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Everything posted by wai_lai416

  1. very canuck like and we enter next season with EP as the only center option and we are back to a 1 line team again. EP Miller mihkahev or kuzmenko if he's still around? and then it'll be xxx xxx garland lol.. that's assuming boeser is traded too.. i dont see how we can sell EP on the future to make him wanna sign long term rather than his QO which prolly forces our hand to trade him before the draft next season.. good time to be a canucks fan so many ways to see this team blow up
  2. and we likely won't see something like that for horvat.. chances are JR is going to be asking for the moon and other teams will already settle for other players for less and we end up with whatevers left on the table.. being a canuck that's the most canuck like scenario
  3. lol all these talk about canucks getting a hual back fo bo.. u mean like the haul for Miller? a low 1st rounder 3c and some B prospect? is that the definition of a haul? whatever was the offer last year for Miller will pretty much be the offer this year for Horvat. you ain't getting a haul for horvat if it isn't a sign and trade and likely it wouldn't be. any trade involving horvat would not come into play for the canucks prolly for the next 3-5 years. so why did we sign miller again?
  4. prolly not officially confirmed i have no idea since there's so many rumors flying around regarding that so i don't keep track nor care anymore lol
  5. sure but winning a draw and your team loses possession have nothing to do with the center.. it have to do with the rest of the players getting beat. win a draw good chance you'll have the puck.. lose the draw? good chance you won't have the puck, and i dunno about the it doesn't matter if you win or lose the puck in a neutral zone.. so if say mcdavid wins the draw gets the puck blow by the team and scores a goal.. no big deal it was a neutral zone faceoff so it's ok to lose it?
  6. and if pettersson wins 41% of the draw and the team loses 3 possession of the wins?? he drops to 25? it balances out since the team can take possession of draws he loses too?
  7. ya good luck trying to sell him a future when every year you are saying we'll be a playoff team and we are a laughing stock of the league every single season.. after you get rid of Bo.. we have 1 center.. EP.. who's not even really good at faceoff.. Miller? ya he can play center if you want the other team to blow you out on the scoreboard. anyone that thinks this team's future is bright even after they sell of horvat i think needs to come back to reality.. this team is weak at center already with just EP and Bo.. behind is dries.. will be even weaker with just EP.. the defence is like swiss cheese.. and demko may or may not even recover his form.
  8. 1.5 years of hoarding asset selling? I’m sure EP will take his qualifying or JR will trade him before he can take the QO and run. There’s no chance EP will sign long term as oppose to taking the QO to leave if we are selling this season and the next. So no I don’t think we will compete anytime soon once the teams leading goal scorer is traded for asset and EP not willing to sign long term. How often do you see a player about to hit ufa status re-sign long term with a rebuilding team?
  9. Who said anything about ep sitting? He’s going to get qualified the teams going to take him to arbitration to prevent him from signing the qualifying and end up trading him if they can’t get a deal next season. If we mis the playoff this year.. chances are we prolly miss it next year too unless they somehow manage to fix the defence with limited cap. If he signs his QO? Then his value plummets to nothing more than a rental. Chances of JR signing Horvat? Prolly low. He’s not going to admit to his mistake of lowballing Horvat rather than a legitimate offer and getting it done and now cost at least 1mil if not higher per year just to sign him
  10. It’s just funny to me when people were making the case for signing miller and getting rid of Horvat they were like miller will only get better.. meanwhile Horvat have already hit his peak.. oh well I’m sure they’ll still argue miller is better even though he’s not even playing center anymore. I’m happier if they sign Horvat and try to move one of miller/boeser and or garland. If they move Horvat I hope it’s a full blown rebuild. I honestly don’t see the team being competitive enough moving Horvat and whatever return and other trades to be able to convince EP to sign long term. With 6 player hovering around a ppg clip right now. We have potential to lose 3 of them this year and another next year. Horvat kuz boeser, ep next year via trade because he won’t commit to a rebuild
  11. yes actually I do think jr is just sitting there and do nothing and hoping bo continues so he can trade him for a massive return. Jr started his contract offers with rnh you really think he’s going to go up almost 3mil to 8? Which is what it’ll take to sign Horvat at this point? On a team that’s not even in a playoff position? They going to do their annual win few lose couple win few and miss the playoff by couple points like always.
  12. Lol it’s not like bo have only been hot for 20 games.. he’s literally been on hot since last half of last season till now.. let’s be serious.. you really think the Canucks made an offer while the team were sitting at the bottom of the standing almost the entire season till now? Landeskog is a different situation.. the guy is playing on a cup contender.. bo is playing on a lottery contender.. there was no concerns of landeskog being moved at the TDL. But ya it’s no big deal to leave bo unsigned till July like landeskog coz we can trade his right for a 3rd round pick if he doesn’t sign?
