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Everything posted by Psylocke

  1. Weird day but it's all good now. :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Psylocke


      @Mr.DirtyDangles: um...sorry?

      @TS: You first.

    3. Dazzle


      The hot guy you've been stalking has been stalking you the entire time and both of you caught each other doing it?

    4. Psylocke


      LOL I haven't been stalking anyone.

  2. Just one of those days.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Psylocke


      @Tearloch & Tanikins: Thanks for your kind, encouraging words and sympathy. It's much appreciated. :)

    3. :D


      You single yet?

    4. Psylocke


      LOL nope. Talking to my bf right now actually.

  3. Is there really such a thing as someone who is "out of your league"?

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Psylocke


      Yeah, it sucks that people are made to believe that they are less and shouldn't/can't go for someone who is "out of their league".

    3. nux4lyfe


      They are 'out of your league' because you choose them to be, If you always put yourself first those things shouldn't effect you..be confident, no matter how many flaws you think you may have...also be cocky, it works .

    4. Psylocke


      Yes, one can choose whether or not to buy into the notion that there is a ranking system for who can date who based on looks. But just saying that the media/society has somewhat shaped that mindset, which a lot of people seem to believe in.

  4. One month down, five to go.

    1. Tearloch7


      true to oneself, and hugs will see you thru /s.

    2. Psylocke
  5. Happy :)

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Spread the love :D

    2. Phil_314


      Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!

  6. Spider-Man 2 - 6/10 Haven't watched the first one, but didn't have trouble following this one. It wasn't great, but I think it's better than the Tobey Maguire/Kirsten Dunst ones. Wouldn't be something I'd watch again though.
  7. Too bad this is a Spotify exclusive. Hoping it'll be released on iTunes or Beatport soon.
  8. Trying to get my bf hooked on trance/edm. LOL

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Psylocke


      Yes, couples should have things in common, but I think things like music, tv, movies shouldn't be the things that make or break a relationship. But at the same time, if that's what's most important to you, who am I to judge or say otherwise? :)



      uh huh, get back to me after you date someone who likes metal ;p

    4. Psylocke


      LOL I don't mind the music (instrumental parts) of metal; it's the singing/screaming that I don't really like.

  9. :)
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tearloch7


      ** fades away to the strains of "Lara's Theme" **

    3. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      i'm supposed to be the attention whore here

    4. nux4lyfe


      she wasn't this quiet last night..:)

  10. Today is one of those days where it would be nice to have a bf who's in the same city.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      I'll bring the beers

    3. LeanBeef


      Where's colon d at?

    4. Psylocke


      @cookies: That's a good idea!

      @everyone else: LOL party! Thanks for bringing the beer, KH!

  11. One week down...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Psylocke


      I think I'll have some espresso stout tonight. :P

    3. Magikal


      Now she likes stout?!?! :o

    4. Psylocke


      I generally like stouts more than pale ales; hate IPAs.

  12. Unwinding with a big glass of blackberry cider after a long, rough day.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      This feels so empty without Colon Dee inviting himself over too

    3. :D


      Let's date

    4. Psylocke


      Don't think my bf would like that. Lol

  13. Day one...

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. nux4lyfe


      Don't worry Canuck_83, I am here to hold your hand and hug you tight, especially when it's cold at night..cucumber ain't got nttn on me!

    3. Psylocke


      @nux: hahaha who's cucumber?

    4. nux4lyfe


      cucumber aka mangoes aka tiger, you that attention seeking idiot?..made a thread with a poem....but obviously my poem is what's up!

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