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NHL To Own Another team? NJ?


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Because Bettman has been lying through his teeth for years and the picture isn't nearly as Rosey as he would like people to believe. The increased revenue he's been crowing about are the result of 1) A dramatic rise in the Canadian dollar and 2) the astronomical revenues of about 8 teams of which Jersey isn't one.

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The Devils should never have existed in the first place, there was no need for a third team in that market.

If they hadn't been one of the most sucessfull teams over the last 20 years, they would have dissapeared long ago.

Thier uncanny sucess has kept the team on life support but the chickens are now coming home to roost and the leauge will be embarressed by having to move a cup winner for the first time.

Best they could do is move the team to Hartford and call them the Tri-state Devils.

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Yep... the Canadian teams which bring in between 1/3 to 1/2 of all league revenue got a bump of 25-30% without a darn thing changing just because of the currency exchange. When the last CBA was signed the Canadian dollar was sitting at around 70 cents American. Now it is on par.

There are rumblings that there are at least half a dozen teams available for sale right now... Bettman won't admit it. The Stanley Cup final was played by two teams that were reported to be for sale.

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