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5 minutes ago, Twilight Sparkle said:

my score card was so bad, as bad as this wrestlemania



ehhh i'm 97% sure my scores are accurate D:

If my drunken math is right; I ended up with 43 points. XD


As expected; Nearly none of my predictions were right, The high spots of the night were The Women's Championship unveiling, Zack Ryder winning the IC Title, Baron Corbin winning the Battle Royal, and Shane's spot.


NXT Takeover: Dallas was a far better show in every aspect - 'cept for Legend Appearances


Oh well..

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Top to bottom one of the best Wrestlemanias in history!  Record breaking and it lived up to it.


For all the whiners and complainers, I really don't what else you want and expect.  Was it Dean Ambrose not using the chainsaw and chopping Lesnar's arm off?

Edited by JV77
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I thought the Women's match was probably the second best on the card. Sure it would have been nice to see Sasha win, but that moonsault from Charlotte was so sweet. I'd be okay if she got the win, but I don't think Ric needed to create that. 


I was most disapointed with Jericho and Styles. 

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3 minutes ago, Chris said:

May I have whatever you're on?

You tell me what you're on.  As I edited my post what exactly did you want?  Because I think I saw everything good wrestling can offer on this show.

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20 minutes ago, JV77 said:

You tell me what you're on.  As I edited my post what exactly did you want?  Because I think I saw everything good wrestling can off on this show.

Kalisto VS Ryback I missed; So I won't comment;


Same with Big Red Whore & Co. VS Team RandomDiva


The Usos were not over with the crowd at all, and The Dudley's going for the tables like faces was annoying, stupid, and totally out of character for the Heel run they've been on. Nobody at Dallas bought the Usos winning, and you could hear it all match.


Jericho VS Styles was alright, but, why? Why have AJ lose? It doesn't set up anything for the future or even HELP the future, it just makes AJ look weak. Not a great finish, but they worked their asses off. It looked like it could be Y2J's last mania.


Rock's Segment was a complete waste of time that could have allowed other matches on the card to go longer, Rock's appearances do nothing for me anymore because he comes back every 3-4 months to put over whatever movie/crap he's shilling/helping out with and then goes back to making awesome movies.


Match quality was lower than Takeover on all fronts. Joe VS Balor and Nakamura VS Zayn both had more believable brutality, weapons or not. 


I wanted to see Dean have the crap kicked out of him by Lesnar and lose, but I wanted them to sell Dean Ambrose to us alot more instead of two guys going out there and just going to work.


I wanted them to sell me Dean Ambrose and they didn't, they didn't do anything to try and get him over with fans, they just crushed him and made him look like an idiot.


No brutality, no realism, just a show for the kids, Jon Moxley is capable of alot more than what he did with Lesnar, I wanted alot more out of him.


The Women's match had a few botches that took me out of the flow - there were a few great spots, but the ending was awful, and the match itself felt like a shell of just about everything they'd done in NXT/the past. - Charlotte looked stunning, and Sasha's entrance was awkward as hell, awful singer.


New Day VS LON was a joke, especially considering Wade Barret is on his way out of the company; it was simply a nice way to give New Day a "WM Moment" with the Legends, and I had predicted/heard that they would all be there anyways, Austin not in Ring gear was a huge let down considering HBK and Mick looked ready for war.


The Battle Royal wasn't bad, but the placement of it in the show was completely wrong and didn't help momentum leading into the next match, it was great that they are using it to help build up new talent.


The IC Ladder match was also solid, with a great surprise finish, Owens VS Zayn needs to happen.


Shane VS Taker, everybody knew Shane was jumping off of the Cell, We've seen the spot before, it felt forced and the match did nothing to move any storylines, anywhere - Taker looked great though.



Triple H VS Roman ended predictably, Nobody wants to watch Little Samoan Cena with the title, He needs to do something to make his character something memorable, because as it stands, his singles run has been a complete farce, nobody buys Roman Reigns, not even alot of kids.



Edited by Chris
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I got 47 on my score card:lol:


One of my buddy's got 79 .. he guessed reigns winning, last shot being reigns standing on the ropes with the belt high, that there'd be no interference, and he even got the battle royal winner right.



That street fight was pathetic. 



Also ..... was anyone else really turned on by Steph ?:wub:

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The way it looked that was Jericho's last WM. If true, I have no problem giving him the win and moment.  Jericho has done a lot for the business and has put a lot of younger talent over.


I don't understand why took the time to build Ambrose up as such a beat just to have Lesnar bury him like that.  Such a sad excuse for a Street Fight, especially considering Moxley's past.  Wasn't expecting to be as brutal, but come on, that was just stupid.


HIAC was more of a street fight than the Lesnar match.  The match was good, but the jump off the cage has been done.  Should have come up with something different  Kinda cheapens Foley's fall as I see it. 


