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12 hours ago, HorvatToBaertschi said:

Quality at the top was stronger (Sedins were the most productive players in the league and Kesler had his career year), but the scoring drops off a cliff after that.

We have 3 30 goal scorers already, and added to it. 2011 didn't have that. They had 3 20 goal scorers only, and we eclipse that by far

So do you think they will be number one offense in the league this year? I sure don’t.

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Great discussion guys. It seems like Canucks Defensive "depth" or lack there of really stands out. I haven't heard to much about Rathbone? is this the year that he makes the leap?  Petey looked great in the preseason and there's signs he will continue his play strong as he finished last year. Special teams specifically penalty kill needs to be much better that's an understatement. If anyone gets a hold of the actual line combinations tomorrow, please post as it would be interesting to see what coach B has up his sleeve, in comparison to what has been posted above.

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11 hours ago, EddieVedder said:


A #1 is simply a #1 regardless of what team they play on.  Hughes isn't a #1.   

Id give Stillman a tad bit more credit.  Hes young and has legit upside.  

Poolman- yea, okay hes a 7 realistically.  

Burroughs and Dermott can be a legit #6 someday.  

Right about OEL, Schenn and Myers.  


So i suppose Makar then, bumps pretty much every D in the league.   Except maybe Hedman (well in this case ONE of these guys becomes a number two!)....


I do get kind what you're saying regarding QHs.   But i'd bet he'd be an early pick on any team USA Olympic team, higher then Jovo was in 2002 and 2006 likely as well.   And team USA now is very close to icing any team that Canada can ice.   


Before last season started i was definitely unsure of QHs still as a defender.   Turns out he's actually better then i'd hoped for.    Like Demko, this teams future/season  right now at least,  is completely connected to having those guys playing.   Either gets injured, might as well start looking at next years draft.   OEL, maybe him too.    That's why many are regarding them as legit number one and two defenseman.   Did a complete review of any D's we've ever had, including when they played on other teams (Aucion was 5th with NYI one season! .... QHs has already got votes twice ... Jovo was something like half his career.    


QHs is unique.   Like Bure was kind of.   And bet before he's done with us he will surpass Jovo, only reason he wouldn't, would be a major injury.   


To me a number one is on both special teams.  It's part of the reason why Reinhart only got votes one year (well that and his quality of competition was the best the leagues ever seen!) ... QHs proved he could do that last season.


Still have some reservations.   His career is just getting started.   Same with EP, but he also took steps.   THN noticed and validated how good EP and Horvat were together on the PK, and how that helped improve that area for the team.   QHs wasn't amazing at it, but he also didn't hurt us either.    Jovo wasn't amazing at it either .... but he sure had the "IT" factor, and was one tough SOB  (despite, at the time, being a little undersized).   


Last season, half of it anyways, for me, QHs was a legit number one.   And the first half wasn't terrible either, a big step forward.    Brian Campbell used to control the play in all three zones and was also puny.    He burned us often enough, and had games where he was the best player on the ice (against us too), and made fools out of the Sedins, Kesler, Bieksa or whomever.    It wasn't Keith leading up to their first cup, it was Campbell.   Was also very good in Florida after he left.  


Always said, if QHs can get to his level of play in the defensive end, he will end up winning a Norris trophy.   If he doesn't (Makar ... yikes ... and Hedman looks like he's going to be this generations Pronger minus the physicality... if he plays going to be a finalist or just win it) win one, i'm sure before his contract is up - he will surpass Jovo for our all-time Norris trophy guy.    To me that means more then plus minus, points etc.    Imagine what QHs could do with a Willie Mitchell type on the other side (Manson!).    Could be the best pairing in the league behind Toews and Makar. 

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13 hours ago, Dazzle said:

The 2012 and 2013 rosters did more (on paper) than what these guys have yet to do. It doesn't mean it won't happen, but we are, realistically, NOT the deepest team since 2011.


