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A Game Of Thrones: To the point of the TV show, no spoilers beyond that


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If you're so worried about it, just don't read it...doesn't matter now anyway.

This thread is for discussion, and it's gone on fine for the largest part, and the vast majority of people respect it with spoiler tags and what not. This was not a place I was afraid to speak about the show, and it will continue to be, if certain people gained a sense of courtesy, or awareness.

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I doubt Stannis, Sansa, and Theon are dead.

And Jon Snow will be revived. Quote me on it.

I bet season 6 will revolve around Bran's storyline this time; finishing the rest of book 5.

Hmmm, Maybe you should Google a theory before making a grand proclamation... http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/game-thrones-star-finale-shocker-802411

It looks like the book readers got their hopes crushed as well since the final answer has come from the author. Jon Snow is as dead as a door nail in the books too.

It was too obvious that it was going to happen. Once he basically flipped off the whole Watch and went to save the Free Folk/Wildlings, his days were seriously numbered. I definitely did not see the Julius Caesar style death coming though. I figured that he was going to get his head chopped off.

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My favourite part of Season 5!! She looks good in her b-day suit. I'm glad she had the cajones to do it herself and not use a body double.

*edit* Noooooo!! It's being written that a good amount of the Cersei nudity was done with a body double. I take back my praise of Lena Headey. My perverted mind is disappointed. :(

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Initially I believed that the timing of Melissandre's arrival at Castle Black was no coincidence. However, I think this is the last of Jon Snow. My theory is in spoilers below. Just speculation.

Kit Harrington's hair has a contract. He is not allowed to cut his hair for Game of Thrones. Kit Harrington cut his hair. Likely that he no longer has a contract and won't be returning

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Initially I believed that the timing of Melissandre's arrival at Castle Black was no coincidence. However, I think this is the last of Jon Snow. My theory is in spoilers below. Just speculation.

Kit Harrington's hair has a contract. He is not allowed to cut his hair for Game of Thrones. Kit Harrington cut his hair. Likely that he no longer has a contract and won't be returning

I posted an interview a couple of posts higher that Kit Harrington did where he confirms that he is no longer with the show. No need to guess. Jon Snow is a dead crow-sicle.


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Hmmm, Maybe you should Google a theory before making a grand proclamation... http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/game-thrones-star-finale-shocker-802411

It looks like the book readers got their hopes crushed as well since the final answer has come from the author. Jon Snow is as dead as a door nail in the books too.

It was too obvious that it was going to happen. Once he basically flipped off the whole Watch and went to save the Free Folk/Wildlings, his days were seriously numbered. I definitely did not see the Julius Caesar style death coming though. I figured that he was going to get his head chopped off.

Kit might be gone, but...

Jon Snow can live inside ghost.

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Kit might be gone, but...

Jon Snow can live inside ghost.

Since last night I've read that the book readers are speculating on that theory. It would be cool if he warged into the wolf, but since the TV show is done with Jon Snow, it would be odd if he lived on in the books.

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Since last night I've read that the book readers are speculating on that theory. It would be cool if he warged into the wolf, but since the TV show is done with Jon Snow, it would be odd if he lived on in the books.

Well.. Jojen didn't die in the books.

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My question: How long until Cersei comes roaring back and destroys that religious cult? I give it 2 or 3 episodes of her getting over the trauma of that walk and then she comes roaring back with the Kingsguard and the regular soldiers and proceeds to tear up that temple and as a coup de grace destroys the temple seat/alter that the High Sparrow bragged that had never been destroyed.

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My question: How long until Cersei comes roaring back and destroys that religious cult? I give it 2 or 3 episodes of her getting over the trauma of that walk and then she comes roaring back with the Kingsguard and the regular soldiers and proceeds to tear up that temple and as a coup de grace destroys the temple seat/alter that the High Sparrow bragged that had never been destroyed.

Zombie Mountain will murder the $&!#e out of everyone for her.

Also, didn't Melisandre say to Jon something about seeing in the flames that Jon went from a man to a wolf, then back to a man?

I don't care about interviews of actors saying they're dead and whatever. I feel like if anything, that's the kind of thing that the show would be telling an actor to say.

I'm not getting my hopes up, but Melisandre did arrive at Castle Black at quite a convenient time after leaving Stannis. She didn't really have a reason to go there either. Jon could warg into Ghost or something.

Kit is in contract through seasons 6 and 7. He did say he's not back in 6, so maybe he'll be a spirit in Ghost in Season 6 and come back in 7? Too much speculation here, I think.

Ah well. There will be a ton of speculation over all these months waiting for Season 6.

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It's a shame that he died in the show then. I like that character and the actor that played him seemed to be pretty good.

As well as Ser Barristan. His death was a bigger shock to us book readers than Jojen's, as Jojen is a little redundant since we have Meera, and... (Barrister's role later in the books spoiler):

Meereen is under attacked from Volantis and the rest of Slaver's Bay while Dany is gone with Drogon, so Barristan is in charge of fighting the attackers.

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