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Everything posted by brilac

  1. Awe, so cute! I am such a cat person, and have been since I was three. I've posted my kitty in here once. The Ms. Sally Jayne.
  2. What are you for Halloween?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Green Building

      Green Building

      Discord: is hangover a costume?

    3. Ghostsof1915


      Motorcyclist in rain gear apparently. :)

    4. Bruce Boudreau

      Bruce Boudreau

      Your mom's boy toy.

  3. I really enjoy drinking wine. A nice cabernet sauvignon or a wonderful malbec, I love it. I am not much for the hard liquor or those fruity drinks, unless if it's those lavender martinis at the Nordstrom bar. Today I had some cabernet sauvignon with red curry. It was great. A nice time to think and enjoy wine.
  4. Awww cute! I always wanted to dress up my Sally Jayne in a Canucks outfit, but she's a different kind of kitty.. one that attacks.
  5. Drink wine, go shopping, and rush home to watch hockey!

  6. It's good to excel at the things you do best

  7. A doctor would be the best person for him to consult with. It's adnormal to shower 2x a day and still smell bad moments out of the shower. He may have something more serious going on.
  8. I think tomorrow I'll decorate my desk in Canucks stuff cause I'm so in love with the Canucks and the great game they played last night!

    1. RRypien37


      Great game? They fell behind and struggled beating a bottom feeder...

    2. brilac


      It was a fantastic game! And they won!

    3. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      Good to see them show some character and come back. Defense needs to be cleansed up though.

  9. I'd go see a doctor if I were you.
  10. I don't think you look like that. That picture looks copied.
  11. It's a Canucks hat. I got it at the Canucks store years ago.
  12. I have a lot of curiosity of what people look like, whose behind the name, matching picture with name.
  13. I confess: I get upset when my team doesn't win. I yell at the TV/computer when the other team gets a power play and/or wins the game. I cheer when a fight breaks out, especially when multiple fights break out at the same time. I have no idea what other channels I subscribe to with my cable service besides the channels that play hockey. I enjoy watching two games at once - one on the computer and the other on TV. I get so excited when hockey tickets go on sale.
  14. Went to the Bruins site.. Gotta see when the Canucks and Canadiens are playing against them

  15. Awww, so cute. So much personality in that photo.
  16. Unable to decide if I want to fly or bus from Seattle to Vancouver. 45 mins + airport time and drinking vs 4 hours.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Drive-By Body Pierce

      Drive-By Body Pierce

      KingAlex, GB and Mr. Grimes nailed it. The bus #$%&ing sucks! I once rode the bus from TBay to Kelowna... since then I have never taken the bus again.

    3. brilac


      Yeah I really like drinking and flying together, especially take offs after drinking, and more drinking after landing. I made up my mind!

    4. TimberWolf


      Bus is cheaper = more beer money? That's the only bus pro I can think. I would fly...

  17. all i want to say is.. OMG CANUCKS TICKETS GO ON SALE FRIDAY! so excited :) It's my fav day of the year!

    1. Green Building

      Green Building

      So much whisky and wine to buy this year, I may not get any tickets on Friday.

  18. Confessions - I shop entirely way too much at the Gap, and I love it when they send me percentage off coupons. I am really starting to like East Coast Hockey teams like the Flyers and the Capitals, but the Canucks will always be my #1. I am afraid to death of shoes that have no traction. Years ago I bought these pricey flats, and worn them for the first time while it was raining out. I fell so many times, and got bruises all over.
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