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Maybe so but what difference does it make if you're only .500? Is that considered good? I wouldn't think so, then again I haven't been a UFC fan for very long.

It's been good enough to get him 2 title shots. He man handled guys with way better records to earn those shots as well.
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And Bob Sapp outweighs everyone and still gets his ass handed to him. There even was a fight not long ago in the UFC, I don't recall who was involved, but it there was about a 20lb difference since one guy didn't make the cut and the noticeably smaller fighter won via TKO, I think. Either way there was a fight like that not long ago.

I know, I love how everyone uses the 'he can't finish anyone argument!' Last time I checked he beat the piss out of Serra, twice, as well as Hughes and they were pretty good WW. Okay, even though he hasn't finished his opponents in his last five fights, look at it this way: these guys have EVERY opportunity to win a round and they can't even manage to do that. It's total dominance by GSP regardless if he finishes them early or not. I got a feeling it's a strategy he and his team implements by coming into the octagon with a more conservative approach now that he is the champ. It's not like he's barely squeaking out win left and right.

Is it actually a fact Silva is stronger than GSP? Based on what? Because he's a bigger guy in general? For someone who supposedly cuts from 220 to 185, he still doesn't look like he's carved out of stone like George. Silva could probably drop to 170; maybe he's just chunky between fights.

I think people are making a lot of predictions based on ignorance and bias. Especially on Facebook.

Don't argue with me, argue with GSP because he agrees with me, so does Firas Zahabi.

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Maybe so but what difference does it make if you're only .500? Is that considered good? I wouldn't think so, then again I haven't been a UFC fan for very long.

Now I understand your above post better.

Yah, size does matter when you are fighting the best fighter in the world. If you opponent has 20 Lbs on you and he's the best fighter in the world to begin with you are SOL.

If you are fighting some fat guy who barely has fighting skill and your skill is far superior then the fat guy is SOL.

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Now I understand your above post better.

Yah, size does matter when you are fighting the best fighter in the world. If you opponent has 20 Lbs on you and he's the best fighter in the world to begin with you are SOL.

If you are fighting some fat guy who barely has fighting skill and your skill is far superior then the fat guy is SOL.

Is this the same logic used when talking about the super fight between Jones and Silva? Jones is obviously bigger and stronger. Therefore Jones > Silva and Silva > GSP. I mean, if the only real argument people can make against George is the size difference because that is the only argument I'm seeing anyone make, which really isn't that much of a difference to be perfectly honest, then the only point of these super fights is for Dana to fatten his wallets because both smaller guys are going to get their clock cleaned.

Is there a source from the GSP camp confirming that he would get his ass kicked by Silva like you're suggesting?

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Is this the same logic used when talking about the super fight between Jones and Silva? Jones is obviously bigger and stronger. Therefore Jones > Silva and Silva > GSP. I mean, if the only real argument people can make against George is the size difference because that is the only argument I'm seeing anyone make, which really isn't that much of a difference to be perfectly honest, then the only point of these super fights is for Dana to fatten his wallets because both smaller guys are going to get their clock cleaned.

Is there a source from the GSP camp confirming that he would get his ass kicked by Silva like you're suggesting?

Yes, I posted it above. Watch GSP's interview and read the article I posted with GSP's coach Firas talking about it above.

As far as Jones vs Silva goes it would be a much better fight than GSP vs Silva. They are about the same walk around weight, approx 220 to 230. If they fought at a catch weight of around 195 lbs there wouldn't be as much of a difference on fight night.

As I've been saying Hendricks and Silva are both bad news for GSP. Firas wants the next GSP opponent to be Diaz, whom I think GSP will beat.

GSP's post fight presser.

talks about possible fight with Silva at 7:25 mark.

Edited by WHL rocks
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What makes GSP so dangerous and what separate him from the other fighters, is how well he prepares for a fight. He's probably the best strategic fighter out there. He doesn't need to be the best wrestler or have the power to KO guys, because he is able to adapt different gameplans for different opponents, so easily.

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I think that would be the only way GSP beats him, get him to the floor. But Hendricks is a very accomplished wrestler. When GSP fought Koscheck he sued his jab and boxed all night. Koscheck is also a wrestler so GSP knew he would have difficulty taking him down.

With Hendricks, GSP definitely can't stand and box with him and he will have difficulty taking him down. I love GSP, pbbly my fav fighter along with Silva but this is going to be difficult.

I like how you bring up Koscheck in a pro-Hendricks argument.

Koscheck: incredible wrestling pedigree, big right hand.

Hendricks: incredible wrestling pedigree, big left hand.

