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Status Updates posted by TOMapleLaughs

  1. The Canucks weren't allowed to select anything good with these missed picks anyway.

  2. The 4th rounders we would have acquired for both players will surely be missed.

    1. Wilbur


      Will set back the franchise for years!

  3. It's the Big "MEH", 2016.

  4. I don't usually update my status, but when I do, it's...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Heretic


      ....it's...Monty Python's Flying Circus!

    3. thejazz97
    4. Ghostsof1915


      for a bottle of Dos Equis.

  5. Hahahaha, Botch Has Blocked Me. Aw shucks. Now i won't be able to recieve all those useless/misinformative updates. Go back to TO, Botch.

  6. It's been a good 6 years. HF finally made me change my username.

    1. Caboose


      I notice no difference.

    2. WiDeN


      I'm not on HF. Was your username the same?

  7. Chara drank Coke at the bench for an endorsement ad in the playoffs. The book on how the Bruins won the cup last season was published before the finals began. Various players had mysterious tans when the weather didn't permit it. The NHL is rigged. Cheers.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JustJokinen!
    3. JustJokinen!


      The only point that would at all indicate some sort of conspiracy is the book. But the Canucks put out a book too, only theirs was about losing. That's just business. It could have been edited either way.

    4. TOMapleLaughs


      I'm not saying it's a conspiracy... But it's a conspiracy.

  8. Zombie Shane... We barely knew ye...

  9. Out of all recent Gillis trade/ufa acquisitions, only Lappy has gone injury-free so far.

    1. Shift-4


      I never thought he would lead the team in fights

    2. ChenWei91


      ^ Don't think that's a good thing though... O.o

  10. The only thing i'll sing other than the anthem at a Canuck game is 'We Are The Champions!' Could be a long wait, but at least i'm not singing.

    1. JustJokinen!


      That song is terrible.

    2. TOMapleLaughs


      Not if we are the champions.

    3. The Hornet

      The Hornet

      na na na na, na na na na, hey! hey! hey! goodbye!

  11. Kyle Clutterbuck leaves game hurt. Linesmen across the league breathe a sigh of relief.

    1. Caboose


      CDC should employ a +1 button, for statuses.

    2. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Cal has a brother?

  12. Chara is NOT Indestructible.

  13. Volpatti one-punched a spot onto the lineup. That's sweet.

  14. It's all part of the plan, folks.

    1. Master 112

      Master 112

      Phew. Well that's a load off my shoulders!

    2. Bruce Boudreau

      Bruce Boudreau

      Yeah part of the plan is to get embarrassed 2 games straight.

    3. ttown


      gillis came to the dressing room and said hey guys we need to lose this game today. We need to go back to Chi-town and sh*t kick those *ssholes who were talking trash and show Chicago that Vancouver doesn't take no crap.... lol I'm with you.

  15. There will be no goalie rotation unless Luongo craps the bed.

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      LOU is on a mission to shut up all the haters. I cant wait to see his sweet smile of satisfaction :)

  16. Detroit 1st round loss. No matter who they face.

  17. The penalty by Burrows was stupid and the Canucks could've won the game if they had simply finished their earlier chances. It was Labarbera, forchristsakes.

    1. Dazzle


      Canucks could've won if they scored.

      Labarbera or not, he won the game.

      Don't be a sore loser.

  18. Edmonton is too busy losing on purpose, but if you look at the highlights, Detroit should've lost.

  19. Most deadline deals are busts.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Most trade deadline acquisitions aren't Keith Carney or Eric Weinrich.

    3. Shift-4


      Pamela Anderson got traded?

    4. LeanBeef


      Higgins and Lapierre would be two players I would target today

  20. The demand for reasoner is high. Expect a team to pay probably too much for him. Is it us?

    1. vancanfan


      why not, going all the way this year is the plan, he would help

  21. Kaberle saga over. Next? Kessel saga!

  22. So... Um.... 20 defensemen next season?

    1. Jarvis


      30, to be safe. Trade all the forwards!

  23. House should've ended four seasons ago.

    1. Grouching Out
    2. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      House is as much of a mental patient as his mental patients.

    3. Truculence


      Dude, watch Mad Men. The 2nd half of the first season is awesome.

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