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Everything posted by Scottish⑦Canuck

  1. So Scotland is getting an independence referendum... just in case any of you out there happen to be interested in Scottish politics.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tearloch7


      English will not want to give up all that North Sea oil $$$

    3. NightHawkSniper


      So they will have their own parliament, but still be a part of the UK right?

    4. Scottish⑦Canuck


      We already have our own parliament. The SNP want to break off from the UK and follow the example of a country like Norway.

  2. Levein out. Embarrassing. We're back at that embarrassing stage again. And Gareth Bale can go to hell.
  3. All of you guys will be supporting Scotland, obviously. You don't have a choice in the matter.
  4. Not a romcom kind of guy, but just watched" Crazy Stupid Love" and loved it. Pleasantly surprised.

    1. Psylocke


      Yeah, it was definitely a better-than-usual romcom.

    2. Ossi Vaananen

      Ossi Vaananen

      It was a good one. Friends with Benefits was good too.

    3. NightHawkSniper


      Midnight in Paris is pretty good as well.

  5. Coping surprisingly well with this lockout.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BananaMash


      Wanking works wonderfully well.

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      dan hamhuis was in the smithers church this morning. didn't get a chance to say hello or ask him if he would bring the boys to smithers for a game...

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      dan hamhuis was in the smithers church this morning. didn't get a chance to say hello or ask him if he would bring the boys to smithers for a game...

  6. Just ordered a cheeseless pizza online. This'll be interesting.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Scottish⑦Canuck


      I love pizza without cheese. The way it should be.

    3. Xbox


      ^ Deffs not the way it should be

    4. Scottish⑦Canuck


      Way healthier, and you can actually taste the toppings.

  7. I heard he was out of both of the upcoming Champions League games against Celtic, so I'm not sure that he'll be playing for quite a while. Horrible injury. EDIT: Yeah, 8 weeks.
  8. Hart is the only reason they were in the game. We'll slaughter them at Signal Iduna.
  9. I've read about that before. Not sure if it's common knowledge, but Liverpool fans will no doubt know about it already.
  10. Thanks. For a while it looked like it was going to turn into a typical CL away game. But we were great (thanks in part to the sending off, but meh )
  11. Celtic win in Moscow... Celtic win in Moscow!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bill Sikes
    3. :D


      Rangers still exist, just got the boot out of the SPL

    4. topbananas


      no, they dont, Rangers FC were liquidated, The Rangers play in the 3rd tier of Scottish Football if thats who you mean?

  12. Such a shame we had to concede a late goal. We've looked pretty good.
  13. Find new benches? They can't be very comfortable.
  14. If the Giants win I am going to hate Seattle forever...
  15. I'm not the biggest golf fan, but lets all laugh at America.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mau5trap


      Hey America.. Ya blew it !

    3. Scottish⑦Canuck


      They really did. Epic collapse.

    4. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      Pretty much sums up America as a whole

  16. I've been watching football all day Got up about 11, watched the Arsenal Chelsea game. Then moved onto the Celtic - Motherwell game, and then after a half hour break for food I watched Dortmund destroy Monchengladbach. And Sevilla-Barcelona in the evening. I love Saturdays.
  17. Started playing 5s again for the first time since May. Feel like my feet are going to fall off. I am ridiculously unfit.

  18. Slightly belated Happy Birthday. Hope you had a good one.

    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      thanks sc, i'm going out for a birthday lunch today...i'm sure having fun with my family tree....seems i'm also related to the dreaded edward longshanks....hope all is well with you lad.

  19. Thought the referee was pretty pathetic in the Liverpool - Man Utd game. Double standards.
  20. I'm bored. Someone give me something to do.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Caboose
    3. Scottish⑦Canuck


      Not good enough CDC. Not good enough. (Although I may watch Suits at some point...)

    4. Gally


      Watch some good ol' fashion NHL hock... oh wait

  21. Disappointed in last night at the lack of chances created. In saying that, I thought we showed more intent to get forward. Benfica played for the draw. The atmosphere was dampened a little by the nature of the game, but I've never heard anything as loud as when the CL anthem was played before in a football game. Was incredible. None of the videos/ TV feeds do it justice.
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