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Everything posted by Scottish⑦Canuck

  1. Game on. Hopefully Liverpool can make a game out of this. They've been awful so far.
  2. Not the Ravens... God damn it. Ossi will be happy. And no doubt classy in victory as always...
  3. Rioting in Belfast because they can't fly their precious Union Jack 24/7. Nutters.

    1. Buddhas Hand

      Buddhas Hand

      and the irish hate the irish , and it's arab v jew , you're cactus if you're kurdish

    2. Bombastik der Teutone

      Bombastik der Teutone

      a touch of dark ages ...it seems this will never end ..too sad

  4. The first person that came to my mind was that kid from Little Miss Sunshine.
  5. Yessss. Nuri Sahin is coming back to Dortmund. Liverpool wasted him. Not given a proper chance. Their loss.
  6. I'm undecided on whether a shortened season suits us or not...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      @Tearloch: So you're waiting till the season's pretty much over to say whether we're screwed or not.

    3. *VaNcOuVeRCaNuCkS*


      Canucks are notorious for slow starts hopefully this year will be different

    4. Buddhas Hand

      Buddhas Hand

      what is important is your form as the playoffs start .

  7. The transfer fee that Liverpool paid for Sturridge was probably inflated by about 3-4x because of the fact he's English. Teams like Liverpool need to start looking abroad for hidden gems instead of spending ridiculous amounts of money on unproven English talent.
  8. There's a pretty good chance that I'll be in Vancouver this May/ early June, so end this lockout now NHL. This is your last chance.

  9. I can't remember there being so many Seahawks fans on here when they weren't doing so well...
  10. Best atmosphere in North America. Seattleites know how to make noise.
  11. Damn. I went to bed at 31-3... Wish I hadn't now. To be fair it was 3.30am.
  12. Can someone please put a filter on the word "YOLO"?... It drives me nuts.

    1. Scottish⑦Canuck


      In before the inevitable "yolo" comments...

    2. Tearloch7


      I prefer they say YODO .. you only die once .. pity!!

    3. Gooby


      lol swag yolo yung muney

  13. God, are Pats fans always this annoying? You always seem to have some obsession with being "the victims" for some reason. Yeah, we get it. You won and overcame the hate of the entire world in doing so. Congrats. You have a good team. Now cheer for them instead of claiming some bigger victory.
  14. Good God, Facebook is down. 2012...

    1. Froggy Fresh
    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      If only it could be down for good

    3. Heretic


      sorry - back up again. For a minute there I thought I was going to have to use the phone.

  15. Wow, 1cm. If Vancouver is anything like some of the cities down in England the city will grind to a halt.
  16. A certain poster, who shall remain nameless, needs to stop spamming Cultimultural Noise with pointless posts in completely pointless threads.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. :D


      I don't think there is anyone here that doesn't like Smithers Joe... so count him out.

    3. :D


      Double negatives, WHAT

    4. BananaMash


      Smithers Joe is a hero.

  17. Apologies for being late for the duel good sir. I forgot. Your challenge is accepted.
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