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The DumbBrexit / #Wexit thread


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10 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

I am arguing with my senior citizen neighbour..... He bad mouths... people that recycle....  drive electric vehicles......I have also seen him littering in the park.... and pissing in his outdoor bird feeder.....

and your thought is then to kill prosperity for first nations people? 

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Just now, Jimmy McGill said:

and your thought is then to kill prosperity for first nations people? 

No.  his thought is to point out that the bulk of employers in Canada are small to medium sized businesses.  But of course he doesn't point out that small to mid sized business rarely engages in or develops on band land.  he also refuses to accept that First Nations bands have in fact prospered greatly from engaging in talks and partnerships with resource and energy companies.


Instead of course he will claim he knows what is best for First Nations bands.  Having of course had first hand decades long experiences with natives in his life In which he's done everything and been everywhere ;) 

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2 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

Yup, he is for killing the prosperity because a handful of unelected people are against said prosperity.   The majority of the bands along the route are for it.  

The chiefs in the area have come out in favour of it as well.


But the guy from the city who's never been to a sweat lodge or naming ceremony knows better

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Teck is doubling down on their climate statement it appears after buying SunMine from the city of Kimberley.  It's in their old Sullivan site and makes perfect sense.  Great investment.




Vancouver, B.C. – Teck Resources Limited (TSX: TECK.A and TECK.B, NYSE: TECK) announced today it has purchased the SunMine solar energy facility (‘SunMine’) in Kimberley, British Columbia, from the City of Kimberley.

SunMine is located on fully reclaimed land at Teck’s former Sullivan Mine site. The 1.05 MW (megawatt) solar facility, operational since 2015, is the first grid-connected solar facility in British Columbia and the first built on a reclaimed mine site, and has potential for future expansion.

“Our involvement with SunMine is part of our commitment to taking action on climate change, advancing renewable energy development, and supporting the global transition to a low-carbon economy,” said Don Lindsay, President and CEO. “SunMine will help us gain firsthand experience with solar power generation as we advance the use of solar power at other operations.”

Teck has been involved with SunMine from its beginning, having provided the land and site infrastructure for development of the solar facility. Teck’s former Sullivan mine was a major producer of zinc, lead and silver, operating for nearly 100 years before closing in 2001 and close to 1,100 hectares of former mining area being reclaimed. Development of SunMine aligns with Teck’s approach to working with stakeholders to develop post-mining land uses, from wildlife habitat to economic diversification.

Since 2011, Teck has implemented projects and initiatives to reduce GHG emissions at its operations by 289,000 tonnes – the equivalent to taking over 88,000 combustion engine cars off the road – and 81% of Teck’s total electricity consumption is from renewable energy sources. 

The sale amount is approximately $2 million, equal to the City of Kimberley’s outstanding debt obligation for SunMine.

To learn more about Teck’s approach to climate action, click here

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Remember when Trudeau was terrible for buying a pipeline?  Wasting taxpayers money?  Remember when socialism was bad, after of course Canadian taxpayers helped create the Oilsands that exist today back in the 50s through late 70s?


Well get ready ladies and gentlemen.  Alberta is back in the socialism game.  But it's not socialism it's...something different, like "free market socialism" with tax dollars because it's for oil and gas




The Alberta government may set up a publicly traded corporation or agency to invest in oil and gas projects, similar to the Alberta Energy Company that helped kickstart the oilsands in the 1970s, Premier Jason Kenney says.

A growing number of international investors have been shying away from the oilsands, citing concerns about climate change. 


On Sunday, Vancouver-based Teck Resources withdrew its application for an oilsands project, citing concerns about the inability of federal and provincial governments to balance concerns about climate change with oil and gas development. 

At a news conference in Edmonton on Tuesday, Kenney said the time may have come for the government to finance such projects on its own.

The AEC, announced by former premier Peter Lougheed in 1973, joined with Syncrude to start oilsands development, Kenney said, at a time when it was difficult to access capital.

"It may be necessary again," the premier said. "This province will not be shut down. We will not leave in the ground assets that represent ten trillion dollars of value on global markets. We will not be the only of the major energy producers in the world to choose poverty over prosperity." 

The government has been working on what Kenney described as an "essential major project." Details will be released soon, he said. 

