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This League Makes Me Sick


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On 11/19/2017 at 4:03 AM, YummyCakeFace said:

Couldn't agree more. Not to mention my usual issue.... the corrupt and shady behind the scenes lottery selection process.  This is a bush league at best. Bettdouche is a gypsy. 

Nice to bump posts from 2 yrs back, that ring just as true today. Cdn fans should've put their foot down, so Longgg ago.

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2 minutes ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

No Cdn teams in the final-8.


US teams winning draft lotto at every chance.


F*** this joke of a league.


Isn't it more of a case of a bunch of poorly run teams rather than a country bias? Do you really think they go to the owners of the Canadian teams, who are in it to make lots of money, and tell them they can't win cuz they need US teams to win?


Seems unrealistic to me. These owners are rich and smart. They can't buy into this line of thinking. The Canadian teams actually pay a lot into revenue sharing so their owners should be unhappy that their teams are allegedly punished in the ways many claim. I don't hear a lot of complaining from them.

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