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Everything posted by DrJockitch

  1. Would be very sad to see NJ, LA and Chicago go into rebuilds and pass us while we are still trying to figure out the 10 year retool.
  2. Draft pick or high level prospect. We are not in a financial position to take on another player who will have or need a big contract. Not with the OEL penalty ballooning in 2 years and with what we will need to pay Hronek and Petterson. If fantasy world without cap there is good dozen or more D and D prospects that would take for the pick but would really love to see Heiskanen paired with Hughes.
  3. I read a story that we were talking to him. Don’t think teams are knocking down his door. Short term keeping as much cap flexibility as possible is a good idea going into the draft. No reason to tie your hands to a fringe player that you can sign after.
  4. Hype on Bear? I don’t get that comment. If anything he is too easily discounted here. I would classify Bear as a solid 4-5D in the NHL that probably doesn’t fit our team all that well because the two players currently ahead of him on our depth chart are so small. What we have coming in is also fairly small to midsized and that doesn’t look like it is going to change until D-Pettey or someone we draft this year starts to be NHL ready. Across what few NHL D we have and the AHL we don’t have a lot of NHL potential with size. I would walk on Bear’s contract even though he is a decent mid range guy just because cap space is valuable this year. But if we are just going to squander hard bought space on UFAs then better off just qualifying him. We will have so much money in LTIR already he can sit there half the year. We won’t be accruing cap space for deadline next year anyway. I think we should be trying to take a short LTIR deal for next season if the offer is good for that reason. Still think all arrows point to a long term deal for Barbashev of an ill-advised amount.
  5. I think LA has had enough of the temporary, low range guys. They want a starter they can settle on. They haven't had a quality starter since Quick's game dropped off a cliff. It is an opportunity to get a goalie that has proven is Vezina quality. He was the starter in Boston, he tore the job away and ran with it, they just can't afford him now.
  6. Swayman is a very good goalie and will be a lot cheaper so yeah they really would move a Vezina finalist as they don't have much choice. Sell high is weird concept around here I know.
  7. Chicago had 3 first rounders, 2 seconds and three thirds last year. They have 11 pics this year 2 firsts, 4 seconds, 2 thirds. they were starting from scratch.
  8. That is a log jamb of depth? There is one NHL D man there, one tweener and some middling prospects.
  9. I think Chicago is looking for players not necessarily just draft picks. Chicago taking advantage of cap space to try to shake young players out of Boston. God what a terrible idea.
  10. So can Philly actually complete a trade this offseason. 0 for 2 yesterday alone.
  11. The latest rumours of Toronto looking at him are just foolish. Can't win in the playoffs, need D and desperately need a G and overspend on forwards already. Solution $5M of 5'8" winger.
  12. I think we need to look a little more than just point totals with PLD. Miller wasn't half the player that PLD has been at any equal ages. PLD also is a true C and plays a very hard defensively responsible game. PLD said in an interview that he would love to play for his home town some day and everyone assumes that means it is the only place he wants to go. This does not equate to Montreal or bust. I also understand why someone would want out of Winnipeg. Have never seen 2 HCs in 2 years crap all over their team and say there is something wrong in the dressing room, that and it is Winnipeg. Connor Bedard has spoken more about the Canucks but we don't believe he will pull a Lindros. Agree on Hellebuyck, he makes no sense for us.
  13. Yes, would be a foolish expenditure of caps and assets. Develop Akira. With the talent they have it is going to be a dance around the cap for the next decade and not for the depressing reasons we will be doing one.
  14. I love the false equivalencies. Like wearing a pride symbol is the left equivalent of wearing Nazi regalia on the right. Well if you are going to teach both sides you must teach them hate and love, how Christian. False equivalencies are a great tool for those who want to redefine the argument because it is not flattering to them. The anthem is about the troops, it isn't. A pride symbol is about promoting a lifestyle, it isn't it is a symbol in this context saying that you are welcome and safe. Now you may object to the LGBTQ+ community feeling welcome and safe but that says more about you.