I was cheering last season's team and hoped they would make a Cinderella run to the playoffs. It almost happened. But there's so much dishonesty in this narrative that we are now "stacked". We are not stacked, not yet anyway. We only won two preseason games and lost the rest. Where is this unfounded enthusiasm coming from that we are top tier? Lmfao.

Either way you slice it, a decade in hockey years is "a long time".   Isn't it?


A long time is what you responded too.  And deeper in forwards only.   Not sure how anyone would disagree with that. 


 Even for me who's been around for most of their seasons, i'd consider it a long time.   For some who've only followed this team since the Sedin and or WCE era, i imagine it's a really really long time lol.  Here's the roster if you need someone to jog your memory.   Depth means you have depth.   And if you lose a Sedin (EP) or Kesler (Horvat) there is a man to step up.   What happened when we lost Kesler?    



Booth and Ballard both got bought out.    Yikes.  That forward depth ... wasn't that great.    We are possibly deeper at C then we've ever been, aside from when Messier first came in.   Our wingers ... well i still don't see it.   


The Sedin teams relied heavily on goaltending, a very deep D, the Sedins, Kesler and Burrows.  ONE winger.   We bitched about it all the time if you recall - Raymond, Ballard and a first lol.   Booth was a failure.   Next up?  Hansen and Higgins.   Well that's why we bitched! 


Absolutely that team had star power.   It's why it was so great.   A big reason anyways.   And the deepest D we've ever had (Ballard as a 6-7th and getting bought out says enough right there) ... well when we had Hedican and Brown one can debate that was a deeper D (Lumme Murzyn,  Diduck Babcyh, Hedican Brown ... and Murzyn was out for most of 94 playoffs .. after setting a club record the year before in plus minus (still has it for D's) that one of the Sedins eventually tied, or surpassed think by one too lazy to check - plus 34 i remember that though )...


   The back end pushed the offense back then.   Go back and split up the goals scored.   Like ive already demonstrated, Garland scored more points even strength, then Keslers two best seasons (46 and 39 i think - Garland 48 or was it 49?)   ... Bieksa tied the league lead for D's even strength one season, believe it was Weber who tied him.   Our current D barely puts any pucks in the net, yet Bruce had our group scoring at a 270 goal pace.   Something the peak Sedins surpassed ... once and barely did that!  How did Bruce get there?  It was our forwards doing it mostly.   QHs for sure helped... but how many goals did he score?


Yes the team hasn't done anything yet.  Guess we find out soon.   THN has 8 forwards scoring 20 goals (fantasy and probably it is! - but even 15-35 goals is nice to have from 8-9 forwards ...)... Believe you'd have to go all the way back to Orr/Espo's teams to find 20 forwards that managed that.  


Again i was only taking about forwards.  D was way deeper, and goaltending was also a huge level up.   And i'm not at all suggesting this is a better team on paper.   But it is one of the better forward groups ive seen.  And yes, i do believe it's deeper upfront.   Pearson/Higgins.  Burrows/Brock.    No Garland.  Podz/Hansen.   Sedin/EP, Sedin Miller.  Kesler/Horvat.   No Kuzmo.   No Hogs.  Simply 2013.  I'm sure both Miller and EP will outscore both Sedins,  points in 48 games .. maybe Brock or even Kuzmo will too.    And no Ilya M although maybe he's Hansen and not Podz   Hogs on this team, healthy likely is in the AHL. 


Roy, Kassian ... Lazar/Joshua...meh.   Jansen?  Raymond lol.   Maholtra was out.   Weiss, Volpati... sure they were tougher (which is a league wide thing, any team from 2013and earlier is scarier then the scariest team today, even us!). 


48 games played.  45, 40, 27, 24,  22 was 2013 leading scorers for forwards.   Then Hamhuis 24, then Edler 22, then Garrison 16, then Higgins 15 points in 41 games.  Pretty sure that Pearson will manage more then that.   And that Miller, EP, Brock, Garland, Horvat, Kuzmo, Ilya M, Pearson, Podz will outperform the 2013 teams forwards. Kind of already did that their last 48 games of the season last year right?  Then added Kuzmo and Ilya M. 



