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Everything posted by Nuxfanabroad

  1. WHAT are y'all afraid of!!???


    Thermophobia -fear of heat

    Triskadekaiphobia- fear of #13

    Thaasophobia- Fear of sitting(Gawd NO!!!)

    Hollytwophobia- Fear of wasting 2 hrs on Hollywood trash

    Arachnophobia- fear of spiders; or leggy women, who spin sticky yarns(yearning to be at the center)

    rhynoreaphobia- phobia of losing rhyme & reason

    Dreado'limphobia - Fear the masses may dread my limericks

    Phobophobia- Fear of phobias


    Afraid to ask..any CDC'ers got phobias?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      Yeah..guess that's fair, but deployment/lines was killing me before TG.

    3. C.A. Nux

      C.A. Nux


    4. Ghostsof1915


      Nothing could prepare me for the vertigo effects of the stroke I had. I can think of nothing more terrifying thinking I just had an ear infection. And waking up in the morning expecting to feel better and the world just spinning. I could only drink water, because I couldn't keep anything down. I could not walk, I had to crawl. I had to call an ambulance, clean myself up as best as I could. Prop myself by my apartment buzzer to let the ambulance crew in. (Waiting 90 minutes, while the very nice girl at 911 kept calling me back).

      When the crew got to my apartment, I was like a guy who drank 3 bottles of scotch. They had to walk me downstairs to the ambulance, while they took me to VGH. You need to take for granted the simple things like walking, running, etc. As it took me about 2 months to walk normally. 6 Months to jog. I'm am thankful it was a mild stroke and my life is pretty much back to normal. But that's something I never want to have happen again.

  2. At the very least, Ghosts, it created a title-rhyme..for reason? edit: Monty P were the best!
  3. This current crop is better than any prospect group the franchise has ever assembled. That's my opinion..admitting I didn't really start watching until the mid-70's. If you think the late 70's farm was better..it's certainly your right to say as much. But I'm interested(& skeptical) whether any posters here would agree with you.
  4. Well.. you're entitled to any argument/assertion you fancy, but if you prefer to stand on the car lot flogging THAT 70's model, I'll certainly wish you luck. Generally I LOVED that era..some players were bold enough to flip the bird to NHL hierarchy, & start up another league (there's no moxie or chutzpah like that anymore). But for our boys on the left coast, that was the middle of a TWO DECADE losing-tunnel! Next you'll inform us that the 80's Leafers inspired Cdn manners & pastime-diversity(do ANYTHING but watch the game, man!) edit: Also forgot..it's SOOOO misleading to present stats on players drafted late 70's. Scoring in the 80's was insane, compared to coming decades.
  5. I'll exploit a typo like a shameless lawyer for Stormy!
  6. "Love-pieces at the TDL"?! You had me at Hello, then went all lewd & inappropriate! :^)
  7. No time to count what I'm worth


    Cos' I just left the Planet Earth

    Where I go, I hope there's rum!

    Not to worry, mahn soon come


    I don't know, x3 ..where Ima' gonna go

    ...when the volcano blow!

    1. luckylager


      Jimmy had options


      You my friend are stuck on an Island 

  8. 'Tis said youth is wasted on young & you'd best dance with the one ya'brung At end of the day Should score go astray Old Nux-backers are proudly well-hung!
  9. Contemplated goin back to the Flyin V's...


    How would the fans react, if the team came charging out(first home tilt) in their shocking-yellows?


    I'd love it!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      With Johnny Canucks painted on white skates? :^)

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      i like the flying skate too. how would it look in our colours?

    4. Tre Mac

      Tre Mac

      Hypercolor jerseys, they skate out wearing green and blue and as they perspire it changes to yellow and black.

  10. Trev moving on to Greener pastures is another sign that the 5 yr stealth-rebuild is fulfilled. The 1 yr kamikaze-descent will be widely accepted(necessary evil)..especially if the Comets play as a powerhouse.
  11. Like a cat that's playin with a ball of twine

    That you call my heart

    Oh but baby is it so hard, to tell the two apart?

    & so slowly, you unwind me, 'til I fall apart


    ~Rory Gallagher


    (can't believe FM radio didn't play this GREAT Irish bluesman/rocker more, back in the day. It took Youtube for me to discover this absolute gem!

    1. Alflives


      Cats?  Did someone mention cats?  Who doesn’t just love cats?  :o

    2. Nuxfanabroad


      This tune's certainly 4U, Alf-er. Can't believe it took me so long to hear.


      Apparently Hendrix called this guy the best, in a late 60's interview...

  12. Evidence just keeps rolling in. Northern hemisphere appears to be burning up. I've read predictions that the Arctic sea ice may be toast, this Sept, or next. Watch out when that happens.
  13. The Missus & I have a drinking-problem!

    (did I drive her to it?!)

    We've been going thru 2 lt. bottles of green tea, like you folks down fancy beers.

    It's 38~40 degrees(& humid lika' sauna) here for eternity. DON'T visit Japan in July/Aug. Move 2020 games to a cooler planet!!!

    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      you shouldn't drink and drive, even if you have a yen to. 