  15. I think all the pro sports should stop doing the anthems. It is anachronistic, these aren’t national teams and it puts the players in a position to be political footballs. The tradition argument doesn’t work for me either. They used to do it at movies to but that was silly and they stopped. An anthem at the beginning of the game in,y really serves to tell people game is about to start. It doesn’t add or subtract from national pride and too many people tell you it is about something else like the military when it has nothing to do with that. I am a proud Canadian who immigrated from a horrible place and don’t need an anthem to make me proud.
  16. No. Hellebuyck wants big money and it is irresponsible to spend big money on goalie. Dubois is unlikely to stay. Hellebuyck needs a team that plays with structure for his style, we haven’t been that as much as Tocchet is trying. This is also why I think the Hellebuyck to NJ rumours are funny, he will struggle with that team’s all out offensive approach. I am sure we are getting the better centre for us at our stage in that deal but not sure we are getting the better Goalie and know it is a worse pick.
  17. It is quite offensive and very showing to equate a symbol of inclusion for a marginalized group and a symbol of oppression and hate. The pride movement is there to try and protect marginalized people and show them that they can find a place to live and survive in society, the Nazi movement is about removing groups that are different from their homogenous view from society and literally killing them off.
  18. Anyone with kids especially teens will see that there is a serious issue with the talking point that this is a conspiracy by adults "groomers" to make kids gay or Trans. This is a movement by the children. It is coming from the teens and tweens. They are openly challenging gender roles in a society that they are increasingly meaningless. It is stupid, we kill people with blowing up pink or blue cakes to announce a babies sex, we dress girls in pink dressed and boys in blue pants when they are still in diapers. As parents we often pair them off into sexually exclusive groups. They are screaming as a group from a young age "we don't want your boomer values" and we tell them too bad. I know at this point nobody way to the right is reading what I have said but the other thing I just need to bring up is that if there is one thing we know about Trans kids it is they kill themselves at an alarmingly high rate. It is truly striking. Next time you think about making trans kids your political football I want you to ask how many teenage suicides am I willing to be complacent in for my own political gains? Am I making things better or worse for suicidal kids?
  19. It is such a weird distorted angry version of Christianity that it has nothing to do with the Christ part and everything with the vain hateful leaders of these churches. I am not religious but went to Catholic school and have studied the source material. This angry, exclusionary version of Christianity goes so against the teaching of the main character in the heavily manipulated biography they worship, I don't understand how they don't see it. I guess the answer is obvious though, it is just a tool being used to justify and fuel the hate by a hateful few in power.
  20. Sad to say but when I saw a small player that is not a good skater rated very high I immediately thought “that is who we are getting”. Unless it is Michkov I do not want to see a winger drafted at all this year.
  21. Not interested in any way. On the ice or off. Too old, too slow, takes up a roster spot and is a big personality in the room when this team needs to establish it’s own personality. Time to stop paying players for what they did for other clubs.
  22. I think people look at a team with only 2 NHL D and Myers and say that is a team that needs D. Not hard to start drawing lines. Sometimes it is the agent that floats these things to to drive up the market. Like Hronek he is a small to mid sized guy with some snarl to his game and is decent puck mover. I would prefer to add size to the blue line but since the goal is playoffs now at all costs we need to add NHL D men.
  23. Bold new direction, first collect all the small wingers then collect all the small D.
  24. We like to pay players for amazing performances for other teams. I suspect we will sign Barbashev to a contract of ill advised length and value and a bargain basement big defence man. I hope we start getting in the trade action and leverage the cap space but suspect that we will do something more short sighted and to pattern.
  25. That isn’t lll that true. The entire length of the contract would have been 7 years not 8 but the way the contract was structured, the lingering years would have had a bigger cap hit. We also would have had another year of uncertainty with him and an impossible cap situation this year for a management group that has been told win now. ‘There was no good out of the OEL situation since he wouldn’t waive. At this point it is what it is. Move on and work around it and try not to get back in it with a retirement contract for a UFA.
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