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The DumbBrexit / #Wexit thread


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9 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Put a conservative in place. 

Why? You don't believe that McPherson cares about Alberta's interests?




McPherson doesn't oppose Trans Mountain

After the NDP's first post-election caucus meeting, its leader reiterated his stance on the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.

"I've been firmly opposed to Trans Mountain," Singh said on Wednesday. "I will continue to be opposed to it."  

Unlike Singh, McPherson does not oppose the construction of the pipeline and says fossil fuels will still play a role in Canada's energy future.

"It's important to remember is that this pipeline is already there," McPherson said. "The pipeline has been approved and it's going forward, and that's great for Albertans, it's great for Albertans' jobs."



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48 minutes ago, RUPERTKBD said:

Why? You don't believe that McPherson cares about Alberta's interest

she'd be a good choice, but apparently Singh wants an official coalition deal to make it happen, which is a blunder on his part. 

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9 hours ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:


The plan was poor. It had nothing to do with the implementation, the plan to start with was flawed.  PET was trying to put his control on the price of a volatile market.  He was trying to take control over a market he had no business in.  He should have built the refinery and pipelines, not added a export tax and not force albertans to sell to canadians at a discounted rate.  That would have allowed Canadians to rely on domestic product instead of buying from foreign companies.  It would have added job growth, it would have allowed oil production to breath during the down turn and it would have set this country up for massive success.  Unfortunately the group you are using fantasy what if's to defend has no interest in allowing the west to succeed.


Alberta didn't even get an option, it was enforced on them, you seem to be forgetting the Liberal motto.  "Screw the West, we'll take the rest. ... Marc Lalonde"  The guy who was the brain child of NEP.  The same guy who said "The major factor behind the NEP wasn’t Canadianization or getting more from the industry or even self-sufficiency. The determinant factor was the fiscal imbalance between the provinces and the federal government,"


So which side do you think didn't want to sit down like grown ups?  


Like I said, had PET not been got his greedy control hands into the plan, it might have worked even with the down turn of oil.  He openly admitted he had little care for the well being of the citizens in the west and he single handedly destroy the opportunity for a legit NEP, Not Alberta. 



imagining is taking the cherry picked parts, it's a fantasy world and not taking into consideration the actual facts of what happened.  Yes it would be nice to have all the positive without the negatives.  


NEP destroyed the heritage fund.


you have a clear lack of knowledge and clear lack of understanding yet feel justified in your opinion. i'd suggest you do some more research to get a broaden your understanding before you solidify you're opinion, I have posted more than enough factual information on this thread,  from over a half dozen sources, but if that's not enough, Please do your own.  Don't just assume you have background based on the information you've heard one or two people post in this thread.  

My knowledge is just fine thanks.


All I see is a continuing abdication of any responsibility for 'Alberta's' part in this mess. I already stated that both sides are partially to blame including the arrogance of people like Lalonde on the 'East'/Federal side. But instead of dealing with people like him as adults, Alberta collectively decided (no doubt urged on by self serving politicians, likely bought by US oil companies who eventually benefited from this) to race to the bottom, with childish antics and tantrums over adult discussion and compromise. You're not mere innocent victims here, you were active participants in this fiasco. Until you guys get over that hurdle and acknowledge your part in all this, this discussion (whether here on a hockey forum or in actual, real life politics) will go nowhere productive. I mean "Unfortunately the group you are using fantasy what if's to defend has no interest in allowing the west to succeed." What a line of horse$&!#. The sad part of this is how many of you seem to actually believe that brand of garbage. 


And sorry, I'm not going to agree that we shouldn't have sold oil within Canada at a discounted rate etc. That's precisely how you nation build. Could you have perhaps negotiated for 'better' terms? Sure. But the overall plan (perhaps tweaked with some adult discussion and compromise) is exactly what we should have done. Sell and move discounted Canadian oil throughout Canada to Canadian refineries to supply our country with inexpensive fuel to power the economy, ship goods across it and invite investment. Sell any excess, higher value product, at global market prices to foreign countries. We all would have been WAY further ahead. 'Alberta' included. But you guys decided to take your ball and go home and sell to the US instead at basically those same discounted rates so they could build THEIR economy instead. What exactly did you 'win' there?


It was INCREDIBLY short sighted. You were (and continue to be) played for suckers by US fat cats. I get it, that's hard to admit (nobody likes being taken advantage of or admitting they were outsmarted and swindled) but it's the entire reason for you're ongoing victim complex you collectively can't seem to get over.







Edited by aGENT
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The Rebel suggesting Jason Kenney pull albertas money out of the CPP as was talked about by the UCP during the provincial election.


Im sure the voters in Alberta who rely on that without fail wouldn't mind a major disruption of that monthly income at all.

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48 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

when? oh right the ghost of PET. Dude's been dead for 20 years, maybe time to let it go? 

Nope. Ottawa never listens to the west  especially Alberta.

47 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

she'd be a good choice, but apparently Singh wants an official coalition deal to make it happen, which is a blunder on his part. 