Edit: Oh and by the way their leading goal scorer's  were Burrows with 13.   Then 12, 11, 10, 10.   In other words, they were on pace to have MAYBE, all of TWO 20 goal scorers.   No 30 goal scorers.   It's not really even close.  Kesler was injured ... maybe he'd have scored 25-30.    But he didn't.  Goaltending and our D saved that season ... and we played in the weakest division (.615% winning percentage enough to win it one last time!)    2.54 GF .. GA 2.4 per game ... yikes.  Bruce had us at 3.2ish, even Green had us doing better then that.   And Bruce also had a .7ish goals per game difference, not a .14 one ... As AV says - Defend the zero zero tie!


  • Age is on February 1 of given season
  • Glossary
No. Player Flag Pos Age Ht Wt S/C Exp Birth Date Summary
41 Andrew Alberts us D 31 6-5 206 L/- 7 June 30, 1981 0 G, 1 A, 1 P
4 Keith Ballard us D 30 5-11 208 L/- 7 November 26, 1982 0 G, 2 A, 2 P
18 Cam Barker ca D 26 6-3 223 L/- 7 April 4, 1986 0 G, 2 A, 2 P
3 Kevin Bieksa ca D 31 6-1 197 R/- 7 June 16, 1981 6 G, 6 A, 12 P
7 David Booth us LW 28 6-0 212 L/- 6 November 24, 1984 1 G, 2 A, 3 P
14 Alexandre Burrows ca LW 31 6-1 197 L/- 7 April 11, 1981 13 G, 11 A, 24 P
26 Frank Corrado ca D 19 6-0 205 R/- R March 26, 1993 0 G, 0 A, 0 P
25 Andrew Ebbett ca C 30 5-9 174 L/- 5 January 2, 1983 1 G, 5 A, 6 P
23 Alexander Edler se D 26 6-3 215 L/- 6 April 21, 1986 8 G, 14 A, 22 P
5 Jason Garrison ca D 28 6-1 218 L/- 4 November 13, 1984 8 G, 8 A, 16 P
44 Andrew Gordon ca RW 27 6-0 194 -/- 4 December 13, 1985 0 G, 0 A, 0 P
2 Dan Hamhuis ca D 30 6-1 204 L/- 8 December 13, 1982 4 G, 20 A, 24 P
36 Jannik Hansen dk LW 26 6-1 198 R/- 5 March 15, 1986 10 G, 17 A, 27 P
20 Chris Higgins us C 29 6-0 205 L/- 8 June 2, 1983 10 G, 5 A, 15 P
46 Nicklas Jensen dk LW 19 6-3 216 L/- R March 6, 1993 0 G, 0 A, 0 P
38 Derek Joslin ca D 25 6-1 210 L/- 4 March 17, 1987 0 G, 0 A, 0 P
9 Zack Kassian ca RW 22 6-3 211 R/- 1 January 24, 1991 7 G, 4 A, 11 P
17 Ryan Kesler us C 28 6-2 206 R/- 8 August 31, 1984 4 G, 9 A, 13 P
40 Maxim Lapierre ca C 27 6-2 215 R/- 7 March 29, 1985 4 G, 6 A, 10 P
1 Roberto Luongo ca G 33 6-3 215 -/L 12 April 4, 1979 9-6-3, 2.56 GAA
No. Player Flag Pos Age Ht Wt S/C Exp Birth Date Summary
27 Manny Malhotra ca C 32 6-2 220 L/- 13 May 18, 1980 0 G, 0 A, 0 P
  Steve Pinizzotto ca C 28 6-1 200 R/- R April 26, 1984 0 G, 0 A, 0 P
21 Mason Raymond ca LW 27 6-1 179 L/- 5 September 17, 1985 10 G, 12 A, 22 P
15 Derek Roy ca C 29 5-9 184 L/- 8 May 4, 1983 3 G, 3 A, 6 P
35 Cory Schneider us G 26 6-2 210 -/L 4 March 18, 1986 17-9-4, 2.11 GAA
45 Jordan Schroeder us C 22 5-9 170 R/- R September 29, 1990 3 G, 6 A, 9 P
22 Daniel Sedin se LW 32 6-1 190 L/- 11 September 26, 1980 12 G, 28 A, 40 P
33 Henrik Sedin (C) se C 32 6-2 183 L/- 11 September 26, 1980 11 G, 34 A, 45 P
29 Tom Sestito us LW 25 6-5 228 L/- 4 September 28, 1987 1 G, 0 A, 1 P
42 Bill Sweatt us LW 24 6-0 190 L/- 1 September 21, 1988 0 G, 0 A, 0 P
8 Chris Tanev ca D 23 6-2 197 R/- 2 December 20, 1989 2 G, 5 A, 7 P
15 Aaron Volpatti ca RW 27 6-0 215 L/- 2 May 30, 1985 1 G, 0 A, 1 P
32 Dale Weise ca RW 24 6-2 206 R/- 2 August 5, 1988 3 G, 3 A, 6 P


