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Everything posted by khay

  1. Basically, what he is saying is that if we make the playoffs in 2020 or 2021, then the cost is fair since it's JT Miller for mid-late first + 3rd. On the flip side, if we miss the playoffs in both of those years and the pick we give up in 2021 turns out to be a top 10 pick, we lose the trade. If it turns out to be a top 5 pick or a lottery pick, then we lose big. JT Miller is certainly a good addition to the team. But I don't like this type of trade that depends on team's future performance as it brings way too much uncertainty. It's like one of those financial derivatives (i.e., call/put options). Some fans are mad because of the risk factor. Look at Ottawa, they were within one game of SCF, so they traded for Duchene to help them over the top. Well they got to pick 4th overall in two consecutive years and one of those 4th overall isn't going to be playing for them. There is no denying that this was a bit of a desperation move by JB to try and improve the roster now. His job is on the line and really, the only tradable assets that can get us a top 6F/top 4D are future 1st rounders. I understand the move, but I don't like the risk. Now, I hope JB can sign Panarin and get us a top 4D and for his sake, EP, Boeser, and Hughes take a huge step forward as well as JV, Gaud, and Juolevi. If we make the playoffs, this risk will have been worth it.
  2. We have enough space to sign Boeser right now. It's the matter of term but he should sign for something between 7-8 mil. Sutter, Pearson, Baer, Spooner, Schaller, Tanev, and Edler will be off the book by the time Hughes and EP needs a new contract. They eat up 27 mil. Supposing that 10M is used on Panarin, that still leaves 17 mil. Cap might have gone up by then, giving us more space. I think Toronto has set a bad precedent but I don't know if Hughes and EP will commend 11 million dollars a piece as some people seem to think.
  3. Why? So that we have extra 6 mil in cap space? For what? JB is losing his job if he doesn't make the playoffs or at the very least, get very close to it. He ain't going to get rid of one of very few assets he has in 2020 1st rounder just to free up a 6 mil cap. Unless he plans to use that cap space to go after Panarin, but even so, it would be better to use that 1st to get a high quality roster player back and clear up cap by some other means to sign Panarin.
  4. I assume Eriksson and Sutter would be traded to clear space if we are to go after Panarin + top 4D. We probably won't get Panarin anyways though.
  5. I hate giving up a first because I think we still need to fill two more spots before we can contend for playoffs. But we had to improve our top 6 as EP, Boeser, Horvat, Pearson just is not enough. JT Miller is only 26 and he compliments the forward group. I'd say we need one more player other than JT on the top 6 to build a playoff caliber forward group. We also need to improve our defence. Having Hughes as QB, we know we are going to get points on the powerplay. Edler-Tanev pairing (when healthy) will help with goals against. Miller-EP-Boeser Pearson-Horvat-X Virtanen-Sutter-Gaud Motte-Beagle-Roussel Edler-Tanev Hughes-X Hutton-Stecher Who will be Hughes partner? And we need a legitimate top 6 forward on Horvat's wing. There are three options in the UFA market: Myers, Panarin, and Duchene. Mayers will be overpaid like 7.5 mil but JB will have to do it. Panarin will get Patrick Kane money (10-10.5) and Duchene probably Mark Stone/Jeff Skinner money (9-9.5 mil). Failing to fill these two holes, I don't think the Canucks will make the playoffs unless Markstrom/Demko gives .920+ save percentage and Petey and Boeser takes leap beyond expectation (like 100 points and 40 goals).
  6. Maybe he did but I think it may end up better with Podkolzin. Pod brings an element that is missing amongst the forward group that we have. I'm not sure if Zegras does. I'm pretty happy that we got to draft Pod as I was expecting him to go well before.
  7. Work ethics and attention to defence are the reasons why I'm not worried about Podkolzin not meeting expectation like the guys on that list. Those players on your list did not play defence, they were extremely talented offensive guys but they obviously thought defence is someone else's job.
  8. I don't like the increasing consequence. Like WTF? If there is going to be a penalty, then minor is enough penalty. And in the last few minutes of the game, there should be a careful assessment of every goal by the video room for any hand pass/offside to see if the goal should be nullified.
  9. I agree. This is the first time where I basically tuned out the NHL playoffs after 2nd rounds of the playoffs. Couldn't bear to watch and lost interest in the outcome. The game is getting way too fast for these refs. I think FIFA style VAR review is definitely going to be needed in the playoffs.
