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Everything posted by Nuxfanabroad

  1. Huuge comeback next period, to kick-start the season! :^) Boucher nabs a couple. Dahlen also breaks thru.
  2. Thanks, this is a direction I wanted to also partly express(earlier responses). However, can't help wondering if this guy is a useful idiot for elites(symptom, or cause). Working class poverty. Big reason I left Vancouver, always remembering what a geat place it WAS, about 3, 4 decades back.
  3. Trouble is..all these financial "instruments" & ponzi pyramid schemes are failing paradigms, we play our silly games to prop up. So as we screw around(global scale), we do the same approach to the living world/biosphere. & one of the better quotes of the last decade, applies(source unsure): "Mother Nature doesn't do bailouts."
  4. Yeah..was thinking modern society, I s'pose? Here, a big city in Asia, is prob not too different from bubbles over there in NA. Appears hyper-capitalism/Ind Civ is a 2 century scheme in the death throes. Seemed a good idea at the time, & all them exhausted cliches...
  5. Yeah..& the flick(Margin Call, I think?) had some good scenes to entertain us all. Too many countries/banksters playing these elaborate shell games to make a buck. Meanwhile, we've basically destroyed the biosphere, & most of the easy to obtain energy, has likely been extracted. Personally see it all as just another chapter in a book of scheming, power-hungry psychopaths, who'll turn this story into a tragic mess. Like when huge profits were privatized, & then sudden losses went to the taxpayer(bailouts). If the theme here is debt(internal or external), at the end of the day, you have a society that appears to be living beyond their means. Just unsustainable.
  6. We're playing a dangerous, high-stakes game, & it appears to long have run it's natural course. I'm not well-educated on these matters, & am trying to learn(mainly, out of morbid curiousity) as the Titanic takes on water. In sum, the low hanging fruit has been plucked, & the juicy returns are no more. The elites will fight over what remains.
  7. Also recommend Greg Hunter's interview with Dr Mark Skidmore(Mich St economics prof) from mid-Oct He discusses 21 TRILLION! that just disappeared(to paraphrase) "The Govt sent us back scads of financial audited documents, but we couldn't go over them cos' they were all REDACTED!" An enjoyable talk, if one has a darker sense of humour...
  8. With respect to your OP however, I think it's a pretty interesting rabbit hole, with Greece(external) & Japan's Bryzgalov-humongousbig(80% internal) serving as oft-sited debt to gdp contrasts. Everywhere the numbers seem to be going exponential. There's also a lot of peripheral TMI, that likely serves to confuse us poor hoi polloi. When everything is about to explode, the PTB will likely kick off a war. It's a bumpy ride as empires rapidly descend. As Bill Holter likes to say, "When they're sure to lose this big poker game, they'll simply kick the table over."
  9. Sorry SF1, I'm a tech dinosaur(can't link other stuff)..just go to Zerohedge's Aug 16th article: "The looming economic collapse, the 250 Trillion dollar worldwide debt crisis" Or just type in 250 trill debt on google, & plenty of fun stuff pops up. ...mid article quotes Intl Finance's Global Debt Monitor: "It rose by the biggest quarterly gain(8 trillion) in 2 yrs, to 247 trillion." So likely even that 250 trill is in the rear view by today. Sources(financial; geopolitical) I enjoy listening to/reading: Chomsky Chris Hedges Richard Wolff Gerald Celente Bill Holter Jim Sinclair Rob Kirby Stephen H Cohen(US/Russia info) Nicolas Taleb John Williams Jim Willie(horrible voice to endure, however) John Rubino I stated one(mine included) opinion doesn't really matter. I'm just regurgitating info that's bounced around with some of these various sites/sources. All we can really do is accumulate info, then decide who/what you choose to believe.