Edited by IBatch
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12 hours ago, IBatch said:

Lol.  Good grief.   Don't clump me into anyone but those who think we have good forward depth.   I said nothing about our D.   Well did, said it's not deep.   As far as our forward depth goes ... well pointing out Garland already scored more even strength points then Kesler did his best years, might of raised some hackles.  Or that i was talking about this:


Garland Miller Boeser

Kuzmo EP Podz

Pearson Horvat Ilya M


Thats our top 9.   Hogs likely ends up in the AHL once those guys are healthy.   I don't care about Lazar, or Joshua.  They will be fine.   Our D?   Not great.  

no its "43%" blah blah.. someone is a little salty for some reason, not sure why.

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58 minutes ago, JM_ said:

no its "43%" blah blah.. someone is a little salty for some reason, not sure why.

Gotcha i re-read and figured it out.   43% of course is our fourth line and well a Ilya M who's legit middle six,  Kuzmo at 1 million is low risk high reward and bunch of toughness (can't win for trying ... HOCKEYGOD save us!   Been screaming at us for a long time we need more of that .. plus well i'd guess, more then 43% of the fanbase lol) etc etc.   Two forwards added to the top 9.    A few guys in the bottom part of the D depth chart.   Yikes!  A totally different team!  Bruce There it Isn't! 

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16 minutes ago, IBatch said:

Gotcha i re-read and figured it out.   43% of course is our fourth line and well a Ilya M who's legit middle six,  Kuzmo at 1 million is low risk high reward and bunch of toughness (can't win for trying ... HOCKEYGOD save us!   Been screaming at us for a long time we need more of that .. plus well i'd guess, more then 43% of the fanbase lol) etc etc.   Two forwards added to the top 9.    A few guys in the bottom part of the D depth chart.   Yikes!  A totally different team!  Bruce There it Isn't! 

I had a chance to see Kuzemko live at the 1st preseason game (bro in law had the free tickets, #connected) and I sure liked what I saw. I think he's going to struggle this year away from the puck a bit but he sure didn't look out of place to me.


I'm not quite as worried about the d group as others maybe, I think its possible that they could be league average defensively but I don't really expect any points out of anyone other than Hughes and OEL. They'll be bottom 10 in points for sure. But the F group should more than make up for it.


I really don't think anyone knows what this team is yet, tbh but there's a lot to be excite about. 

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I"m generally a bit less optimistic about where our d-men rate, but the most extreme disagreement I have is with regard to the guy at the bottom, Poolman.


I know he's been better in the past, is rusty and might be better again in the future, but in preseason I didn't seem him as belonging on an NHL roster, including the Canucks' roster.  I thought Wolanin outplayed him for a spot this preseason.

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12 hours ago, IBatch said:

So i suppose Makar then, bumps pretty much every D in the league.   Except maybe Hedman (well in this case ONE of these guys becomes a number two!)....


I do get kind what you're saying regarding QHs.   But i'd bet he'd be an early pick on any team USA Olympic team, higher then Jovo was in 2002 and 2006 likely as well.   And team USA now is very close to icing any team that Canada can ice.   