He suggested shares in the new corporation could also be offered to the public.

"I think public participation is a great idea, and I think Albertans are smart, they're patriotic, they understand that's there's great value in these resources," he said. 

The Alberta legislature starts its spring session on Tuesday with a speech from the throne. The government will introduce the 2020-21 budget on Thursday.

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1 hour ago, Warhippy said:

Remember when Trudeau was terrible for buying a pipeline?  Wasting taxpayers money?  Remember when socialism was bad, after of course Canadian taxpayers helped create the Oilsands that exist today back in the 50s through late 70s?


Well get ready ladies and gentlemen.  Alberta is back in the socialism game.  But it's not socialism it's...something different, like "free market socialism" with tax dollars because it's for oil and gas




The Alberta government may set up a publicly traded corporation or agency to invest in oil and gas projects, similar to the Alberta Energy Company that helped kickstart the oilsands in the 1970s, Premier Jason Kenney says.

A growing number of international investors have been shying away from the oilsands, citing concerns about climate change. 


On Sunday, Vancouver-based Teck Resources withdrew its application for an oilsands project, citing concerns about the inability of federal and provincial governments to balance concerns about climate change with oil and gas development. 

At a news conference in Edmonton on Tuesday, Kenney said the time may have come for the government to finance such projects on its own.

The AEC, announced by former premier Peter Lougheed in 1973, joined with Syncrude to start oilsands development, Kenney said, at a time when it was difficult to access capital.

"It may be necessary again," the premier said. "This province will not be shut down. We will not leave in the ground assets that represent ten trillion dollars of value on global markets. We will not be the only of the major energy producers in the world to choose poverty over prosperity." 

The government has been working on what Kenney described as an "essential major project." Details will be released soon, he said. 

He suggested shares in the new corporation could also be offered to the public.

"I think public participation is a great idea, and I think Albertans are smart, they're patriotic, they understand that's there's great value in these resources," he said. 

The Alberta legislature starts its spring session on Tuesday with a speech from the throne. The government will introduce the 2020-21 budget on Thursday.

I wonder how much more in cuts will be needed to fund this.  You know raising taxes isn't something that modern conservatives don't know how to do.  

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7 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

I wonder how much more in cuts will be needed to fund this.  You know raising taxes isn't something that modern conservatives don't know how to do.  

Addiction to toxic bitumen is a tough habit  for alberta to break 


boom and bust - maybe  next boom alberta will save a few nickels

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2 hours ago, Warhippy said:

The chiefs in the area have come out in favour of it as well.


But the guy from the city who's never been to a sweat lodge or naming ceremony knows better



Did you find the gas receipt yet, or do you have  another tall story / whopper  you are working on today  ? LOL 

Edited by kingofsurrey
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1 hour ago, Warhippy said:

Remember when Trudeau was terrible for buying a pipeline?  Wasting taxpayers money?  Remember when socialism was bad, after of course Canadian taxpayers

You seem even more needy today than usual....


OK - i will help you out and lend you a gas receipt since your lies got found out earlier in the month... Maybe this receipt can get you some credibility back ....


You can thank me later..



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1 hour ago, kingofsurrey said:



Did you find the gas receipt yet, or do you have  another tall story / whopper  you are working on today  ? LOL 

It's truly amusing.


Me overpaying for gas in Alberta is literally all you have to go on :) 


How dare I pay 8 cents more than anywhere else.  I should jump up and just show you my travel logs shouldn't I?


Not gonna happen.  Keep preaching on that, dredge it up when you have nothing left.  As it appears you do it so frequently; we know where you stand in your arguments.


Care to speak for the first nations of this country some more or??

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1 hour ago, kingofsurrey said:

You seem even more needy today than usual....


OK - i will help you out and lend you a gas receipt since your lies got found out earlier in the month... Maybe this receipt can get you some credibility back ....


You can thank me later..



So what?  An American gas receipt from June 2006?


I'm unsure what point you're trying to make.  Is that literally all you have to go on?  I see Forsberg likes it so you must be jumping with joy right now.  Maybe just MAYBE one day you'll have some small modicum of credibility.  But trying to defame me because I paid 8 whole cents more than anywhere else is a pretty sad hill to die on.

