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Henrik Kesler

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Everything posted by Henrik Kesler

  1. <p> I dont' like the idea of "cutting out" foods. Are some foods better than others, certainly, but becoming super restrictive about what foods you eat and elimiating certain foods you enjoy entirely can lead to eating disorders and or binging on said "bad foods." Personally, I apply the IIFYM (if it fits your macros) approach to eating. If I crave something, I eat it so long as it fits in my macronutrient intake for the day. I would recommend getting myfitness app so you can track food and macro intake. Learn the barbell lifts (squat, bench, deadlift, press) and train them 3x per week. Do HIIT cardio (5-7 sprints of 20-30 seconds with 100-120 seconds active rest between sprints) 1-2x per week. THAT is what you should be doing. This link describes the lifting and what to do: http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ:The_Program#Three_Flavors_of_Starting_Strength
  2. First, what is your diet? You can say it's fine, but I'm sure there are improvements to be made. STOP doing only cardio. Making confession to the treadmill/eliptical/exercise bike is a terrible approach to trying to lose weight and a good way to suppress you metabolism, further FUBARing things. This video (and the other ones on this channel detailing metabolic damage explain the issue with making confession to the treadmill). My recommendation would be to learn and train the barbell lifts 3x a week with the intent of getting strong, and do some HIIT 1-2x a week. Squatting, deadlifting, benching, and pressing use more musclature than isolation exercise and therefore have a larger impact on metabolism by way of disrupting homestasis to a larger degree than say bicep curls. Finally, any health conditions people giving advice should be aware of?
  3. Christmas Jones, the Bond girl in The World is Not Enough is one of the hottest Bond girls ever...flame away

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. a Fool

      a Fool

      Close as you'll get with Denise Richards.

    3. Rounoush


      Solitaire all the way.

    4. MANGO


      an da schmeebs:P

  4. Finally looked up Filppula's stats....not sure what about those numbers is worth $5.5 mil

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      This year's Leino.

    3. Henrik Kesler

      Henrik Kesler

      Not saying he isn't a good player, but 5.5 seems a bit excessive....based on his numbers, I think something like $4-4.5 would be more reasonable, but then again this was the year of stupid FA contracts

    4. Xbox


      ^ Very true about the stupid contracts. I think Clarkson is a great player and a player every team should have, but the contract he got sucks. 5x4.5 IMO

  5. Forearm is killing me. Squatting today will be a test of will an pain tolerance.

  6. He's still 19 and won't be AHL eligible this year so it's either NHL or back to Belleville. Knowing that, I'm not convinced another year in the OHL would be as beneficial to Gaunce's development as having him play 12-15 minutes a night in the NHL. Sometimes players learn and develop best by being thrown in the deep end without their floaties so to speak. Gaunce is one player who I think could handle that given his incredible physical development at 19.
  7. Fair enough, my goals and ideal look are different than yours. It definitely is a "process" to make any appreciable progress with your body...that takes years, not months (well you can make a noticable difference in months, just not as much as you would think).
  8. I don't think you're trying very hard in the eating department if you think anything past 180 is a pipe dream. Speaking from experience, I think you'll be disappointed with how you look at 5' 11" 170 with abs. It's simply too light at that height to have any appreciable muscle mass...and abs on a guy with little muscle mass really dont' count IMO.
  9. The adaptation to resistance training occurs much quicker than a few years if you're doing it properly. The reason you cut and bulk in cycles is because 1) you don't want to get too fat; 2) continually bulking past a certain bf percentage messes up P-ratio which is something you want to be careful of; 3) every bulk has a point of diminishing returns which relates back to point 2.
  10. Legs feel like lead from yesterday's squat workout

    1. Baka


      I can barely sit from yesterday's squat workout.