Before last season started i was definitely unsure of QHs still as a defender.   Turns out he's actually better then i'd hoped for.    Like Demko, this teams future/season  right now at least,  is completely connected to having those guys playing.   Either gets injured, might as well start looking at next years draft.   OEL, maybe him too.    That's why many are regarding them as legit number one and two defenseman.   Did a complete review of any D's we've ever had, including when they played on other teams (Aucion was 5th with NYI one season! .... QHs has already got votes twice ... Jovo was something like half his career.    


QHs is unique.   Like Bure was kind of.   And bet before he's done with us he will surpass Jovo, only reason he wouldn't, would be a major injury.   


To me a number one is on both special teams.  It's part of the reason why Reinhart only got votes one year (well that and his quality of competition was the best the leagues ever seen!) ... QHs proved he could do that last season.


Still have some reservations.   His career is just getting started.   Same with EP, but he also took steps.   THN noticed and validated how good EP and Horvat were together on the PK, and how that helped improve that area for the team.   QHs wasn't amazing at it, but he also didn't hurt us either.    Jovo wasn't amazing at it either .... but he sure had the "IT" factor, and was one tough SOB  (despite, at the time, being a little undersized).   


Last season, half of it anyways, for me, QHs was a legit number one.   And the first half wasn't terrible either, a big step forward.    Brian Campbell used to control the play in all three zones and was also puny.    He burned us often enough, and had games where he was the best player on the ice (against us too), and made fools out of the Sedins, Kesler, Bieksa or whomever.    It wasn't Keith leading up to their first cup, it was Campbell.   Was also very good in Florida after he left.  


Always said, if QHs can get to his level of play in the defensive end, he will end up winning a Norris trophy.   If he doesn't (Makar ... yikes ... and Hedman looks like he's going to be this generations Pronger minus the physicality... if he plays going to be a finalist or just win it) win one, i'm sure before his contract is up - he will surpass Jovo for our all-time Norris trophy guy.    To me that means more then plus minus, points etc.    Imagine what QHs could do with a Willie Mitchell type on the other side (Manson!).    Could be the best pairing in the league behind Toews and Makar. 


To be fair to Paul Reinhart he got Norris votes twice...and All Star votes five or six times.

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18 hours ago, Dazzle said:



Nils Aman = 0 NHL games. 0 AHL games.


Danila Klimovich = 0 NHL games. 62 AHL Games (8 goals, 10 assists, 18 points). I am legit excited about this guy, but top tier?


Andrei Kuzmenko = 0 NHL games. Exciting player, but unproven thus far.

Curtis Lazar = 27 years old, hasn't had more than 20 points in his career. Versatile, yes, but Boston did waive him.

Vasily Podkolzin = easily the most potential out of all these players, but he's just come off his first season.


Hoglander = struggled mightily last season.


Dakota Joshua = hasn't even played a full NHL season yet


I honestly want all of these players to succeed. All of them, yet 7 of them are pretty new and/or have limited exposure to NHL, out of this list of 16 total players. That's 43 percent of the players, and somehow this is a "top-tier roster"? :lol:









@IBatch @HorvatToBaertschi @Doxm You guys have got some 'splaining to do. 43 percent of the forward roster are newbies basically, and we are the deepest we've ever had? We have a defense that has largely remained unchanged from last year, except for Stillman. It's one thing to be enthusiastic about this team; it's another to think it's "undebatable" that this is the best team ever since 2011. Holy, ridiculous homerism, indeed. A lot of question marks.

If you could read, you would have seen that my comment was about forwards (hence "offensive depth". Yes, I think 3 scoring lines is deeper than the top 3 players we overworked for 5 years in the Sedins and Kesler. We finally have a capable 2nd PP unit as well. We had more 20 goal scorers last year than the 2011 team, and more 30 goal scorers. We added to the pool and didn't substract from it. All signs point to this being the deepest offensive pool we've had since I've been watching (every game since 2004), and it's undebatable.

