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Everything posted by shiznak

  1. Jericho is in Pittsburgh, where the Rumble is being held. If he does return, I hope it's during the World title match and not the rumble itself.
  2. shiznak


    Yikes, Nadal getting his ares handed to by Wawrinka.
  3. Man, the Oilers look like an AHL team out there. Turnover after turnover in their own zone.
  4. Why? Just watch their other 50 previous matches when they fought each other.
  5. If Torts was still the head coach of the NYR and the same incident occurred, would we be praising him for sticking up for his team or would we be calling him an idiot? I'm thinking the latter.
  6. Newsflash, all sports have bad officiating.
  7. Then why are you still supporting the league by watching their hockey games? Write a letter to the head office, get a petition going, and get people to sign it. Crying on an internet forum, does nothing, but make us fans look like whiny brats.
  8. This whole, us against the world shtick, really has to stop.
  9. 10 games is a bit steep. Should be at least 5 games and a 5K fine.
  10. What evidence does Vince have to hide? Everybody already knew Owen's death was all the WWE and Vince's fault.
  11. You really have nothing to gain from beating up a lesser opponent in a fight. If anything, it would light a fire under your opponent's ass and make them play harder. Which they did, yesterday. Why try to motivate them, when they're already a broken bunch?
  12. Torts didn't necessary needed to put the Twins out there, but if he wanted to, he could of just put Sestito with the twins to protect them. Worst case scenario, McGrattan and Sestito would have fought and the Canucks get away with a powerplay. You say, we have been playing with the scoreboard mentality for years now, but that mentality is how you win hockey games. We didn't get to the Stanley Cup Finals with our goonary on the ice.
  13. We don't engage at all, hence, don't stoop to their level. This isn't the first time a coach has sent out their 4th line players to start a game. Claude Julien has done it, so has Bylsma, Laviolette, Crawford, and DeBoer. You would think Torts should have learned his lesson the first time, when DeBoer sent out his 4th liners to start a game against his Rangers.
  14. Pretty sure Kesler, Higgins, Hansen, Kassian, and Richardson, could have took care of themselves. If they want to start sh!t, then so be it. At the end, we go on the man advantage and make them pay.
  15. I honestly didn't like it. The Canucks are were a fragile bunch, to begin with. Why on earth would you want to risk losing your players to a game misconduct or injury, when you're fricking fighting for a playoff spot? I get Torts was trying to make a point. Fine, do it on the scoreboard, don't stoop to their level, make them pay by dancing circles around them. If I were other teams around the league, I would take notes on this. By sending their 4th liners at the start of each game and try the bait Torts again.
  16. Meh, two points well needed. Shouldn't have gone to a SO, nor should Calgary be leading twice in the game. Had multiple chance to bury this game in the first period, is what most fans are upset about.
  17. I agree with PJ Stock.......for once. Beat your opponent on the scoreboard, not on the ice.
  18. The Canucks taking shooting lessons from Kesler, I see.
  19. Beat them on the scoreboard, not on the ice.
  20. As I mentioned, Edler's NTC drags his trade value down. Out of those defensemen, the only one whose value is less than Edler is Bouwmeester.
  21. You can't respond because you're not man enough to admit you're wrong. You resort to saying I don't watch any hockey games or have no knowledge of other players. Yet, the traits you mention about Del Zotto are untrue. Slow? Didn't scouts call him one of the best skaters in his draft, up to par with Stamkos? He's not phyiscal? Since Del Zotto made it into the league in 2010, he has racked up more hits than Edler (535, MDZ to 448, Edler), while playing less games. I'm guessing you only started to watch Rangers' games, this season. Quoting AV about a player he has coached for 4 months is useless. Besides, I never once said Del Zotto was better than Edler. I said if Colorado wants an Edler type defensemen (an offensive defensemen), then they should be looking at Del Zotto, who might be on the block and they could possibly fetch a better deal from NYR than just Edler.
  22. Yeah, Torts hated him yet he logged the 3rd most minutes amongst the team last year, played on the penalty kill, and was 4th on the team in hits. I have more quotes from Torts, but that was the gist of what you're trying to prove. Here's another one, from the Rangers assistant coach:
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