Ya Singh is a tool and no she would be a terrible choice.

26 minutes ago, RUPERTKBD said:

So......like I said then....they'd rather continue complaining.....

Nope...put someone in place in some form that is respected in Alberta. Michelle Rempel? Very popular. 

24 minutes ago, aGENT said:

Albertans really needs to start asking themselves why that's the case.

Lol nope we don't. We know the answer.

1 minute ago, Jimmy McGill said:

OK, ffs goldilocks, enough already. 

Cool...how tolerant and mature of you. If you think putting an ndper in to speak for Alberta is a good idea you're nuts. 


I thought you wanted separation and alienation talk to die down and you propose putting an ndper in place to be the voice of Alberta. :lol:

But if you can't act like an adult feel free not to respond. 

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Just now, Warhippy said:

The Rebel suggesting Jason Kenney pull albertas money out of the CPP as was talked about by the UCP during the provincial election.


Im sure the voters in Alberta who rely on that without fail wouldn't mind a major disruption of that monthly income at all.

Umm Alberta is the only net contributor in Canada are we not?

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34 minutes ago, aGENT said:

My knowledge is just fine thanks.


All I see is a continuing abdication of any responsibility for 'Alberta's' part in this mess. I already stated that both sides are partially to blame including the arrogance of people like Lalonde on the 'East'/Federal side. But instead of dealing with people like him as adults, Alberta collectively decided (no doubt urged on by self serving politicians, likely bought by US oil companies who eventually benefited from this) to race to the bottom, with childish antics and tantrums over adult discussion compromise. You're not mere innocent victims here, you were active participants in this fiasco. Until you guys get over that hurdle and acknowledge your part in all this, this discussion (whether here on a hockey forum or in actual, real life politics) will go nowhere productive. I mean "Unfortunately the group you are using fantasy what if's to defend has no interest in allowing the west to succeed." What a line of horse$&!#. The sad part of this is how many of you seem to actually believe that brand of garbage. 


And sorry, I'm not going to agree that we shouldn't have sold oil within Canada at a discounted rate etc. That's precisely how you nation build. Could you have perhaps negotiated for 'better' terms? Sure. But the overall plan (perhaps tweaked with some adult discussion and compromise) is exactly what we should have done. Sell and move discounted Canadian oil throughout Canada to Canadian refineries to supply our country with inexpensive fuel to power the economy, ship goods across it and invite investment. Sell any excess, higher value product, at global market prices to foreign countries. We all would have been WAY further ahead. 'Alberta' included. But you guys decided to take your ball and go home and sell to the US instead at basically those same discounted rates so they could build THEIR economy instead. What exactly did you 'win' there?


It was INCREDIBLY short sighted. You were (and continue to be) played for suckers by US fat cats. I get it, that's hard to admit (nobody likes being taken advantage of or admitting they were outsmarted and swindled) but it's the entire reason for you're ongoing victim complex you collectively can't seem to get over.







Of course at least one or two people are confused by this simple basic series of facts.


But then, why be surprised

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

Of course at least one or two people are confused by this simple basic series of facts.


But then, why be surprised

Hmm actually the majority of Canadians seem to be including those who designed but two left wing BCers not alive at the time know better.

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1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

@Warhippy I never watch rebel so I don't actually know what you're saying.

You should read it as well as everything else.  Having a wide ranging series of takes is a far better way to source out vital information




Imagine what would happen if in fact Alberta pulled out if CPP and any disruption or loss of pension funds so many in the province rely on occurred.


Short term gain single infusion of cash to the province at the literal cost of decades of payments for people who built the province.


It would be funny if it wasn't a possibility

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Just now, Ryan Strome said:

Hmm actually the majority of Canadians seem to be including those who designed but two left wing BCers not alive at the time know better.

Not alive?  Who are those two you speak of?


Or are you assuming things about people you never have and never will meet again?

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12 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Nope. Ottawa never listens to the west  especially Alberta.

Ya Singh is a tool and no she would be a terrible choice.

Nope...put someone in place in some form that is respected in Alberta. Michelle Rempel? Very popular. 

Lol nope we don't. We know the answer.

Cool...how tolerant and mature of you. If you think putting an ndper in to speak for Alberta is a good idea you're nuts. 


I thought you wanted separation and alienation talk to die down and you propose putting an ndper in place to be the voice of Alberta. :lol:

But if you can't act like an adult feel free not to respond. 

Exhibit A ^^ of the right's identity politics and making political decisions based on ideology and myths over common freaking sense and reality.

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17 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:


Cool...how tolerant and mature of you. If you think putting an ndper in to speak for Alberta is a good idea you're nuts. 


I thought you wanted separation and alienation talk to die down and you propose putting an ndper in place to be the voice of Alberta. :lol:

But if you can't act like an adult feel free not to respond. 

its just shows how far things have gone. She's an elected MP, pro-pipeline. But no, thats not good enough :picard: I mean listen to yourself. 


btw, 33% of AB likes the NDP provincially. 40% of Albertans didn't vote CPC federally. Maybe its you. 

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