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Status Replies posted by Mr.DirtyDangles

  1. Staying at work with the flu = one tough shebeast.

  2. what is going on in Montreal.......

  3. boy talk about the wrong time to go get a new stick...

  4. lol at the guy in a Canucks jersey during a Calgary/Ducks game.

  5. trade for Tuomo Ruutu

  6. " a relationship isnt a test... So why cheat? "

  7. You know when you take the rugs out and beat them with a stick to get rid of all the nasties ? We need that here .

  8. Moving back to Vancouver Island from Edmonton on Saturday! All I have to say is..It's about time!

  9. 2 points is 2 points is 2 points

  10. I love Lapi. What a great pick-up he has been, even if just for that smug look he does so well!

  11. You know when you take the rugs out and beat them with a stick to get rid of all the nasties ? We need that here .

  12. i cou;d see us with a 6-4-1 january.

  13. guess what? We play St. Louis tomorrow...........

  14. Can I get some attention as well?

  15. Apparently I'm revered now O.o

  16. Read RunningWild's link. Marchand has a blog/diary he's keeping for the season. It's absolutely disgusting. Says people dont know the rules and it wasn't a clip. Remorseless piece of garbage.

  17. Are you satisfied with the 5 game suspension to Marsh-rat?

  18. I don't know what's sweeter, the prevailing justice on the Marchand hit, or knowing that the Bruins finally can't get away with everything.

  19. Finally some justice....suck on that, rat-boy!

  20. I just laid some rat traps under the sink. Just try and low-bridge those you little bugger.

  21. The difference between Marchand and Ballard is that Ballard had a forward motion. Marchand just ducks. Is that really hard to understand?

  22. Official: Marchand suspended 5 games! Better than nothing!

  23. Mason Raymond = 1 point, -3 in the past 8 games.

  24. Somewhere on a Broncos message board there is a thread titled Tebow do we really want him?

  25. WHY NO COREY PERRY?! Idiots.

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