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Bill Sikes

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  • Interests
    Victorian Literature, Classic movies, Tennis, Rugby, Jazz, Celtic Music, Guitar

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Canucks Rookie

Canucks Rookie (6/14)



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  1. Note to self: Don't bother with thread on Religion, Gun control, or Politics, almost impossible to find someone who can hold a rational discussion on these topics

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      The problem is lack of respect. You can agree to disagree. The problem is now people are so polarized there is no discussion now.

    3. TimberWolf


      Forums in general suck. People clique up and try to be right through herd mentality. Debate through attrition rather than logic. If the other guy gets sick of posting, you must have been right. Even if you are wrong...

    4. Baka


      Same could be said about every hockey thread on here as well xD

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