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Green Building

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Green Building last won the day on March 19 2020

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  1. Adults 19 and up will legally be able to carry 30 grams of weed in PEI. This is the right number.

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    2. Green Building

      Green Building

      These legalization laws aren't designed to make it legal tender. Home grow plants are currently allowed for personal use only. It's similar to distilling your own moonshine and trading it, which isn't allowed, but in the meantime just don't get caught. I'm eagerly anticipating the fine print on these issues because as the years go by there will be instances like this that come up. 

    3. luckylager


      Yet if they just do away with their ridiculous need to control people and how the people go about their business with a plant, it just wouldn't matter.


      The federal NDP were pushing for full decriminalization, which IMO is the only logical way to deal with possession. 


      Yet again, AND AS ALWAYS, corporations will have more rights than citizens. They'll be able to transport 5 tons of pesticide laden, bunk ass bunker weed for a massive profit, yet us back yard growers will be prosecuted for trading weed with our friends.


      It's a &^@#ing corporate cash grab. Possession limits are total $&!#. Absolute garbage.

    4. Green Building

      Green Building

      I'm a little against calling it a corporate cash grab, even though I agree the prices are a little high right now. It's LONG overdue tax revenue that will hopefully not get pissed away on fast ferries and Liberal ICBC hogwash. I'm really hoping the feds allow individual provinces to use some of the revenue as they see fit, and that these provinces do what has been happening in Colorado where it isn't all going into 1 giant coffer, rather, there are %'s being divvied up for specific programs like drug abuse programs, building schools, law enforcement, and perhaps others before the rest of the taxes went into a general fund.


      As for pesticides and stuff, the market will have to educate itself and speak up with how it spends its own money like we do with food. Want a guarantee there's no chemicals? Buy organic. Most of the shops already carry organic strains. Demand them if they don't. 



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