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Henrik Kesler

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Everything posted by Henrik Kesler

  1. I really want a turbo back exhaust on my car. An extra 70-80 horsepower would definitely liven up my Legacy GT, which is already fairly sport for a 4 door sedan

    1. canucks#01fan


      Koenigsegg Agera

    2. Henrik Kesler

      Henrik Kesler

      I'm sometimes dream I'm driving one of those when I'm slamming that 2-3 shift getting on the highway

  2. Pretty well have it covered with the right exercises. I'd bump the volume by adding 1-2 sets on everything but the BB press. When's the last time you added weight to the BB press?
  3. I agree with Gaunce 'pulling a Jensen' and playing overseas if he doesn't make the team. I don't think Gaunce, who is bigger than 90% (total S.W.A.G. on my part) of NHLer's would be well served playing another season amongst boys. Dominating the OHL is cool and all, but I fear he may become too reliant on using his size to gain an advantage which could cause a stagnation in developing the rest of his game. Honestly though, I think he gets some NHL games this year since he already has all of the physical tools, he just needs to be thrown into the pool to see if he can swim.
  4. What are you currently doing for shoulders?
  5. OHP does hit the upper chest. The pectoralis minor contracts as the bar gets to eye level and above. Standing OHP is becoming my favorite upper body lift. Annoying at times because the first rep is always the hardest, but an enjoyable challenge.
  6. I have benched once in the last 6 weeks because of some shoulder pain caused by benching. My only upper body pressing was standing overhead press for 5x5 on Tuesdays and then working up to 3-5 singles or doubles on Friday. Benched again today and I absolutely smoked 225 which is only 5lbs under my all time best. Most likely had 10-15 more pounds in me.
  7. Sounds like they need a serious infusion of squats, milk, and cheeseburgers.
  8. Going to need a love making sesssion with my lacrosse ball on my legs tonight so I can walk normally tomorrow. Can already feel the DOMS from yesterday's squatting kicking in

  9. No, lots of cardio is not the trick. The trick is to do the following: (1) get your diet in order and eat at a 300-500 calorie deficit per day. If you're serious about making a change I suggest you get a digital food scale and download either myfitnesspal or mymacros to record your food in. Yes weighing and measuring may seem like a pain, but it takes 10 total minutes out of your day and eliminates guess work as to your ACTUAL intake. (2) learn the barbell movements and build your lifting around compound barbell movements. (3) Do interval training 1-2x a week. The principles of losing weight are fairly academic and straight forward. It's the application of those principles that is the hard part. Edit: You're also going to need to be more detailed about the 'what' and 'how much' part of your diet, but that goes with point #1 above.
  10. Pick which one you want first, as they are polar opposite goals. I'd also ditch the situps because you can't spot reduce fat by specifically working the muscles under the area where you want less fat. Finally, what does your weight routine and diet look like? Getting the weights and diet corrected will give you 95% of the results you're looking for.
  11. I'm aware of all of this and the basis of my training is based on sets of 5 in The Big 3 movements. Doesn't mean I don't do other things outside of the 1-5 rep range, like arm work. As for keeping weight down? Yeah, not that hard to do if you track and record evertything you eat, which I currently do and don't foresee stopping. I also need to get my bodyweight up a good 30-40 pounds as 190 at 6' 1" is a bit on the skinny side, LOL. Having said that, I'm not going to rush out and eat everything in sight to get to 220+ as I know how that would go and it wouldn't be good, so I'm planning on getting there (220+) over the next 3-5 years with the goal being to use cut and bulk cycles to keep the fatness to a minimum.
  12. I hate doing arm work. I do 1 'accessory' exercise each for biceps and triceps for 5-7 sets and call it good enough. I train for strength and am going to compete in powerlifting, so the only reason I do any extra arm work is to stave of DYELitis and to keep the elbows happy. Never understood the point of doing doing 3+ bicep exercises when regular 'ole curls hit them the best.
  13. Easy calories with a decent balance of protein, fat, and carbs.
  14. Press a barbell overhead. It strengthens the deltoids so that the pecs don't pull the shoulders forward too much. I'd also add lots of back work (pulling exercises) to help straighten out any imbalances.
  15. I still don't understand why anybody gives a flying frack about MLB players using PEDs

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Henrik Kesler

      Henrik Kesler

      it annoys me that people act like professional athletes or yore never cheated or tried to get an advantage. I'm also annoyed that the US government would rather make a witch hunt out of shaming professional athletes for doing things within the rules at the time than fixing things like out of control spending, unlimited and unwarranted espionage on the citizenry, etc.

    3. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      I would say yes to PEDs in baseball just so I can see someone hit 100 home runs in a season. Just once.

    4. stexx


      the sosa mcguire years were much more entertaining.

  16. I'm guessing it stops you when you bench? How much back work do you do, and do you press a barbell overhead?
  17. I'm quite enjoying discussing history in the WWII thread

    1. Buddhas Hand

      Buddhas Hand

      that was an enjoyable discussion most of the time , my father is an Englishman who lied about his age to fight at D-day , I have had an interest in this subject since I was a little kid

  18. Like the Triple H when CoHo was here....except not at all because Horvat can skate and Hansen is better offensively than he was in 2011/12.
  19. The loading phase is foolish because it's mostly a waste of your supplements. Loading 20g/day leads to a barely a 3% better saturation over taking 5g/day. I haven't taken creatine in a bit because I thought I was a non-responder. I'm going to start taking it again because there are other benefits to be had from it even if one is a non-responder.
  20. There is NO need to cycle off creatine. You can do an initial loading of 20g for 2 days then just take 5g/day after that, or you could just do 5g/day because the increased muscle saturation from a loading phase is marginal and makes no difference if you take creatine for more than 2 weeks at a time (which you should be doing, if you are going to bother with taking it in the first place).
  21. I know creatine is proven to work and I think you're better of using a consistent dosage instead of using it in cycles...it isn't an AAS supplement where there are harmful negative side effects if you don't come off of it.
  22. Creatine cycling as you described is foolish IMO. You'd be better of taking 5g a day 365 days a year.
  23. This plus pushups, pullups, and BW Bulgarian Split Squats...not as good as using weights, but far better than doing nothing.
  24. Not sure what it is, but my elbows get aggrivated sitting at my desk. Not a sharp or intense pain, just enough to cause constant discomfort

    1. Baka


      When I read books on the toilet I get pins and needles in my feet when I stand up.

  25. Do you record and track your intake, as in, do you write down what you eat and how much? Until you have an actual record of what your intake looks like, it is hard to know where adjustments need to be made because you don't actually know the specifics of what you're eating and how much. Just as a pure anecdote, nutrition didn't click for me until I bought a food scale and started recording the portions of everything I ate and started monitoring my macros (protein, fat, carbs) which control calories and the proptions of calories I am getting from each group. I've been doing this for over a year, but I'm still not comfortable eyeballing things like the weight of a steak.
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