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This League Makes Me Sick


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On 17/11/2017 at 8:51 PM, Nuxfanabroad said:

24~28 teams max. Less games..perhaps about 70~75.


Separate it North & South. Have about 10 teams in Canada(perhaps add 2 or 3 US n regional teams like Minny, Buff whatever?)


Cdn teams must have(min?) 12 Cdn skaters.

US teams must have the same number of US skaters.


Finals would be North versus South.


Work on a Euro league, with same rules/rink dimensions. Some day they might enter(perhaps top2 teams) to fight for Stanley.

Should have been started about 20~30 yrs back!

so your goal is to just have a far worse league with far worse competition and far less revenue?

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1 hour ago, tas said:

so your goal is to just have a far worse league with far worse competition and far less revenue?

Not to mention, somehow he's going to convince NHLPA to reduce the number of NHL contracts by about 160 with the removal of eight teams.  Good luck with that one.

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On 11/17/2017 at 10:51 PM, Nuxfanabroad said:

24~28 teams max. Less games..perhaps about 70~75.


Separate it North & South. Have about 10 teams in Canada(perhaps add 2 or 3 US n regional teams like Minny, Buff whatever?)


Cdn teams must have(min?) 12 Cdn skaters.

US teams must have the same number of US skaters.


Finals would be North versus South.


Work on a Euro league, with same rules/rink dimensions. Some day they might enter(perhaps top2 teams) to fight for Stanley.

Should have been started about 20~30 yrs back!

You juts took out half a billion in profits by thinking that way.

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On 11/17/2017 at 7:51 PM, Nuxfanabroad said:

24~28 teams max. Less games..perhaps about 70~75.


Separate it North & South. Have about 10 teams in Canada(perhaps add 2 or 3 US n regional teams like Minny, Buff whatever?)


Cdn teams must have(min?) 12 Cdn skaters.

US teams must have the same number of US skaters.


Finals would be North versus South.


Work on a Euro league, with same rules/rink dimensions. Some day they might enter(perhaps top2 teams) to fight for Stanley.

Should have been started about 20~30 yrs back!

Yea... I'm sure the owners, the fans, and NHLPA won't be on board with that hogwash idea...

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If Calgary can't get a new arena built they should lose their team.  

On 11/18/2017 at 11:16 AM, Alflives said:

With corruption in some of the biggest soccer leagues in Europe, to cheating by judges in the Olympics, and referees in the NBA (questionably) involved in controlling outcomes, why should the NHL be any different?







There are emails from Colin Campbell that got leaked that show he wanted clear favoritism towards his son while on the Bruins.  I am not much of the 'league is against us' type but the way the game was called changed in the finals in 2011.....

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2 hours ago, GLASSJAW said:

nhl is a dying league - ratings are in the tank, fewer young people playing it. stop caring so much, the league will fold soon enough, and no amount of patriotism or division jumbling will save it

Maybe in Canada hockey is down, but the only time USA Hockey has seen a larger increase in registrations over the last 5 years was after the 1980 Olympics.


Hockey in the States has only gotten bigger and bigger among youth sports.  Baseball and football are the two sports that are actually on the decline.

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46 minutes ago, skolozsy2 said:

Maybe in Canada hockey is down, but the only time USA Hockey has seen a larger increase in registrations over the last 5 years was after the 1980 Olympics.


Hockey in the States has only gotten bigger and bigger among youth sports.  Baseball and football are the two sports that are actually on the decline.

Didn't we have this discussion aeons ago?(getting deja vu)..at least about the league's direction? Doesn't matter, I s'pose? All views entitled, & all that jazz


On ‎2018‎年‎2‎月‎25‎日 at 12:24 AM, tas said:

so your goal is to just have a far worse league with far worse competition and far less revenue?

Mostly talking about changes/differences that sh/w/coulda' occurred, decades ago. So, it's more a view/perspective, than a "goal"..."Spilt milk, under the bridge!"(as per Jeremy Irons in Margin Call)..some are fine with the bloated beast Bettman/BOG have assembled?..Well, it's not(& hasn't been for about 20 yrs!) MY $(not that I ever had that much!)


I've often envisioned something quite different(that could have been built), than what's occurred. Chalk it up to an active imagination(if that pleases you)..don't matter.


Ultimately, I trust this league hierarchy on about the same level as the MSM. For me, in ANY sport, transparency, trust & level playing fields are the FIRST, prioritized, necc ingredients. When THAT's been compromised, you won't get the ****'in colgate back in the tube.


Anywhoo, as they say, be a boring world if all held the same views.

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On ‎2‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 2:42 PM, Nuxfanabroad said:

Ahh, had to bump this, after seeing what's gone on in "Vegas"(lol)..nice expansion(sic) dues.


It's pretty much the straw that broke the camel's back, for me. Will prob keep distant tabs on this league, but doubt I'll contribute another dime to their casino coffers.


We Cdns have sold out, with our greatest cultural treasure.

Lets not go that far.

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On ‎2017‎年‎11‎月‎18‎日 at 10:12 AM, Nuxfanabroad said:

Headlines on Sportsnet where Bettman's insinuating no arena deals in Ottawa/Cal could be troublesome, with more US markets trying to weasel in. Won't even read it,(know what it'll imply) cos' the complicit media-wh*res also make me wanna' spew. They write what the league tells them, or they lose sources.


Won't bother listing all the US teams with endless empty seats. The cameras try HARD to stay on the ice sheets down there. Cdn rev has kept this f***in' joke afloat for decades. Yet not ONE Cdn town could celebrate a Cup for a quarter C?!


This deck is SO rigged. The Yanks have stolen the Cup, & our proud tradition. I'm disappointed to not hear more Cdn fans calling this whole system into question.


