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Everything posted by DrJockitch

  1. Right now if Klimovich and Raty are going to work out it looks like around the time OEL penalty balloons. Around that time we should be seeing Lekk and probably Willander sniffing around the NHL team. Silovs will have had some NHL experience by then. Lots of options coming for cost controlled players and cap will be climbing. A few contracts come off, Brock will be off books, Garland in three. We need to see what we will be paying Hronek and EP. There is some money to spend but nothing crazy.
  2. Man I forgot about Tim Schaller. 2 year 1.9M. Man Benning loved to throw away money.
  3. Kind of feels like that time we signed Beagle and Roussel and the indomitable Tim Schaller. Ah glory days.
  4. Has been a disaster whenever played with Hughes. He is pretty good.
  5. Too lazy too look, did any of them finish behind us in the standings or are we the only team still basking in the glory of another coaching bump?
  6. Can play him in the AHL or 6/7th. Don’t have to play him with Hughes. Free prospect is worth considering. Not saying he will be great but if we aren’t up against the 50 contracts why not take a swing for a year or two. We aren’t very competitive anyway.
  7. The jumps yes absolutely. Wingate is more looking at anaerobic capacity and anaerobic power output. So not just ability to put out raw power but an estimate aerobic capacity and the ability to produce power when the brain and muscles are pickled with lactic acid. So producing speed and power late in shifts and late in games. Given he is a coaches kid I am not surprised he did very well on testing.
  8. Man, I don’t really look that far ahead. Maklin Cellebrini definitely one of the top rated atm but so was Raty a year out.
  9. A career lasts only so long and tends to end the same age no matter what age you start. Getting off ELC at 25 vs 21 will lose you 4 of the prime years of earning at a time the cap will have jumped significantly.
  10. Sure, since he will likely be a 1st OA and would be in NHL at 18 that will only cost him 4 years of his prime earnings. Why would that bother him it is only what about $50M if he is a star.
  11. Lots of time to develop. Always like the combo of size skating and nasty attitude If we had to take a winger than this seems like a big swing. Work on PK please.
  12. Like that a C Don't like his size Really don't like that not a great skater
  13. Like that we went big on D. Willander looks like great potential. Like that only one winger and he is huge. Not thrilled with drafting small over age centres. At least they are centres and I don't pretend to be a scout. Will have to trust the pros here.
  14. Giving up on Podz already. Had terrible deployment in Russia, PF which take longer to develop and was too good for AHL when went down briefly. Getting close to full time role and attributes that look like lab made to play with Pettersson.
  15. I understand that but we had one pick after the 4th so need to take swings you can. I think you also need to remember who the cohort that entered the draft 2 years ago. These were the kids who had the 2 years leading to the draft during COVID. There were bound to be some late bloomers that missed development time that are now blossoming. These aren’t the normal D+1 and D+2 player situations. Again the assumption that every player that gets passed over in draft will sign here is foolish.
  16. Ah yes the one team in the league theory of signing available players.
  17. Really people are that upset with 4th round picks. Normal course would be none of them get to the league. We have filled massive holes in prospect pool, focused on D an C! And the one winger we have drafted is a 6’6” project. No other picks until 6th round. This is where needed to take swings.
  18. Perkins seem pretty limited upside but who knows at this point.
  19. At least if we had to pick a winger he is big (and Swedish of course)
  20. I think it is as much that none will show up for minimum 2-4 years so get ELC later and actually get better value on the ELCs before they have to trade them for making an NHL salary. Don’t have to expose them to not having a home either. Great for a broke, homeless team.
  21. Nice. I think they finally realize that they need to go for best asset available. Hopefully the focus on D and C continue.
  22. Things are happening again, just not with us. Maybe the SJS/Myers thing is on hold until Sept 15.
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