  14. Yes..been anticipating an emerging Baer-market :^)
  15. I've been bullish on this kid for a long time. In March started a thread suggesting they go 10 mill/4 yrs, bc I expect he'll break out. What a set of wheels!
  16. Has anyone reassessed the plan of having Sir Elton moonlight serenade the big guy at his Siberian gulag(sans reefer) apt window? "Ohh Nikita you will never know How shoddy we've been in our zone We'll never see how good you look, paired with Hughes OHHH NO! Nikita we need you so ...NIKITAaaaaaa Captive by old Willie in the show!"
  17. MGTOW pt2


    Early 90's I was frustrated with relationships. My long-term ex had moved back to Alberta.


    That's when I moved to Japan, finding a lovely lass(23 yrs, been hitched).


    Ftr, always loved ladies..but I do appreciate the frustration young men can feel with relationships in modern times. It'd be hypocritical of me to pretend otherwise.

    1. Baer.
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      What would Archie Bunker say? Or for that matter, Willie Shakespeare, John Lennon or George Carlin??


      Times like these, I'd love to hear insights from such minds(existed or Hollywood created)...

    3. Wilbur


      I was frustratingly single for a long time so feel for people in the same spot, but in almost all cases the issues are within, not the other gender.  I finally figured out my mental block and it made things much simpler.

  18. MGTOW?


    ...Acronym for "Men Going Their Own Way"

    Curious & watched a few youtube clips on this. Has anyone here observed friends/fam getting in on this social movement? Is it more prominent in the States?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Baer.


      A lot of these terms have been around for years on the internet. Why they are just becoming mainstream now is probably just due to social climate, otherwise I'm not sure.

    3. Nuxfanabroad


      From a distant view(literally, being my own), it does appear motivated from a united(amongst many males, mostly) frustration at the heightened hybrid of liberalism, feminism & their pointed-criticism of men's traditional roles/significance within modern society.


      I find this quite interesting, as it appears a pendulum swinging back in their direction.


      The internet makes such movements(that would normally peter out) go exponential.

    4. Wilbur


      It's the flip side of the #metoo movement...behold the #mefirst movement.

  19. Let's HELP the 'Ning-Dynasty!


    Granny & MDZ(50%..3 mill AAV!) cheap


    JT Miller & that Cuckoo guy

    (6 millAAV!)

  20. 40 grade 3 rug-rats!


    Helped the Missus yesterday with her Elementary English class. Cute kids..We did Canadian Animal Bingo!(colouring grizzlies, beavers & moose, eh??)..with 6 diff colours.

    Absolute mayhem! Tired today 


    1. Alflives


      Were you like this?


  21. Prob tomorrow..he booked the hair salon today(TML diehards claim).
  22. July post - .. One thing I've lately enjoyed is seeing(Capfriendly) how low we are down the list of teams(currently 20th; being July 10th) for total cap-hit. Been so long we've been stuck near the top(despite losing lots), as the fallout of our top-end yrs. I'm interested whether we weaponize some of that AAV space, with our surplus of bodies, as well as an upcoming draft to host. Let's get 12~14 picks for next June! - Oct 1st prediction: 27th OA finish(14th in west); roster not finalized quite yet..don't matter(great, waived Gags!) Okay, seems like slim-pickins, this yr. Pts leader: Bo with 65 EP: 57 pts(25 & 32) Brock: 32 goals Jake: 21 snipes Goldy also bags 25 Markstrom ends up .916, 2.50 GAA 3 SO's(pretty solid season, all considered) Nilsson(20 games) .904, 2.90 GAA(then it's later alligator) - Big trades? Near TDL, Edler & Sutter. Gaining an extra 1st & 2nd for home draft(& some more decent pieces) - Gaudette plays half a season in bigs. Emerging in spring with a nicely rounded-out game - Utica makes final-4. Demko has an excellent yr. He comes up to stay, late-season - Our best D to close out season? In order: Tanev, Hutton, OJ, Sautner - Man games lost: 250 The upswing waits 'til next yr.
  23. I remember standin on the corner at midnite

    Tryin to get my courage up...

    There was this long, lovely dancer, in a little club downtown

    Loved to watch her do her stuff...

    Through long lonely nights, she filled my sleep

    Her body softly swayin', to that smoky beat

    Down on Main Street

    1. NewbieCanuckFan


      There seemed to be a stretch there when Bob Seger's music could be found in a bunch of quite popular movies....



    2. NewbieCanuckFan
    3. Nuxfanabroad


      @NewbieCanuckFan ,  Bob kinda jumped the shark with his 80's movie flick, pop songs..but what a 70's catalogue he has!


      Main St & Night Moves should be trademarked/patented for authentic pop song nostalgia. Reading that 1977's Main St was about #26 on Billboard, but was #1 ! in Canada. We knew our quality rock, back in the day.

  24. Ha..great! Then Scorcese's 'Taxi Driver' was warning of the oncoming mess(entities like HFBoards) soon exploiting the little'uns, until some badassss finally shows up to take out the garbage! In the "group-think" & petty taunting within such boards I'm getting pretty turned off with the whole shebang. Comparatively, there's much more respect(diff posters/opinions) around here..but all of this stuff must eventually detract from people's ability to sit down & have a reasonable conversation.
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