  10. So 6 trillion $ in needless wars, yet we should be interested who the domestic/or Intl debt is owed to? Perhaps your weapons companies.. so great for the economy/war-biz? How many women & children killed before people get their priorities straight? How many shoes must be hurled at feckless, clueless, intolerable puppets? Sorry..don't wanna click onto the tainted pablum(in original post) offered up from a subservient, lackey, disingenuous media. So I'd contend it IS germane to your topic. Where is debt created in the first place? Why? Then the question of why the US dollar was the world's reserve currency? Inextricably linked to the sale(OPEC) of daily world oil in US $. In 2016 I started reading more articles discussing these agreements amongst countires like Israel, Saudis, US..& others like Japan, that would agree to gobble up Treasury bonds. I heard analysts openly lament the US(as a nation) had gotten fat using oil as a F***ing credit card(maintaining their US $ reserve status), since the early 70's! All these nations nestled under a military umbrella. All to keep the status quo going. Now the world(collectively) is about 250 Trillion in debt! Many countries are beginning to openly question/challenge a system that dates from the early 70's. This house of cards will come down sooner or later. They kicked the can down the road, 10 yrs back..now kicking it in circles in a cul-de-sac. Doesn't really matter whether ones debt is inside or out.
  11. It doesn't matter what you're "ranting & raving" about..so many people have been needlessly slaughtered, & places destroyed. Meanwhile, probably 99% of the media originating from where you are, just wastes one's time. The NYT for example..prob the only thing I'll read there(recent yrs) are obits, for they are somewhat tricky to lie about. Catherine Austin Fitts(& some Mich U Prof) have a number of interviews claiming the US has some 21 trillion(same as their debt) unaccounted for. Some Gregory Hunter interviews have discussed this subject extensively. Whom are we to believe? Guv't bean counters? Disingenuous media? At this rate, "Alice In Wonderland" will double as your nation's historical documentary. Deep, dark rabbit hole. The good news? If China & Russia's influence continue rising, maybe a multi-polar world will create some(prob temporary) geopolitical balance. The west has jumped the shark, & if the global community lose faith in their main currencies, no one can really say how badly a crash might look. ************************************ My views? *******************************(doesn't matter, but some might play 'shoot the messenger', anywhoo) ^The above is mostly general info/opinions I've heard/read on various sites. Yesterday listened to an interesting Nov 13th interview(recommended) with Greg Hunter & John Rubino(youtube). These two men seem level-headed, rational, conscientious & honest. I really enjoyed their intelligent discourse. There are still reasonable people out there analyzing some of the matters you allude to. Down the road, the big Guv will probably strangle all these sources on the 'net, I would imagine...
  12. Zerohedge today with an article that you've spent 6 trillion on wars since 2001..Thanks a bunch. Didn't someone call out "WMD" in a shrill voice? Even for thread topics.."You're with US or against us"? Is that the way? The real question is what happens to world debts/global currencies when the unwashed masses lose faith in the values their respective govt's claim they hold?
  13. Really like this kid, & hope he stays a Canuck for his career. That said, if Tryamkin returns, the RhD side might become a tight squeeze. I'd prefer we keep lots of size on the blueline. Mentioned it before, but would really like to see them make Stecher into a D/RW hybrid, like Biega can play. Assure him a spot on the 23 man roster for the next number of yrs, then gradually get him used to playing some fwd minutes. As a local kid, he'd probably accept a modest(NTC) deal, if it were a long term commitment from the team. Also ensures you have 7 skaters that can play D, on nights it seems the best plan.
  14. Thanks for updates. Radio feed hasn't worked on my pc..seems forever now. Guess they're tryin hard to sell their TV pkg?(thank you, no) Maybe our surprise Russki 'tender is getting tired? Be nice to get TD back..here's hopin. Great to hear Boucher is off the IR, however.
  15. Meanwhile the NHL is wrapping up a class-action lawsuit with a pay off. How can an injury like this have NO CONSEQUENCES, in light of the NHL's past F***-ups? #riggeddeckleague
  16. Cricklewood Green...