    2. Keslerific
  11. I'm going to sleep well tonight. Squatting 6 working sets of 5 reps is an arse kicker

  12. Pretty much, although 'proper cardio' is right and proper BS. Cardio for the sake of weight loss is (mostly) overrated, especially if it is in the form of walking for more than 1 hour total per day. 1-2 15 minute HIIT sessions per week has been show to be far more optimal for muscle retention while on a caloric deficit (what the primary goal should be on a cut) then doing 10+ hours a week of walking/jogging/running.
  13. He's clearly got the help of vitamin S, so his advice needs a dosage of salt. If you want to learn about what to do, invest some time in Layne Norton's Vlogs on youtube and the articles on his website. Ian McCarthy is also very knowledge able has lots of good information to learn from.
  14. You have a good grasp on what's going on so keep it up. Not a huge fan of low intensity cardio, but you aren't doing 2+ hours a day so I don't see a problem with it.
  15. Rouge Do-Wins everything but deadlifting (and of course cardio) because the heel screws up my start position. The stability of a proper lifting shoe is something that must be experienced to comprehend.
  16. I agree cutting sucks. I went from 220 to 185 the past year after graduating college A couple questions I have: What's your cutting protocol? How much and what kind of cardio? What is you maintenance intake and what is your current intake? Finally, why do it in the first place if you didn't think you were fat?
  17. This is a great read about the ignorant bitching and moaning taking place about the Zimmerman trial http://criminaldefenseblog.blogspot.com/

    1. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      The civil lawsuit is a joke, I don't even know where to begin

    2. Rounoush


      There is certainly racial inequality in the system. This case should not be a poster boy for it. They got the verdict right.

    3. Henrik Kesler

      Henrik Kesler

      legally, the verdict is right and that is all you can ask from the legal system. Wanting Zimmerman convicted for "Justice for Trayvon" would actually be called revenge, something the law does not dole out.

  18. I have a special aversion to those Five Finger shoes, mostly because the people I see wearing them in the gym don't train legs. Like what good does a minimalist shoe do when all you do is curl and bench? As for shoes, I'd buy a cheap pair of Converse shoes for deadlifting. They have a hard, flat sole and are great for deadlifting in. I think mine cost me $30 USD.
  19. I'm excited for the next season. I think some young guys will step up and I think Booth and Edler will show improvement.

    1. DollarAndADream


      I think we all said that last year.

    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Booth is done but I love the positive attitude :D GO Nucks !

  20. <p> I would advise running more. Steady state cardio is good for fat loss for short bursts (3-4 weeks) before you metabolism starts to adapt to it and you need the cardio just to maintain your weight. Running is fine, just don't do MORE in an effort to speed up weight loss because it likely will be like fireworks, fantastic for a short period, then utterly disappointing. Unless you were completely inactive, swilled soda by the gallon, and ate nothing but processed carbs and desserts, I have a hard time seeing you having copious amounts of fat. A lack of muscle mass at 6' 3" will make you look fatter than you really are, just my opinion. Dropping 30 pounds in 3 months time is asking for you metabolism to get FUBAR'd. Calm your sh!t and take a more reasonable approach from here on out. Fitness, strength, and getting big are LIFE LONG processes, not a race to see how big, strong, or lean you can get in 8 weeks and then quit.
  21. I wouldn't worry with the daily ab workouts. Direct ab work may lead to some minimal hypertrophy of the abdominal muscles, but it will not lead to a reduction in fat in that area. You can't spot reduce fat, you just have to lose more of it to make it come off in the trouble areas.
  22. Pick one or the other and go for it. I'd suggest losing a bit of weight first because you will likely not like how you look after gaining weight if you already think you have a bit too much fat since at best, your gains will be 50/50 meaning 8lbs of muscle would require AT LEAST 16lbs of gain. Plus there are things like P-ratio and whatnot that improve when you start gaining weight from a lower bodyfat percentage, but I won't get into that.
  23. Gain weight because the issue isn't a big ribcage, you're just not that big. Switch to barbell incline for a bit so you can overload the incline pressing movement. Try and add weight every session.
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