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2 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

Its not that you overpayed for gas.... it was the fact you told whoppers  here about what you paid... ?

Remind me again how 8 cents a litre in January is a WHOPPER.  I'm dying to know.


Do it while telling us how cancelling energy projects and forcing first nations in to subservience via poverty by telling them what they can and can't do with their land is great for the people and environment.  I love that old gem.  REALLY sets you apart from the Alberta crowd you whinge about

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

Remind me again how 8 cents a litre in January is a WHOPPER.  I'm dying to know.


Do it while telling us how cackling energy projects and forcing first nations in to subservience via poverty is great for the people and environment.  I love that old gem

Don't try to distract the argument away from your telling LIES on this forum about gas prices in Alberta....     


You were caught in act. Telling fibs.   You should just confess and move on.  People make mistakes... it is best just to take responsibility with it and move on.

People on this site are very forgiving and they will take your  confession and apology....

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3 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

Don't try to distract the argument away from your telling LIES on this forum about gas prices in Alberta....     


You were caught in act. Telling fibs.   You should just confess and move on.  People make mistakes... it is best just to take responsibility with it and move on.

People on this site are very forgiving and they will take your  confession and apology....

Uh huh.  That's nice dear.  How dare I overpay for gas.  I mean, that's pathetic of me right?  


Not like constantly dredging it up on a hockey forum in a sad bid to somehow deflect from the fact that your persons entire argument rests on tearing the ability to control their own land from an entire race of people he's never lived among due to environmental concerns.


No totally different.  You're right.  My bad.


So, about your wanting to take away the rights of land use from first nations in the case of energy projects.  How do you employ or enrich first nations members who rely on these projects again?

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6 minutes ago, Warhippy said:



So, about your wanting to take away the rights of land use from first nations in the case of energy projects.  How do you employ or enrich first nations members who rely on these projects again?

Not sure why i am still tutoring you...  You still haven't paid me for all the tutoring i gave you earllier in the week..

This is the last free lesson i provide to you.  Time for you buck up.




A former B.C. treaty negotiator is calling out the provincial government for its role in the Wet'suwet'en conflict over the Coastal GasLink pipeline, saying the provincial and federal governments acknowledged long ago that the hereditary chiefs are the appropriate people to negotiate with on matters of rights and title. 


Brian Domney penned an open letter to B.C. Premier John Horgan last week and shared it with CBC News, writing that the conflict today is largely rooted in government "shopping around the First Nations world" to find the individuals or groups that will support its agenda.



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Just now, kingofsurrey said:

Not sure why i am still tutoring you...  You still haven't paid me for all the tutoring i gave you earllier in the week..

This is the last free lesson i provide to you.  Time for you buck up.




A former B.C. treaty negotiator is calling out the provincial government for its role in the Wet'suwet'en conflict over the Coastal GasLink pipeline, saying the provincial and federal governments acknowledged long ago that the hereditary chiefs are the appropriate people to negotiate with on matters of rights and title. 


Brian Domney penned an open letter to B.C. Premier John Horgan last week and shared it with CBC News, writing that the conflict today is largely rooted in government "shopping around the First Nations world" to find the individuals or groups that will support its agenda.



That's not what I asked you.


How do you plan on employing or enriching the first nations members who's bands rely on resource and energy projects of this nature for employment and ongoing royalties since you have decided you want to strip them of their land rights by telling them they're not allowed to use their land in this manner.


When you say school you better ensure you have the ability to read the question placed in front of you or else you know...

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2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

That's not what I asked you.


How do you plan on employing or enriching the first nations members who's bands rely on resource and energy projects of this nature for employment and ongoing royalties since you have decided you want to strip them of their land rights by telling them they're not allowed to use their land in this manner.


When you say school you better ensure you have the ability to read the question placed in front of you or else you know...

I have no horse in this race.  The bands needs to decide for itself whether the pipeline project has enough merit versus the potential danger to their unceded territories..

My only issue is that the first nations community should be one to decide on the project. Both elected and hereditary chiefs need(ed) to agree to the proposal. 


On a personal level i do not support FRACKING .... maybe you don't care about poisoned groundwater, major methane gas leaks..  earthquakes, and wasting water resources in time of  drought / climate change....... but others do have concerns with it.

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