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Should You Tip For Bad Service At A Restaurant?


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from my experience, indian people were the worst tippers, especially in my wife's circle of friends, which brings me to a related annoyance.


When we would go out for food with her friends we used to be the first ones to add our money into the "pool" when the cheque arrived, but we quickly put an end to that practice when we observed what her cheapskate friends (who happened to be indian) would do. they would frequently wait for everyone to settle up in the pool (including their tips) and then they would count up the money compare it to the bill, and then just top it off, leaving NO TIP, despite good, and sometimes great, service.

this was exceptionally a piss off when one of them had the audacity to actually take money OUT and put it in their own pocket when the rest of us tipped well for amazing service. These cheap asses would frequently eat for next to free this way and the servers obviously hated us as a result.

Once I clued in to this I started to throw in extra cash after we left the table (i'd say i forgot my keys at the table or something) just so the server got something, and frequently I would have to apologize to the server who was cleaning up the table by the time i came back. we all make sure they pay first now, and when questioned I've told them flat out why. we rarely see or eat with them now, and i couldn't care less.


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  • 7 months later...

To be honest, I've never really understood why we tip waiters and waitresses anyways. I go, sit down, they ask what I wanna order, I tell them, they bring me my food and then constantly ask how it is even though I've only taken a couple bites. At McDonalds, I go, stand in line, they ask what I wanna order, I tell them, they give me my food and leave me alone. The big difference is at a restaraunt I'm brought my food and at a fast food place I'm given my food right away. Why not tip the lovely McDonald's cashiers?

I understand why in the states we tip waiters and waitresses. They only make $3 an hour or something and their income IS tips. In Canada servers make $9.50 for beginners and above. Seems pretty good seeing as how most servers are in their early 20's and I know of other people in their early 20's/late teens who work $10 or $11 an hour jobs.

I'm not saying I don't tip, I do tip when the service was good. Sometimes I get caught as to whether I should tip. For example: at a local bar here it's 25 cent wing night every Tuesday. I'll go with a friend (if I'm with my girlfriend I always tip) and order myself 10 wings and a pint. My total bill comes to about $6.25 plus hst. The server has a really easy job to do, and my bill is really low. Even tipping 15% would be a tip of less than a dollar. So do I tip? Or not?

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Then how is that server going to pay the bills? School isn't going to pay for that.

Some people are stuck between a rock and a hard place and they really try their best to make a living at these type of jobs. School or simply getting a better job is not always an option, and might never be. Do you think servers or cab drivers or whoever depends on tips to make a living really enjoy being at the mercy of the douchebags they serve on a regular basis? I doubt it.

I make a decent amount of money but I have many expenses that I wont get into on here. Because of this I avoid going to restaurants or bars because I cannot afford to tip properly. These people depend on tip money and I refuse to be one of the people who waste their time.

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My family owns a restaurant and I have heard on many occasions servers complain that they only got a 50 cent tip and they wonder why. This really bugs me because it is so simple. You got a bad tip because you gave bad service. I have yet to not leave a tip, but if the service is TERRIBLE I won't leave a tip at all!

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I will only tip if the service was good, I consider it disrespectful to leave a measly tip, better none to get the point across. Had many good and bad experiences, the worst was at a pub in kelowna, not to busy, our drinks sat empty for 5-10 minutes 3 times, the food took 45 minutes to arrive, was harassed to pay the bill cause she was leaving her shift, while still eating (no we were not slow eaters) and planned on being there for a while(watching a game) then when I paid the bill she had the nerve to ask where her tip was, I immediately asked for the manager and explained why I was pissed now, she didn't know the group I was with were regulars and my buddy knew the manager, never saw her after that.

I have 3 simple criteria for getting a great tip, I usually tip 20% for great service.

1- never let my drink be empty, especially at a pub,

2- only ask once if I like the food (like others get annoyed being asked 10 times)

3- let me ask for the bill, when they ask its like they want you to leave, many times I would have ordered another round or two but the waitress brought the bill or asked to bring the bill

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ya i never tip because i know for the most part the cooks/chefs doing most of the work for your food is getting maybe 1/4 of total tips coming into the restaurant unless you find a place that shares tips evenly which out of the 4 places i worked 1 of them did this and wish more places did

also the added tip to the bill should definitely be illegal i remember going in to white spot by myself and having a 15 percent tip added to my bill which ended up being taken off after i told them i wasn't going to pay my bill

the thing with these added tips to your bill there is rarely ever a sign or warning that its been added to your bill and most of the time people end up tipping in the 30 percent range because of this

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