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Another screw job in the UFC. GSP lost that fight no question. People can say all the crap about not leaving in the judges hands, well that is a way too win and you expect some fair judging. GSP has been winning fights by the decision for the past 3-5years.

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No doubt George needs a break or to change something in his training to get back where he's been at his best. He's looked progressively worse each fight since that injury. In a perfect world I'd love to see them rematch with George doing what he's done for years now and win convincingly. Then he can return. I get the feeling neither of those are going to happen though..

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I think this is a really good comment I read on the bleacher report:

Matt Salveta posted about 3 hours agoContributor I

I just watched the whole fight twice and that first round 4 times in slow mo.

Let me state this, the first time i saw the fight i thought hendricks won clearly, just because when you look at it on the face of it Hendricks won that fight as a whole Then after a couple minutes i sat down calmed down and analyzed it.

I have come up with two answers. the first is that rounds 2-5 were judged completely correctly. with hendricks clearly winning 2 and 4 and GSP winning 3 and 5

Second, the first was absurdly close.

GSP actually out landed him, what i counted as 16-15. I believe fight metric had it 19-18. I guess they count un clean shots more than me. The other key factor was GSP had a clean takedown with about 40 seconds of top control. While hendricks had a trip takedown that GSP bounced back up on. GSP also controlled the ring in the first, and initiated 4 out of 5 clinches. The big factor was Hendricks also had about 4 elbows when gsp was going for a takedown. So IMO opinion GSP out-landed him but Hendricks had the heavier shots in he round. I personally think a draw would have been fair, based on the scoring system. However what is clear is that anyone saying this is a robbery is either watching off emotion without taking time to watch again *cough Dana cough* It was very close and the judges had a tough decision.

it really could have gone either way based on the judges scoring of

- Octogon control, significant strikes landed and Grappling superiority.

- What isnt is actually damage, which is not a factor in the fights, which is half fair as GSP is always gonna cut way easier due to having way more scar tissue.

So while most feel Hendricks won (i dont completely disagree) it was not a robbery. If anything it is a fault in the rules

More importantly though is that i think people should respect GSP decisions to retire, he has been the champ longer than anybody and frankly i think he is sick of MMA. He has been fighting for 16 years since he was 17, and really since he was a kid. Feel free to respond respectfully.

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No doubt George needs a break or to change something in his training to get back where he's been at his best. He's looked progressively worse each fight since that injury. In a perfect world I'd love to see them rematch with George doing what he's done for years now and win convincingly. Then he can return. I get the feeling neither of those are going to happen though..

GSP doesn't have the true fighter spirit. He is nothing compared to Anderson Silva, a true warrior at the age of 36. GSP is probably the best pure athlete in the UFC, but not the best fighter.

Edited by Del Rio
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I think his streak and record say differently

Sorry Anderson is more impressive. Silva has 1 loss in his entire UFC career which happened this past summer. Silva finishes fights, GSP does not.

You're just a Canadian homer like most. GSP knows he lost this fight, and had nothing to say.

Edited by Del Rio
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Sorry Anderson is more impressive. Silva has 1 loss in his entire UFC career which happened this past summer. Silva finishes fights, GSP does not.

You're just a Canadian homer

Even though George is THE champ and Silva is not, Silva will always have something that George doesn't and that is arrogance. He got caught dancing like an idiot, lost his title, and now cries into his fruit loops every morning wondering "what if" he was more humble like GSP.

George finishes fights too. Just not any recently. Doesn't matter. What matters is retaining your title. If you can't beat George in five rounds you don't deserve to be champ, end of story

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Even though George is THE champ and Silva is not, Silva will always have something that George doesn't and that is arrogance. He got caught dancing like an idiot, lost his title, and now cries into his fruit loops every morning wondering "what if" he was more humble like GSP.