& hey league..open your f***ing books. Just how much for overpriced tix, are Cdns paying for your twisted sunbelt welfare-sham ?!


Will say again..Hate what's become of this league, almost as much as I love the game of ice hockey. Twits like Bettman/BOG-insiders have gambled for most Cdn fans the latter will obfuscate the former - I hope it blows up in their face, in the end.


Rather see a new pro league in Canada, although I realize that'll never happen.

They're back at it today! Buttman claiming Calgary in some kinda financial-straits.


How does Florida's empty F***ing barn pay the bills? Think rev sharing(from Canada, mostly no doubt) puts lipstick on such pigs.


Can't stand this b*stard.

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The reason less people are playing hockey are:


1) Aging population. We're not a society of Gordie Howe's where we play hockey in our 50's and 60's.

2) Cost. There needs to be companies that produce good quality hockey equipment, that won't bankrupt parents who want to get their kids into hockey. 

3) Injuries. Concussions, and other injuries are a turn off for some parents. Related to issue 2 I don't think enough research is being done to make hockey safer.

I agree that since they've started using plastic covers for pads etc. Players are faster and bigger, we need gear that cushions and absorbs the kinetic energy. 

Making a sport more fun, and healthier for all players. You will always get accidents, and at the speed the game goes someone will make a wrong decision. 

I don't want to see hitting out of the game. But I'm sure we can have pads, and other gear that can be improved. 


Just my nickel thought. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Word is Kovulchuk wants back in next year. If he does Jersey should be on the hook for his old cap hit. It was shady that he retired from the leugue and his cap hit erased. But whatever, is what it is. But I'm not good with him coming back and the Devils get out from that brutal contract. But it's an American team so I am guessing Betteman will be fine with it. 

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  • 9 months later...
On 11/18/2017 at 10:12 AM, Nuxfanabroad said:

Headlines on Sportsnet where Bettman's insinuating no arena deals in Ottawa/Cal could be troublesome, with more US markets trying to weasel in. Won't even read it,(know what it'll imply) cos' the complicit media-wh*res also make me wanna' spew. They write what the league tells them, or they lose sources.


Won't bother listing all the US teams with endless empty seats. The cameras try HARD to stay on the ice sheets down there. Cdn rev has kept this f***in' joke afloat for decades. Yet not ONE Cdn town could celebrate a Cup for a quarter C?!


This deck is SO rigged. The Yanks have stolen the Cup, & our proud tradition. I'm disappointed to not hear more Cdn fans calling this whole system into question.


& hey league..open your f***ing books. Just how much for overpriced tix, are Cdns paying for your twisted sunbelt welfare-sham ?!


Will say again..Hate what's become of this league, almost as much as I love the game of ice hockey. Twits like Bettman/BOG-insiders have gambled for most Cdn fans the latter will obfuscate the former - I hope it blows up in their face, in the end.


Rather see a new pro league in Canada, although I realize that'll never happen.

Yeah..giving this a bump, as my dissatisfaction with Buttman / #riggeddeckleague is a recurring theme. Think it's worthwhile to review occasionally, just where this league is at, & headed.

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23 hours ago, MikeyBoy44 said:

And yet you continue to watch and care. 

Still like hockey itself, & likely always will. I also enjoy discussing/reading thru matters here, as it connects with my hometown / main interest of my youth.


But if the league were dependent upon fans like myself, they'd be near bankrupt. I'm not sure that it's an 'age thing'?..that is, a loss of interest. Perhaps more a case of where I've been living the past coupla' decades. Really don't like contributing a dime to an entity that I find untrustworthy. Of course, it's not as if most facets of society haven't lost a lot of integrity. Just one more example, in a long line.


Can only speak for myself, but it was a lot more fun in the 80's, when it seemed a Cup Champion could come from either country. When they weren't trying to force-feed the game in regions that don't give a shyte. It felt more sport than business..not like it feels now.

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  • 3 months later...
On 11/18/2017 at 10:12 AM, Nuxfanabroad said:

Headlines on Sportsnet where Bettman's insinuating no arena deals in Ottawa/Cal could be troublesome, with more US markets trying to weasel in. Won't even read it,(know what it'll imply) cos' the complicit media-wh*res also make me wanna' spew. They write what the league tells them, or they lose sources.


Won't bother listing all the US teams with endless empty seats. The cameras try HARD to stay on the ice sheets down there. Cdn rev has kept this f***in' joke afloat for decades. Yet not ONE Cdn town could celebrate a Cup for a quarter C?!


This deck is SO rigged. The Yanks have stolen the Cup, & our proud tradition. I'm disappointed to not hear more Cdn fans calling this whole system into question.


& hey league..open your f***ing books. Just how much for overpriced tix, are Cdns paying for your twisted sunbelt welfare-sham ?!


Will say again..Hate what's become of this league, almost as much as I love the game of ice hockey. Twits like Bettman/BOG-insiders have gambled for most Cdn fans the latter will obfuscate the former - I hope it blows up in their face, in the end.


Rather see a new pro league in Canada, although I realize that'll never happen.

Had to bump this one. The corrupt draft is just one more in a long list of grievances.


Today Talon is quoted in Flor.."God bless owner Vinny(sounds like some mafia name)..he promises to spend to the cap, & we annually lose 28-30 MILLION!"(exclamation pt..would be my own, thanks) They've got PLENNNNTY cash to pay for coaches like Quennville..it sounds like a corrupt(Democrat candidate) F***ing slush fund!


OPEN your REV sharing books, you dirty f***ing US-prioritized league!!! WHY is there no outcry with such BS?!


How can numbers like this be justified? Should Tropical Miami one-up that nearby Nascar market at end of games, & play naked hop-scotch?!


What a travesty.

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