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apollo last won the day on May 5

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    Lord Benning Cathedral
  • Interests
    Watching Canucks Win
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Canucks Franchise Player

Canucks Franchise Player (12/14)



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  1. Gratitude & Love. Let's all spread as much of it as we can during isolation 2020


    It seems like everyone is complaining about grocery stores having certain items out of stock... I've had friends tell me they are shook the store was out of chicken, or bananas and that has ruined their day...


    For real?! I'm not even going to address the paper product shortage because it's silly. 


    Over 29,000 people die every day from hunger... Every time I have gone to get groceries during this break, I've still had an incredible abundance of food to chose from. 


    If you show gratitude as much as you can, these times will be more enjoyable.



    1. RRypien37


      Thank you for having the right mindset. This is nothing compared to what the 3rd world goes through every single day. Respect. 

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