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-DLC- last won the day on April 1

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    Canucks/Hockey in general; BC Lions, Patriots/Football; poker; music; mountain biking; photography; animal rescue.

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  1. Ex invited us to a BBQ today...my son and I both:  "if the Canucks are in a game 5...we can't make it".

    Just finished making an Asian sesame pasta salad for the deal...looks like we're going!

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    2. -DLC-


      We've been reluctant to get together, too.  Outside only and when we do have to go inside, wearing masks.  Better safe than sorry for sure.   Ex and son are asthmatic...Papa (my Dad) is very vulnerable in all of this.  It's just what we do now.  We all pack sanitizer, etc.

      Not sure if I'll ever be able to get fully "back to normal".  Before COVID hit we'd dealt with RHD2 (rabbit virus) and so I've been in lockdown mode for awhile now.  No shoes in the house, change right away, wash each time I enter the house, etc.

      Draining at first, but now the new normal.  Not bad things to do at the best of times.

    3. Kurisu


      Is it your own recipe for the Asian sesame pasta salad?!

    4. brilac


      Once it was a really hard decision for me to choose between watching hockey and the Bachelorette/Bachelor.  It was the the season finale, and it was a really hard decision. 

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