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11 hours ago, Westcoasting said:

So do you think they will be number one offense in the league this year? I sure don’t.

I don't think they have the offence from the backend to complement our insane offensive depth. All we have is Hughes, and OEL to a lesser extent. And then it's a black hole. Our goal scoring record under boudreau last year was INCREDIBLY promising though.

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1 hour ago, Kevin Biestra said:


To be fair to Paul Reinhart he got Norris votes twice...and All Star votes five or six times.

You are correct.  Once with Vancouver (89, 4 vote points, good for 12th) and once with CAL 83 9 vote points good for 7th.   I don't even remember what i posted a week ago, lol so i guess my math is bad.   Are these first and second all-star votes?   If so then i'm pretty impressed. 

Edited by IBatch
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32 minutes ago, HorvatToBaertschi said:

If you could read, you would have seen that my comment was about forwards (hence "offensive depth". Yes, I think 3 scoring lines is deeper than the top 3 players we overworked for 5 years in the Sedins and Kesler. We finally have a capable 2nd PP unit as well. We had more 20 goal scorers last year than the 2011 team, and more 30 goal scorers. We added to the pool and didn't substract from it. All signs point to this being the deepest offensive pool we've had since I've been watching (every game since 2004), and it's undebatable.

Incredibles 2 Movie GIF


But how can we even say that?  I think maybe simple arithmetic, like grade 2-3 stuff gets in the way when people try and say anything is better then their favourite team all-time.   Like they got Men in Black brainwashed that back then, all we ever wanted was ANYONE who could play with the Sedins ... Burrows - do we need him!  And well aside from Raymond who showed any promise on Keslers wing!    The 90's teams had way more depth upfront.   The WCE era was mostly a one line team (sorry Sedins you just weren't there yet!).   So really this isn't that hard to grasp.   Yes 1/2 a season.   Or one whole season.   Doesn't matter.  Green Bruce or whomever.    It's not an attack on the peak Sedin years unless anyone wants to make it an attack.   It's simply a statement of fact.   Last year we had a deeper forward group, and this year we've added to it.    Deeper doesn't mean better either. 

Edited by IBatch
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3 hours ago, IBatch said:

You are correct.  Once with Vancouver (89, 4 vote points, good for 12th) and once with CAL 83 9 vote points good for 7th.   I don't even remember what i posted a week ago, lol so i guess my math is bad.   Are these first and second all-star votes?   If so then i'm pretty impressed. 


Yep, those were 1st and 2nd All Star Team votes.


If you open it up to those instead of just Norris votes, some more good Canucks enter the picture.  Snepsts.  Lidster.  Lumme.


And a few Canucks while with other teams...Doug Halward, Tom Kurvers...



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1 hour ago, IBatch said:

Incredibles 2 Movie GIF


But how can we even say that?  I think maybe simple arithmetic, like grade 2-3 stuff gets in the way when people try and say anything is better then their favourite team all-time.   Like they got Men in Black brainwashed that back then, all we ever wanted was ANYONE who could play with the Sedins ... Burrows - do we need him!  And well aside from Raymond who showed any promise on Keslers wing!    The 90's teams had way more depth upfront.   The WCE era was mostly a one line team (sorry Sedins you just weren't there yet!).   So really this isn't that hard to grasp.   Yes 1/2 a season.   Or one whole season.   Doesn't matter.  Green Bruce or whomever.    It's not an attack on the peak Sedin years unless anyone wants to make it an attack.   It's simply a statement of fact.   Last year we had a deeper forward group, and this year we've added to it.    Deeper doesn't mean better either. 

Very well said. Our top 3 in 2011 were far better than our current top 3. They were helped by 3 40+ point dmen. Now, we have an amazing forward group. Deep. We thought Hoglander would be either on the 4th line or 13th forward or sent to Abbotsford. Viktor Oreskovich was on our 4th line in 2011.... 


2011 is the peak of Canucks dominance and we might not see another team be so dominant. That teams hold a special place in my heart. But I'm objective to facts. 

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