GSP's done away with Koscheck twice: the first time he badly outwrestled him. They were talking about how Koscheck might be the best wrestler in the UFC, and then GSP was taking him down at will and his takedown defence in round 3 was insane. Come the rematch, GSP outstruck him all fight long. Remember Koscheck's face? Now, he's looking as strong, as dominant, as intelligent as ever. Not saying Hendricks has no chance; the octagon doesn't hold to what's written on paper. But I wouldn't bet on him winning. This is G-S-freaking-P we're talking about, he outclasses everybody else in the division. Crazy how one of the greatest of all-time is so underrated.

Edited by Witchcraft and Sedinery
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I've been following Johny Hendricks for a few years now so watching him knockout two legitimate welterweight contenders is what I imagine having your son make it to the NHL feels like. :lol:

Not sure who I'll be cheering for if he gets his title shot against GSP...ugh.

I can relate brotha. I have been following the career of Anderson Silva since 2001.I went through the frustration of him signing to fight Carlos Newton back at UFC 34 (his teammate Pele also was signed to rematch Dave Menne at the ill-fated UFC 33) only to see his management walk away from the deal and sign both guys with Pride where Anderson proceeded to waste the best years of his career virtually never fighting. When UFC signed him again in 2006 after he had left Chute Boxe and to see him light up Chris Leben like that on national television, especially after some classic Leben crap-talk, well, it was pretty damned exciting!
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capoeira is a genuine Brazilian fighting style and is very respected here. but require too many movements so it means you can´t stop during the fight. it can be really exaustive. this is why this style isn´t much used on MMA...

Silva is a nice guy. but I´m worried about these fights, he always "jump in" on every challenge. what happens if one day he looses against a "not soo strong" rival?

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I like how you bring up Koscheck in a pro-Hendricks argument.

Koscheck: incredible wrestling pedigree, big right hand.

Hendricks: incredible wrestling pedigree, big left hand.

GSP's done away with Koscheck twice: the first time he badly outwrestled him. They were talking about how Koscheck might be the best wrestler in the UFC, and then GSP was taking him down at will and his takedown defence in round 3 was insane. Come the rematch, GSP outstruck him all fight long. Remember Koscheck's face? Now, he's looking as strong, as dominant, as intelligent as ever. Not saying Hendricks has no chance; the octagon doesn't hold to what's written on paper. But I wouldn't bet on him winning. This is G-S-freaking-P we're talking about, he outclasses everybody else in the division. Crazy how one of the greatest of all-time is so underrated.

Agreed. I honestly thought Condit was going to beat gsp. It was his fight to lose, given gsp's time off. Condit is a beeeast and doesn't get nearly enough credit... That being said, I don't see Hendricks beating Condit - let alone gsp.

He's got a punchers chance, sure. Most of gsp's previous opponents had exactly that. But everything else favors gsp in that fight.

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Silva needs to fight better talent. Most of his fights are either against slow Light Heavyweights or old has been's/Chael Sonnen at middle-weight.

Last real dangerous fighter he faced was Dan Henderson in 2008.

I wish he would fight Machida, Rashad Evans, Rampage, and Shogun, but he's probably friends with all of them.

Huh? Is Vitor chopped liver or something? Just because silva finished him quickly with a matrix style front kick, it doesn't diminish his skill set.

Belfort is a beast. He beats rampage and Evans any day of the week.

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Huh? Is Vitor chopped liver or something? Just because silva finished him quickly with a matrix style front kick, it doesn't diminish his skill set.

Belfort is a beast. He beats rampage and Evans any day of the week.

Belfort is not a beast anymore. All of the fights against big names, he loses.

In the last 10 years the most notable guy he's beaten has been Randy Couture, but he lost to him twice.

The last 10 years

He lost to Couture in a rematch.

Lost to Overeem twice.

Lost to Tito Ortiz

Lost to Chuck Liddell

Lost to Dan Henderson

Lost to Silva

Lost to Jones

He beat Rich Franklin :shock:

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I think Rashad would blanket Vitor pretty easily but Vitor vs Rampage would be fun.

Anyway it's pretty easy to discredit opponents retroactively, but I think we have to consider the status of the opponent at the time the fight was scheduled. E.g. Forrest was just the champion and a few months removed from being in the P4P discussion. He fought Chael Sonnen who has many Ws over the top middleweights in the division, Vitor who on paper is about as dangerous as they could put in front of him.

Anderson's resume used to be really bare I'd agree but I think in recent years he's stockpiled some victories against some top guys. I agree that I'd like to see him take some big fights, though not really at 205 aside from JJ, since most of the guys you listed are getting closed to washed up at this point.

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