Battle Royal played out well though the timing was a little strange.  HHH's entrance wasn't his best, but still solid.  At least they finally found a way to get Roman some cheers when he speared Stephanie, though the crowd seemed really dead when he won.  I'm sure thats why Cole? didn't shut up.


If I actually paid or it I'd likely be pissed, but for free it was a decent show, LOL!


So wish WWE would do a WM at BC Place.

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That was baaaaaaaaaaaad.


Like really baaaaaaaaaaaaad.


Worse than the card could have possibly implied.


Some decent matches, but they screwed up near literally every booking decision along the way. Like all the wrong people/bad guys kept winning, and the catharsis was supposed to be the legends burying people, and Roman Reigns...


Literally nothing improved or changed going forward (minus the awesome love for the women.)


Worst Wrestlemania I've watched live? Certainly. Hated it.


Got a massive rant to come.

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1 hour ago, Grapefruits said:

The way it looked that was Jericho's last WM. If true, I have no problem giving him the win and moment.  Jericho has done a lot for the business and has put a lot of younger talent over.


I don't understand why took the time to build Ambrose up as such a beat just to have Lesnar bury him like that.  Such a sad excuse for a Street Fight, especially considering Moxley's past.  Wasn't expecting to be as brutal, but come on, that was just stupid.


HIAC was more of a street fight than the Lesnar match.  The match was good, but the jump off the cage has been done.  Should have come up with something different  Kinda cheapens Foley's fall as I see it. 


Battle Royal played out well though the timing was a little strange.  HHH's entrance wasn't his best, but still solid.  At least they finally found a way to get Roman some cheers when he speared Stephanie, though the crowd seemed really dead when he won.  I'm sure thats why Cole? didn't shut up.


If I actually paid or it I'd likely be pissed, but for free it was a decent show, LOL!


So wish WWE would do a WM at BC Place.

Don't get why Sting lost his first and only WM to HHH. Actually, wait. It's because Sting was WCW. Booker T and Sting both lost to HHH at WM. Booker should have gone over too. Styles losing to Jericho. Vince won't put anyone over at WM that come from outside WWE.

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2 hours ago, Chris said:

Kalisto VS Ryback I missed; So I won't comment;


Same with Big Red Whore & Co. VS Team RandomDiva


The Usos were not over with the crowd at all, and The Dudley's going for the tables like faces was annoying, stupid, and totally out of character for the Heel run they've been on. Nobody at Dallas bought the Usos winning, and you could hear it all match.


Jericho VS Styles was alright, but, why? Why have AJ lose? It doesn't set up anything for the future or even HELP the future, it just makes AJ look weak. Not a great finish, but they worked their asses off. It looked like it could be Y2J's last mania.


Rock's Segment was a complete waste of time that could have allowed other matches on the card to go longer, Rock's appearances do nothing for me anymore because he comes back every 3-4 months to put over whatever movie/crap he's shilling/helping out with and then goes back to making awesome movies.


Match quality was lower than Takeover on all fronts. Joe VS Balor and Nakamura VS Zayn both had more believable brutality, weapons or not. 


I wanted to see Dean have the crap kicked out of him by Lesnar and lose, but I wanted them to sell Dean Ambrose to us alot more instead of two guys going out there and just going to work.


I wanted them to sell me Dean Ambrose and they didn't, they didn't do anything to try and get him over with fans, they just crushed him and made him look like an idiot.


No brutality, no realism, just a show for the kids, Jon Moxley is capable of alot more than what he did with Lesnar, I wanted alot more out of him.


The Women's match had a few botches that took me out of the flow - there were a few great spots, but the ending was awful, and the match itself felt like a shell of just about everything they'd done in NXT/the past. - Charlotte looked stunning, and Sasha's entrance was awkward as hell, awful singer.


New Day VS LON was a joke, especially considering Wade Barret is on his way out of the company; it was simply a nice way to give New Day a "WM Moment" with the Legends, and I had predicted/heard that they would all be there anyways, Austin not in Ring gear was a huge let down considering HBK and Mick looked ready for war.


The Battle Royal wasn't bad, but the placement of it in the show was completely wrong and didn't help momentum leading into the next match, it was great that they are using it to help build up new talent.


The IC Ladder match was also solid, with a great surprise finish, Owens VS Zayn needs to happen.


Shane VS Taker, everybody knew Shane was jumping off of the Cell, We've seen the spot before, it felt forced and the match did nothing to move any storylines, anywhere - Taker looked great though.



Triple H VS Roman ended predictably, Nobody wants to watch Little Samoan Cena with the title, He needs to do something to make his character something memorable, because as it stands, his singles run has been a complete farce, nobody buys Roman Reigns, not even alot of kids.



LOL wow!  As I said, you might as well add Dean didn't use the chainsaw to behead Lesnar to your list of complaints..  I would suggest to stop watching WWE right now, it's clearly not for you.

Edited by JV77
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