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Everything posted by shiznak

  1. Little fun fact: Maxim Afinogenov is the brother-in-law of Max Pacioretty.
  2. 90% of the time, the refs would call that, regardless if it was a dive. 2 on 1 scoring chance and the man back-checking puts his stick in the other guy's hand, is a hook. Plekanec didn't really need to sell the call.
  3. Everything is a dive, if it's against the Canucks.
  4. Because he's a bleeping goal scorer. Something this organization lack in their prospect pool.
  5. I don't know why people are suggesting shipping Edler off to Motown. Detroit needs offense more than defense. Sending Kesler would make sense and he could fetch us a decent 2nd liner and a blue chip prospect. Kesler and a 3rd for Nyquist and Mantha. Heck, I'll even throw in Jensen to sweeten the deal.
  6. So, how many CDCers will hate Brendan Gallagher at the end of Thursday night's game?

    1. Tom Sestito

      Tom Sestito

      A crap load. The kid is a feisty player who goes to the dirty areas.

    2. :D


      They hate Brad Marchand. Same kind of player.

  7. Can I get some decorum, please?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      You're assuming we had decorum in the first place? :)

    3. shiznak
    4. AppleJack


      I still love this team :(

  8. Kesler might very well be our biggest trading chip to snag a blue chip prospect and maybe more. Detroit is the only team, I see him waiving his NTC to. To Detroit: Kesler Hansen Jensen To Vancouver: Nyquist Helm Mantha
  9. The Sedins practically made a guy playing in the ECHL into a 30 goals scorer. If you think Kesler can do that, you're dead wrong. He has already had numerous attempts to carry the offensive when the twins aren't scoring, yet he hasn't shown it (besides a game or two). Kesler isn't a guy who can carry a line on his back, like the guys you mentioned above. It's been a revolving door when it comes to his wingers.
  10. Bryan is an internet darling, as Michael Cole like to say, while Cena is well known worldwide. If you ask anybody who John Cena is, I guarantee you they will have a feeling of who he is. Ask the same question but replace Cena's name with Bryan and they'll have no idea. That's why Cena is compared to the likes of Austin, Hogan, and The Rock.
  11. If you consider showing up once a week hard working, sure.
  12. You know this team just isn't good enough, when Chicago's 4th line outplayed our 1st line, the entire 3rd period.
  13. Daniel Bryan was in the main event in last year's Summerslam and was guaranteed to win the title, as Cena was injured. Yet, Summerslam only drew 290,000 buys, lowest in 4 years. He might be insanely over, but he's not a main eventer. Like I said, I compare him to guys like Edge, Jericho, Mysterio, Guerrero, etc. Those guys were over with he crowd, but I don't consider any of those guys as main eventers. This coming from a HUGE Jericho fan.
  14. Apparently, Punk walked out during RAW and didn't show up to the Smackdown taping. WWE also removed him from upcoming RAW shows for the next few weeks. Probably not to happy about jobbing to Triple H at Mania. Lol.
  15. They main evented the show (went on last) but it wasn't the main attraction on the card (the big draw). I think Jericho said it best in a tweet, he was never "the guy", but he was always there doing programs with them.
  16. At least they're booking multiple guys going after the world title rather than just one guy after the other.
  17. I classify a main eventer as a guy who can draw money. He doesn't have the so called it factor.
  18. Let's just hope the Oilers don't play like they did in the 3rd period, in the last meeting or else it'd be another nail biter.
  19. Why is the WWE holding down Bryan, you ask? Because he's not a main eventer, sorry to break your bubble. Yes, he's the most over guy in the business right now (so was Eugene), but can you honestly say he can main event Wrestlemania, when he can barely draw at Summerslam. I'm not taking anything away from Bryan talents in the ring, but I'm not those internet guys, who think he can carry the company or can be a top guy. I see him as a top midcard guy, much like Jericho, Benoit, Guerrero, Edge, Foley, Angel, etc.
  20. So, this is the 4th straight year that the fans have been pissed at the rumble winner. 2011: Del Rio won, when it should have been Punk's year to win. 2012: Sheamus won, when it should have been Jericho. 2013: Cena won, when it should have been anybody other than him. 2014: Batista won, when it should have been Bryan or Regins. Should we just skip 2015, then?
  21. I already knew Bryan wasn't going to be in the Rumble, when no one on the panel mentioned him as a favourite. Plus, I read somewhere that he was only doing the match with Bray, due to his concussion. I'm more upset at the teasing of a breakup with the Shield and of course Jericho not appearing.
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