George finishes fights too. Just not any recently. Doesn't matter. What matters is retaining your title. If you can't beat George in five rounds you don't deserve to be champ, end of story

hahaha you serious? last finish was in 2009 lol...Anderson lost that fight himself and I agree on his stupidity, I would have knocked him with how wide open he left himself. But Silva is the most entertaining and best fighter on the planet. He has done things no fighter has ever done like knocking a guy out with a standing front kick or intentionally backing up on the cage. Call it confidence or arrogance, Silva has every right to be and has backed it up on many times.

But not gonna argue with you when everyone knows GSP lost without question and when the president of the UFC himself says he lost and just ripped the judging. When you would think he would be all for GSP to win because he is his biggest money draw...

Edited by Del Rio
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hahaha you serious? last finish was in 2009 lol...Anderson lost that fight himself and I agree on his stupidity, I would have knocked him with how wide open he left himself. But Silva is the most entertaining and best fighter on the planet. He has done things no fighter has ever done like knocking a guy out with a standing front kick or intentionally backing up on the cage. Call it confidence or arrogance, Silva has every right to be and has backed it up on many times.

But not gonna argue with you when everyone knows GSP lost without question and when the president of the UFC himself says he lost and just ripped the judging. When you would think he would be all for GSP to win because he is his biggest money draw...

Of course he has that right. And he has the right to lose his title by being arrogant which he did :lol:

What difference does it make if it was 2009? Notice how his trend of UA occurs after he obtained the title? It's obviously a strategy he employs, it's not because he can't finish. He had 12 finishes prior to that.

I also thought George lost but a lot of people who know more about scoring than I do will argue the case that it could have went his way as well by 3-2. Then again a lot of people just hate George because he's "boring" and will call him out regardless. These are the same losers who thought Diaz won lol.

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Just because you do lots of damage in two rounds does not mean you get 3 rounds scored.

Gustafsson clearly did better in THREE rounds compared to Hendricks but he got screwed as well, close rounds always go to the champion if Jones-Gustafsson taught us anything.

If they want to be transparent it's simple, challengers can't win by decision, or, challengers have to win every round to get a decision in their favour.

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it was a close fight... while GSP looks more beat up, his face is very prone to looking like that. His last number of fights, he has looked horrible after the fight yet he dominated his opponent.

I rewatched that first round again but turned the volume off so i wasnt getting swayed by Joe Rogan and i can see how that fight could go either way.

I like Dana White and how honest he is, but he needs to take a few minutes to calm down before going out on a live presser and going off on the officiating and on GSP. Funny how quick he silenced himself when GSP showed up half way through.

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Just because you do lots of damage in two rounds does not mean you get 3 rounds scored.

Gustafsson clearly did better in THREE rounds compared to Hendricks but he got screwed as well, close rounds always go to the champion if Jones-Gustafsson taught us anything.

If they want to be transparent it's simple, challengers can't win by decision, or, challengers have to win every round to get a decision in their favour.

This isnt a new revalation... challengers have always had to win 4/5 rounds to win be decision in a title fight, and its the way it should be. If you leave it to decision in a title fight, there better be 0 chance that the champ won, no controversy at all. Last night GSP won 2 rounds clearly, and perhaps split a 3rd, not enough to dethrone him

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Like I said last night, I think GSP lost that fight. But there is a difference between the sport of MMA and a real fight. Had Hendricks been fightin GSP in a bar and GSP walks away looking like that while Hendricks looks like he just got out of the shower, there's no doubt who won the fight. But the judges look at it as a sport with defined rules of course and award points accordingly. Having said that, GSP still lost the fight IMO

BUT, Hendricks only has himself to blame because when he had GSP out of it on wobbly street he didn't finish him off. Hendricks didn't have that killer instinct when he needed it and it came back to haunt him.

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Even though George is THE champ and Silva is not, Silva will always have something that George doesn't and that is arrogance. He got caught dancing like an idiot, lost his title, and now cries into his fruit loops every morning wondering "what if" he was more humble like GSP.

George finishes fights too. Just not any recently. Doesn't matter. What matters is retaining your title. If you can't beat George in five rounds you don't deserve to be champ, end of story

GSP is just the best tactician not the best fighter. He hasn't tried to "win" a fight since Serra knocked him out. He fights to not lose.

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