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-DLC- last won the day on April 1

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    Canucks/Hockey in general; BC Lions, Patriots/Football; poker; music; mountain biking; photography; animal rescue.

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  1. Ugh, the more you do the more that's expected of you.  On both of my weeks vacation I've volunteered to go in to do payroll as no one else can/will do it.  I'd planned on going in today but a guy was leaving on his vacation last night, so I went in a day early and changed my plans.  Had to leave during the Shapavalov match as a result (grr).  I arrive to find my desk covered in work waiting for my return (no biggie, happened last time too), but then my boss starts giving me tasks to do before I leave??  Then cops an attitude when I tell him "I'm not here for long".  I am taking time off in lieu of the time spent there during my vacation time (saving it for hockey!!) but it still doesn't take away from the fact that ... rather than appreciate the effort, he was taking advantage of it by ignoring the gesture and piling on.  Guilting me.   I'm getting better at establishing boundaries, however, sigh.  I want to be a good, dedicated worker but please...don't interpret that as doormat.

    There, I feel better now.

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    2. goalie13


      You should make that time and a half off in lieu.

    3. -DLC-


      Absolutely.  Never used to but everyone else collects OT at time and a half (I just bank the time and have always done so at face value).  That's about to change.  Thank you!

    4. goalie13


      If it was up to me it would be double time.  Vacation time should be sacred.  They should have figured out a better plan.

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