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Everything posted by Goal:thecup

  1. I read it last week somewhere; I'll see if I can find it.
  2. He is now 6' 1" and 196 pounds, only 6 weeks since his 18th birthday, and already in his 2nd (3rd?) year playing with men. He's built like a brick $&!#house and (although I am loathe to mention that a-hole's name) reminds me of Messier. Captain material, non-stop motor, hits like a truck, highly skilled, anything to win attitude with a bit of a mean streak? Yes, please! Oh Baby (as Larshied used to say). I can't wait either. (Hope we can get him out of his 2nd year of his KHL contract.)
  3. 2 split-squad games on the same day (Sept 16). Anybody got the times of these games yet?
  4. Seeing this line up made me want to see the game so I called up Russian Cable TV and these guys are now setting up their system in my basement so's I can watch Podkolzin on TV:
  5. Exodus! Movement of the players. Whatever can Edmonchuk do to keep players there? Open another mall? Even having McJesus is not enough. Then when even He demands a trade, look out. Exodus! Movement of the team. (Bob Marley knock off for a Fine Friday Afternoon; 4:20 in Winterpeg.)
  6. Total BS. I realize it was partly an attempt (that failed) at humour. Every player stands on their own record. Forsberg is less of a legend because you think Dahlen was unwilling "to put in the work and effort"? Total nonsense. I don't get the need for posters to put down Canucks prospects and players; is it to puff yourself up? Anybody who even gets drafted into the NHL is a heck of an athlete and deserves that respect at a minimum. And anybody that ever gets paid to play hockey is most likely a better hockey player than almost everyone typing on these forums. Get off your high horses. JD has already had a great hockey career. He has shown himself to be a loyal and talented teammate and plays for team success. He is a fine young man who may have been somewhat overwhelmed in the AHL. He wasn't the first and won't be the last. Now we have Linus Karlsson who is another fine (Swedish) prospect. Let's get behind him and look forward to his progress. Let's wish JD the best for the future and quit this ridiculous nonsense.
  7. Did he even get a penalty for that? That's 'wiley veteran' country that is.
  8. As long as you're alright, I'm cool man. I enjoy your input and your insights from a Swedish point of view.
  9. You need help man, this constant ranting can't be good for you. By the way, I am of Swedish descent and Sweden is my second favorite team in the world (after Canada); I like the Finns next best too. From Borje Salming having to put up with that imbecile Don Cherry and his "Chicken Swedes" comments, I have defended and cheered for all the Swedes who came over to the NHL. I liked Dahlen but did not think he would be tough enough to withstand the hyper-violence of North American hockey. The recent (to me anyway) reporting of 2 concussions in the AHL for him could well have been a factor in him not wanting to keep playing here and may explain some of his somewhat bizarre behaviour (e.g. not remembering who said what). Putting the idiots and twits who post all this crap about players and management on "Ignore" makes CDC a much more enjoyable pastime.
  10. Entwistle is late; Podkolzin doesn't even have the puck.
  11. You may be correct with this line of thinking. But dithering on about Tkachuk in the Olli Juolevi thread it at best tired. We did not want Tkachuk and still do not want Tkachuk; get over it. We're hoping Juolevi makes the team and does well; quit whining about a long past draft.
  12. Management didn't want Tkachuk. They didn't even interview him. Who would want to see this face across their desk?
  13. It's summertime; this is much ado about nothing. JB has put together an exciting line up for the coming season and Brock will be part of it.
  14. There will be injuries and not because of any Canuck luck or curse but because it is a very demanding game. When we make the playoffs this year, not only can anything happen, but we are much better prepared for these demands. We have 2 good tenders, 6 good defensemen, and 12 good forwards for balance and flexibility. We also have a trove of fast, talented, and tough players in the minors chafing at the bit for their chance. Most improved team this year and the team nobody wants to meet in the playoffs.
  15. Too good not to quote. "reassuring fluff" "Van-media style mindless sideline wanking" "soft-soap pass again"
  16. I think, that with Benning having spoken directly with Louie, that the puck is now on Louie's stick. If he wants to make a new committment to the team, and work with Travis in a positive and forthright manner, then we can fit him in and make good use of his skills. If he truly wants out, JB has shown that he is willing to take a hit to remove players who no longer want to be here. I agree that those 2 players mentioned are most likely Louie and Goldie, or as ilduce39 says, perhaps Schaller. We can still use Sutter and Tanev and I don't think management wants to trade Jake. We still have lots of time and things can change but unless they do we may have to accept nothing or "less than zero" (E Costello) for any of those three. For example, if a huge offer comes in for Jake, it may be impossible to resist.
  17. From SN: Benning finally spoke this week to Eriksson about comments the winger made in Swedish at the world championships that he and Green “don’t really get on 100 per cent.” Benning said it was a positive conversation and he doesn’t think Eriksson’s remarks were as egregious as some people think. “We’ll continue to talk and work things out,” Benning said. “We’ll continue to look at our options and see if something makes sense for us, and talk to Loui and see where he’s at and kind of just go from there.” I think there is still a chance to mend fences and get Louie back on the team.
  18. Reminded me of my first stick purchases, a Sher-Wood, and later that fall, a Victoriaville. Both were about that same price, which was a heck of a lot of money to me in the sixties. (Sorry it is off topic; just had my failing old memories stirred...)
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