  10. These rules would suffice in the regular season but maybe all goals should be subject to FIFA style VAR review in the NHL playoffs. After each goal is scored, video room should look for a potential violation of rules such as puck out of bounds/hand pass/offsides and call the goal back if any rule was violated along the process with or without the coach's challenge.
  11. Explains the flopping on his belly against Chicago. He was allergic so his body was just doing the natural thing and avoid the puck. I guess that's enough evidence. LTIR he goes.
  12. True. Thanks for the list. But note that the players that were bought out were already underperforming in comparison to their salary (Ehrhoff, Brad Richards). Mike Richards is an exception due to the nature surrounding his contract termination. The other teams were eager to get the season going as all of these were playoff/cup contenders (even Minnesota, who just signed Parise and Sutter so they had some cup aspirations as well). The fact is that to the owners, starting the league so that they can start making money was more important than cap recapture, which was introduced so that Bettman to keep his ego up. If I'm an owner, I'm thinking that cap recapture may not even be a problem and only a problem 7+ years later. Should they have stalled signing a CBA for a problem that may or may not exist 7+ years later? I think cap recapture penalty was a sly move by Bettman and the fact that it may come back to haunt just the Canucks seems unfair. Having said that, I don't think it will affect the Canucks. I'm sure Luongo is going on LTIR.
  13. So, Aquillini should have stood his ground and refuse to sign the CBA unless they remove the cap recapture penalty, against other owners and Gary "has a very long memory" Bettman? Vancouver Canucks is a business that brings him a great deal of profit and I'm sure Aquillini was just eager to get the league back on. The cap recapture was a problem that would only manifest many years later so he chose to make money and worry about that problem later. In fact, that's a problem that his GM would have to worry about not him. A GM who did not have any say on cap recapture rule. From Luongo's point of view, there is nothing to complain regarding the cap recapture penalty. It does not affect the players who already signed those long deals. Bettman was made to look like a fool by the GMs that took advantage of the loophole so he introduced this rule to exact revenge, knowing full well that this rule is of little concern to the owners and the players. It was a sly move and it affected the fans. These fans that invest large amount of time and money to cheer on their team and whose mood swings widely depending on how his/her team performs. Those fans had no say in the CBA agreement so they have every right to be butthurt and complain if they want.
  14. Unless Edler maintains his current level of play and scores 35-45 points. Unlikely for a 35 year old to do so especially as Hughes will take over PP time but you never know.
  15. At this rate, we will be the front runner to sign Panarin If we do land Hoffman and somehow sign Panarin as well, I think we will make the playoffs. And depending on the upgrade on RHD, could make some noise once we are there. Panarin would cost around 10-10.5, a bit much but if JB wants to go for the playoffs next season, he will go after him hard.
  16. 5-5.5 is a pretty fair value if it's for 4 years. He will be a top 4D for the first 2 years of the contract and should get paid around 6-6.5. The latter 2, he might be on the 3rd pairing, and probably around 3.5-4.5 range. If it's for 3 years, I think the Edler gave the Canucks a discount. I'm happy that he is back. We couldn't afford to lose Edler, replacing him would have been very hard.
  17. I see what you are saying but it can be said that Juolevi also boosted up their stats. I guess Juolevi may not be the #1/#2 but probably #2/#3 defenceman, who doesn't quite have that physical dominance but has high IQ to recognize and make plays. So when he plays with skilled players, he will shine. The downside is that he may not be the play driver on his own, like if you play with grinders, he will just be an average player. His own. I am seriously curious about Juolevi's value. If we offer 10th + Juolevi, how high can we move up? I know it won't get us in the top 3 but maybe 5th OA? Or maybe I'm overvaluing Juolevi.
  18. Hmm interesting idea. Suppose Byram is available at 4th/5th overall. And let's say we offer Juolevi + 10th overall to Colorado/LA, would they accept? Essentially, we replace Juolevi with Byram, who seems to have a higher ceiling and miss out on drafting a top 6 player in this draft. Might not be a bad trade in my opinion, of course, there is always a possibility of Byram busting and Juolevi and 10th overall pick living up to their potential.
  19. That's 3 roster player for one superstar. It will set us back few years. I wouldn't do it.
  20. He brings offence, Guddy didn't. Maybe JB is building a team that wins games 6-5. If we re-sign Edler, Edler-Ristolainen Hughes-Tanev Hutton-Stecher Not too bad.
  21. I agree (based off of highlights). Button compared Caufield to Messi, so... we should draft Caufield and sell him for 200 million euro to Barcelona or Real Madrid. Love your sig by the way. Very much the same emotion displayed by Kesler after losing game 7 in 2011 SCF. Karma.
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