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Kaz hadn't once, not once, called me out as scum this entire game until I voted for him at the start of this round. Now he says I'm very scummy, very likely to be Mafia & is pushing for my lynch. Not one word until I voted for him. He's goddamn Mafia. 



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2 hours ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

Dral and Falcon are actually very scummy though. They're trying to play everything off as a joke. Falcon is more likely to be Mafia if only one is.


Oh, and nice of Dral to accuse me of being anti-wincon, then decide I should be lynched regardless of faction. Not hypocritical at all.


32 minutes ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

I saw Jazz browsing forum index earlier


Lynchable offense imo

Quit joking around, ya filthy hypocrite!

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12 minutes ago, falcon45ca said:

Kaz hadn't once, not once, called me out as scum this entire game until I voted for him at the start of this round. Now he says I'm very scummy, very likely to be Mafia & is pushing for my lynch. Not one word until I voted for him. He's goddamn Mafia. 



pretty unfathomable that I'd find it scummy you vote for me and refuse to give me any reason

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On July 23, 2016 at 8:54 PM, Beluga Whale said:

Overall thoughts on everyone:


1. - Alain Vigneault - Towny start
2. - Aladeen - Towny start

3. - Blue Jay 22 - Very scummy start 
5. - g_bassi13 - Null

6. - Stamkos - Null

7. - Dral - Neutral

8. - fwybwed - Null

9. - milk and honey - Slightly scummy start

10. - Zfetch - Neutral

11. - Kazmanian Devil - Scummy start

12. - Time Lord - Null

13. - Baka - Null

14. - ilduce39 - Null

15. - Master Radishes - Null

16. - Virtanen87 - Potato

17. - Yachty - Scummy start

18. - thejazz97 - Neutral

19. - JohnLocke - Slightly scummy

20. - One one two - Slightly scummy

21. - HashtagNucks - Slightly scummy

22. - falcon45ca - Slightly towny (I will explain this one later)

Oh look at BW's scum list. Confirmed scum in the list with Hashtag, I'm highly suspect of Kaz as was BW. BW asked the Town to look closely at Kaz if he died. Lynch him, if Kaz comes up Mafia I'd wager there's more scum in BW's reads. I'm also not surprised to see BlueJay in the scum list, who's also pushing hard for my lynch.


BW is ridiculously good at reading me, he's nailed me every time as Mafia and gotten me lynched. Every damn time. I'm TP.

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10 minutes ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

pretty unfathomable that I'd find it scummy you vote for me and refuse to give me any reason

I said I find you scummy, your posts haven't been what I've come to expect from TP Kaz. You calling me scum simply for suspecting you is just tit for tat, not a scum read.

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21 minutes ago, Yachty said:

are you donald trump? this is the most condescending thing i've heard all day

Then you lead a vey sheltered life. Also, calling people hypocrites when they're acting hypocritical isn't condescending.


No, I'm not Donald Trump. My hair is fabulous!

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