their defense before I vote. Hopefully it can get us to figure out if one or both of them are TP, or if one or both of them are mafia.

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Also, the TBT is a load of baloney. 


Vote BJ


I'm pretty darn sure both are TP due to their posts and behavior, so I'm basing my vote on who gives the TP a better chance to win going forward and AV has shown he can be a more thoughtful presence than BJ.

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10 minutes ago, JAY JAY said:

This is 28 minutes after Alad told I was confirmed tp. Or did you mean personally?

And you are still be bopping all over WN.

You may be TP but your play is still pretty sketch. Not that I'm one to talk, of course :P 


And yeah, there was nothing happening here for a while.

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41 minutes ago, Zfetch said:

Also, the TBT is a load of baloney. 


Vote BJ


I'm pretty darn sure both are TP due to their posts and behavior, so I'm basing my vote on who gives the TP a better chance to win going forward and AV has shown he can be a more thoughtful presence than BJ.

Not that the lynch is going to be close, but you're supposed to write TBT Vote



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5 hours ago, Aladeen said:

Why is there any doubt about Jay Jay at all? If he was not Sansa then the real Sansa should have spoken up by now and we would be lynching whoevers targets weren't put up in TBT.






Even better, if Jay Jay isn't Sansa, and I was... I'd put JJ in the TBT

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2 hours ago, thejazz97 said:

Am currently looking for a response to this.

What me being wrong about 112 go back and read her posts through 20 pages she was all over the place and I got a scum read from them turned out she was a special.


Kaka and Mau5 at the time I felt both their posts to that point (not many) where TPish or neutral

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1 hour ago, Zfetch said:

Before I step into this, Jazz defense looks TP-like. I'd rule him out for now.


I'm not going to analyze Dr.S' post in depth, but rather look at the similarities exhibited all through the game.


The three people who made lists early were:





Dr.S correlates with Kakanucks on this list better than 112. They were both inactive players who posted lists early and had very few contributions aside from that.






Are three players both their lists share in common. TL and Mau5 are still alive and one of them(or both) have to be mafia.


However, the relation between Kakanucks and Dr.S is uncanny. He's warranted suspicion all game long, but he's yet to be lynched. Posted one list, a few decently long posts but nothing aside from that much like Kaka.


At this point, based off all I've noted the two people that should be in lynch consideration for me are Dr.S and Kaz.


I'll wait till both parties raise their defense before I vote. Hopefully it can get us to figure out if one or both of them are TP, or if one or both of them are mafia.

Ok and you're point is that me and Kaka's list's are closer than mine and 112's and there are some similarities between me and Kaka ?


Your reaching hard here and I hate to break it to ya but you're wrong and you're better than this Fetchy think about it do you really think if I was mafia I would post a list similar to my teammates who had a 50/50 chance of dying that night at that point rather than someone I would have known was TP?

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29 minutes ago, Dr.Strangelove said:

What me being wrong about 112 go back and read her posts through 20 pages she was all over the place and I got a scum read from them turned out she was a special.


Kaka and Mau5 at the time I felt both their posts to that point (not many) where TPish or neutral

That's fine then. Your reasoning for Kaka and Mau5 still puts me on edge though.

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