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Status Updates posted by Noheart

  1. I love squidbillies

  2. You take the venom out of a cobra and what to you got? A belt "quagmire"

  3. Earth first, we will drill the other planets later.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. peener


      drill me first

    3. Gooby


      Don't say you didn't ask for it peens

    4. ChenWei91


      I'll show you my peens.

  4. If we are not cursed already I have a feeling this will be Curse of the Bambino Vancouver Canucks style.



      So Roberto Luongo is Babe Ruth then?

    2. nux4lyfe


      You have Noheart.

    3. Noheart


      Yes you are both correct.

  5. I have worked in the USA for 2 years and just realized today that they do not have, and have never herd of smarties. That's a deal breaker if I'm a UFA.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. PlayStation


      You dont have them....... Way to miss the whole point of this status Chilis! GEEZ AMERICANS!



      Coffee Crisp is great, Smarties are bottom tier chocolate though

    4. Smashian Kassian

      Smashian Kassian

      Wow I'm never going back to that now forbidden land

  6. I'm not sure if the Jay's are for real or not but it sure was nice to cheer for them again. Even if the fall off the planet

  7. I hate basketball so dam much, but I hate the heat more, so much that I'm watching to see them lose. Does this mean I like basketball?

  8. Anyone ever squeeze their nostrils together to smell your snot?

  9. If someone can make photo shop magic, we need to make fun of Couture's Massive teeth

  10. Anyone have a linked in account? At first I though wow this is cool now they want my money.

    1. Heretic


      you don't need to pay for LinkedIn - only if you want "extra" features...

  11. In a grade 7 inventor fair I painted a toilet seat fluorescent green and called it a glow in the dark toilet seat. I won 1st prize, why didn't I follow through with it? That's a wicked idea.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Master 112

      Master 112

      Just the other day I had to use a bathroom without a window while the power was out. I was lucky that I have a good aim and knew the place like the back of my hand, else something would've been sprayed. That toilet seat would've been a godsend -- I think you have a market.

    3. NightHawkSniper


      Go onto Dragon's Den with that idea lol

    4. Noheart


      I totally should

  12. It's the Playoffs, Luongo is in net, it looks like I am a Luongo lover

  13. not the best at making threads, as soon as i posted it I was like dam.

  14. Mustard Juice, **** you.

  15. You ever forget to put on deodorant and then remember you forgot then frantically tried to find a to get some on before its to late? That little window of "post shower freshness" so critical

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Erik Karlsson

      Erik Karlsson

      haha yeah that sucks, or when u get some in the eyes or mouth when ur in a rush or something lol

    3. Twilight Sparkle
    4. Mainly Mattias
  16. There is a game tonight?

    1. ChenWei91


      Nope. Just go back drinking in your corner.

    2. Durl Dixsun

      Durl Dixsun

      Yea but its Pay Per View

  17. Good food, hard is hard on the Buzz

  18. I don't think it's possible to care less about the Masters.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. John.Tallhouse


      but tiger cheated on his wife..

    3. Gman


      I care less, I didn't update my status about it

    4. Noheart


      Gman got me good

  19. I peed on my Belt, what a mess.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Noheart


      I don't know what I would do without you guys

    3. mau5trap


      Eat the belt.

    4. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Pee.. Musk what's the diff, the girls will love it all the same :P

  20. I will poop my pants before I poop without a phone.

    1. peener


      nothing wrong with that

    2. :D


      Why not both

  21. Motherly love and smelling your own farts are the same instinct

    1. c00kies


      I bottle my farts so that when I am feeling down I can just open up a can of arctic mist.

    2. Noheart


      If everyone did that there would be no war

  22. I hate the Coyotes, it is BS. We pay good money for Canuck tickets, and merch for them to beat the Canucks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      because they aren't doing **** to help

    3. stexx


      because they are the posterchild for it, and they went out at the trade deadline last year and outbid teams with their own money.

    4. Noheart


      @ goalie they have been on Welfare long enough and the league owns them for Christ sake.

  23. I am a little behind in movies, just saw moneyball, good movie. Next on my list Gremlins.

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