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Cramarossa last won the day on March 2 2017

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About Cramarossa

  • Birthday May 9

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    EP40 and Antti Raanta

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Canucks Third-Line

Canucks Third-Line (8/14)



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  1. My identity has been stolen. Ugh.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JM_


      how far did it go? hopefully its just things you can cancel easily. Banks are really good with this, I've had to go in twice for minor things and they've been great both times but don't wait. 

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      i once had  my e-mail account hacked by some guy in england. he sent e-mails to everyone on my list, saying i was in london and lost my wallet and needed 2000.00 to get home. one of my friends was going to send the money until his wife says he should phone me and check.  there are always people who want to make money by defrauding others.

    4. Cramarossa


      So far I've been able to cancel/close three of the five accounts that I know were opened.  I reported this to the major credit bureais, the police, and the federal trade commission. I changed my onlibe banking info but have not yet contacted my bank (I'm at work). Thankfully my own bank accounts have not been touched.

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