  13. If Jr wants to re-sign bo he’s be negotiating. He’s not he’s literally letting it play out and each game that passes Horvat increase his value. So what’s JR planning? Bo to go on a cold streak for 1/4 1/3 of the season so he can re sign him for less? Jr pretty much have no plans on re signing bo at this point by the looks of it
  14. so what history did panarin have when he got his deal after his 2 year elc? 1 extra year? their stats atm are almost identical assuming he keeps up his season.. i never said get rid of bo? so i don't even know wth you are talking about.. i've been on the sign bo get rid of miller train all summer... but at this point i'm all for trading everyone and start over. JR f up the horvat signing over the summer with his lowball offer. Horvat is probably just playing his hardest to get his max pay day to gtfo this franchise that's constantly spinning in mud.
  15. if kuz finish with 70-75 points you are dreaming he will sign for 5 or 6.. panarin signed for 6mil for 2 years after his elc.. 6mil then is like a 8-8.5mil today kuz will be easily looking at 7+ on a short 1-2 years which the canucks most likely won't be able to afford before he goes for the home run... it puts you right back into cap hell with 0 wiggle run.. even if u move boeser and his 6.75mil.. we have nothing and nothing worth while at all to get a RHD thru the trade market other than 1st rounders and the ufa market is pretty bare.
  16. lmao.. u trade ur 15th overall pick to dump pearson and poolman that prolly ends up in LTIR?? u being serious?
  17. lol if EP continues his rate he's not going to settle for 9.. especially after the cap hits 90mil.. you are going to be easily looking at 10+..
  18. he might do a 2 year deal and then the retirement contract.. there's always a risk he doesn't hit those numbers.. so 2 years would be safer for himself even if he ends up not getting that home run 7-8 year reitrement contract.
  19. very good chance he might sign a 1 or 2 year deal looking at 6-7 mil.. i mean look at panarin.. he literally did the same thing.. his next contract i'm willing to bet will be 2 years max.. that'll set him up for a massive contract at the age of 29 just like most players in their prime. he'll be stupid to sign for 4-5 years at boeser number.. when he can sign 2 years at boeser number and hit the home run on a 7-8 year contract at whatever his max market rate.
  20. hes on the same trajectory as panarin when he entered the league atm assuming he keeps this up.. panarin albeit had 2 years at league minimum before signing 2 years at 6mil and then that massive one right after.. 6mil back then is what? about equivalent to 8 nowadays? so won't be surprise if his camp might ask for 7+ on a 1 or 2 year deal and then go the panarin route and hit the homerun.
  21. say what u want about boeser.. but hard to believe right now we have 6 players at or near a ppg pace.. and come TDL and the offseason.. we have a good chance we are going to lose half of them.. Horvat is good as gone there's really not much scenario in which he re-signs in vancouver for anything JR is comfortable with. kuzmenko depending on where we are at thd TDL might be flip for picks.. Boeser probably dangled out there as trade bait also since majority of the fan base hates him and wants him gone at all cost. if those 3 were to happen.. the canucks will lose a signficant chunk of their offence.. almost like 35-40%.. can they remain competitive enough next year and is the future bright enough for EP to want to stay?? we could be looking at losing 4 players that's projected in the 60-80 point range within 2 seasons. we can keep talking about dumping this guy dumping that guy to keep so and so.. but do they even want to be here anymore given the circus that follows the team on and off the ice.. given the way Bo is producing at.. dont think it's unimaginable he gets 8mil somewhere.. will JR bite the bullet admit to the mistake that he didn't try to get bo signed in the offseason and lowballed him and sign bo at 8mil? i don't think so.. the guy have a big ego and i see him live and die with JT and move bo and say some crap like well he simply priced himself out of vancouver.
  22. toronto top 6 dominates puck posession and are defensively good. our top 6 EP line only is the same while 5v5 the horvat/miller line is outscored by quite a wide margin 5v5 and we also have the worse pk in the league. scoring points is all great and such.. but points become moot if every point you scored you give it back on the PK or 5v5
  23. interesting they took away EP's goal last night against vegas and gave it to kuz and JT lost a point lol
  24. the team only played .650 hockey coz they had a weak schedule when bruce took over.. they are world beaters against the bottom feeders and they weren't great against the playoff teams.. this year they continue struggling against the playoff teams and they ain't even great against the bottom feeders.. beatened by buffalo philadephia columbus montreal
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