    Is this the greatest(relatively unknown) album in rock history? Early 70's release from Ten Yrs After. Shout out to Alvin Lee, likely jamming forever in the Heavens!


    When life wears one down, thank the Gods for 70's bluesy rock!

    1. Nuxfanabroad


      Haven't driven cars since the 90's..but I KNOW I'd get a speeding ticket if song #3 were playing(50,000 miles Beneath...), & I had a nice convertible, top down...

    2. Ghostsof1915


      Working on the road.


      But I still like 

      "I'd love to change the world" one of their later works. 


    3. Nuxfanabroad


      Ghosts, FM radio were derelict in their duty(late 70's to 80's) all I ever heard from this band was that tune. With Youtube I've checked out a few of their LP's..Man, they were great!


      "A Space In Time"(1971) had that tune, & the 2nd side is chock-full of sweet rock.

      Cricklewood Green


      Rock & Roll Music To the World



      ^There's 5 albums with gems galore. Very underrated band.

  17. It's all entitled pov's..too lazy to type out a 2 or 3 para summary, overview of the Cdn teams past Q century. I've been away(as well), so likely haven't followed the day to day minutiae, that some fans have surely taken in. Also, some ar*ehole will next post them tinfoil pics, when you take time to state some points. Nahh man..there are too many significant, urgent issues in the world to spend this much time analyzing a pro sport. In this world today, almost anything that involves billions of $ is likely rigged. Comes down to power, influence, bread & circuses, & unfortunate dishonest/manipulative human tendencies. Some present day cultures have turned this machiavellian crap into an art form. But just with this thread, I'm glad if there's a few thousand views, & even one more person takes time to ponder this game's integrity. Ultimately when sport/competition loses the 'level playing field', it's eventually become pointless. In light of this fact, I've been quite strict in limiting the time(& almost ZERO $) I'll sacrifice following any pro sport(NHL is the only one I've watched, about past 3 decades). I've spent a decent chunk of time doing sport(as there are so many benefits), namely marathons & long triathlons(ice hockey until early 20's)..but would never wanna watch something so bloody boring as a race! Due to a stubborn nature, if I don't trust something, then out of principle, hate to give it a freeken dime! But if one believes in something(GCG!), you get committed to the cause(or at least find it hard to give up completely).
  18. Well, I'm no lawyer to debate these things..I'd say it looked like a distinct dribbling move I saw by Diego Maradona, one game back in 1983. The whole thing seems hopeless(NHL in general), anyhow. Not sure exactly where the trubs started, but it feels increasingly more biz than sport. I've long felt they've prioritized the US markets over the Cdn ones, & have been quite sneaky in doing so. This has gradually evolved over seasons/decades. Then say(for sake of discussion) it's true, the NHL PTB have basically kept the Cup in the States. Who would dare complain? It's such a $ gravy train for so many people(not only players & owners), no one will ever upset the apple cart.(sorry to digress back to some of the original post-laments)..in truth, didn't really care about today's call that much, either way. In sum, when goals go in like that first one today(WTG Marky!), everything else gets rendered more moot than Motte!
  19. Another example as the NYI player gets to hackey sack a frackin puck into the net!..yawwwn.(what else is new?)
  20. Bet the coach is kiboshed after this here debacle...
  21. There's such a randomness now with tunes. We used to listen to the radio, & I could place songs/albums to successive life chapters..sometimes precise months/yrs, when they were big. In general, it felt more shared. Up 'til about the early 90's this applied. Away for a long spell, & would listen to internet radio stations..don't know if the tunes are old/new(?), so it feels different. Just the same, some gems catch my ear with a first listen. One was from a bloke named Gary Louris, from The Jayhawks. Recommend this acoustic version on youtube..some excerpts: Omaha Nights All the days are numbered, are they slippin thru my fingers? Am I singin melodies all meant for other singers?/ Occupying places that were clearly meant for others/ Am I growin old in the arms of the wrong lover? Chorus: Oooh oooh oh Omaha nights, gonna make it alright/ Ooh Omaha, gonna set me free Some folks look for saviors, some for missin pieces/ Some for earthly-ecstasy, some may look for Jesus..Chorus LOVE the last lines - Here we find what we want, along this finite journey / Is it here that sense appears, or are we merely learnin? / That money leads to power, power to corruption / The only way to heaven, mama, is the power of devotion ..chorus
  22. They'll deal timbits to obtain, then flip him for fritters & Boston Cremes(b*stards!)
  23. Status Updates are like my memory. If the Missus tells me 6 things, surely I've forgotten the 1st!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      he is good at sniffing out good deals. 

    3. chon derry

      chon derry

      @smithers joe I dont get to attached to any of em, the tacoma was killer , this car is insanely fast but its on the block ,and would never have done it if money component wasn't there. 

    4. Nuxfanabroad


      You're tellin a joke, have forgotten the punch

      Well hey there, Mack..now thanks a bunch

      Can't recall her name?

      Mind rendered lame

      She stays for breaky - let's forget about lunch!

  24. L2, The poor guys prob already have EP-envy to deal with!
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